The statement comes in the wake of a media report, saying that the US is planning to spend approximately $214 million on upgrading and building military structures and installations on its air bases in Eastern Europe, Norway and Iceland as part of a “deterrence” initiative against Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry has called on the United States to withdraw nuclear weapons from European territory. “Russia returned all its nuclear weapons to its national territory. We believe that the same should have been done by the American side a long time ago,” Mikhail Ulyanov, director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the Russian Foreign Ministry, told … Continue reading

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At age 17, Aristotle enrolled in the Platonic Academy. He would stay there for 20 years. Founded by the father of Western philosophy, the Greek philosopher Plato, Aristotle was the most promising student around. He asked many questions and answered even more. The exact time of his departure from the Academy is disputed, but it’s said that he left soon after Plato died due to his dislike of the direction that it subsequently took. In the years following, he would even go on to argue against many of his late teacher’s core ideas. It’s impossible to say how much Aristotle … Continue reading

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It appears increasingly likely the Republican Congress will pass tax reform this week. As we analyze the plan, it’s important to remember – incentives matter. Details of the House/Senate compromise bill came out Friday. It features a top rate of 37% and a bottom rate of 10%. The corporate rate would drop to 21%. The standard deductions would nearly double. Individuals with existing mortgages would still be able to deduct their interest, and the compromise restored the deductibility of state income taxes up to $10,000. The plan would also eliminate the Obamacare penalty for not buying insurance. There are certainly … Continue reading

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A psychologist has revealed three tips for avoiding family arguments this Christmas. While adverts may show families gathered around the dinner table enjoying each others’ company, Christmas is a stressful time for many, particularly when they are forced to spend the day stuck indoors with relatives they would rather avoid. Nicholas Joyce, a psychologist from the University of South Florida, advises people get through the big day by first managing their expectations of how it will go. If relatives start to get under your skin, Mr Joyce recommends people either directly take control of the issue or let it go. Finally, Mr … Continue reading

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When I was a boy, cartoonist Charles Schulz introduced a new comic strip called Peanuts. Its central premise was children having the same problems as adults, and it was an instant hit. There were several recurring themes and, each autumn, the cartoonist would have his main character, Charlie Brown, attempt to fly a kite. At first all would go well, and Charlie Brown would build up his hopes, only to have them dashed when a tree would snag his kite and eat it. This theme was endlessly enjoyable, as it reflected a syndrome familiar to all adults. The cartoonist was careful … Continue reading

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The White House has openly leaked excerpts of substantial speech on national security that Donald Trump is expected to deliver later today. In the excepts that have been released, the US names China and Russia as its principle global rivals. An excerpt reads, “They are determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence”. Based on this short excerpt, it would appear that the Trump White House has adopted the neo-con lexicon which implies that countries which don’t conform to how American leaders see … Continue reading

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Every day, people are reading books, watching documentaries, and seeking help with the intention of getting to know themselves better. The rise of self-help books – increasing 13.6% from 2005 to 2008 — speaks for itself, as does the $11 billion we spend on self-improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching, and stress-management programs. We’re all working hard to scrape away bad habits we’ve carried on since childhood and new ones we’ve adopted as adults so we can better navigate the stressful lifestyles we’ve been pushed into. There are certain methods that allow us to better prepare ourselves when it comes to how we respond to everyday aggravations. We can meditate, journal, … Continue reading

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The FBI lost fingerprints taken from the rifle agents found in the Texas School Book Depository after the president was assassinated in Dallas, new files have revealed. At the time of the investigation in 1963, agents and outside experts concluded that a palm print taken from the barrel off the rifle belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald. But 15 years later in July 1978, the agency revealed that the fingerprints had gone missing in their vast archives. Dallas Police say they sent over the original fingerprints to the FBI, and that those prints were never returned to them. ‘Unable to discover … Continue reading

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What would it look like? Would you recognize it if you saw it? What would you say if I said that Draining The Swamp has already begun? What if I told you World War III has already begun? Is it possible that you might not even recognize it? I can’t definitively say what is going on. Hell, most of you know I have not been a Trump supporter. I’m of the opinion that ALL of our (s)elected leaders are vile, villainous scum that cannot be trusted and who would blame me based on the last nine years and even the … Continue reading

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There are still many people who instantly place those who question the official narrative of  9/11 within the conspiracy realm. They do this automatically, without ever investigating or questioning for themselves, simply trusting in whatever narrative is provided to them via mainstream media. This is partly due to fear — it’s easier, and more comfortable, and less frightening to believe there are enemies far from home who wish us harm than to consider that the people we chose to put in positions of great power here in our own country are manipulating us, and lying to us. It would definitely bring up some … Continue reading

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THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is considering a set of proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer — with assistance from Oliver North, a key figure in the Iran-Contra scandal — to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would circumvent official U.S. intelligence agencies, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials and others familiar with the proposals. The sources say the plans have been pitched to the White House as a means of countering “deep state” enemies in the intelligence community seeking to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency. The creation … Continue reading

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As the holidays draw near and the coldest days of the year start trickling in, the idea of warming up by the crackling flames of a picture-perfect fire is too alluring to ignore. But without the right preparation, that ideal fire can turn into a room full of smoke accompanied by nothing more than a few wispy flames. A fireplace fire operates differently than your typical campfire, so it makes sense that building one should require a few tweaks to your standard procedure. With indoor fires, it’s especially important to start with well-seasoned wood that won’t smoke you out of your … Continue reading

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There are still many people who instantly place those who question the official narrative of  9/11 within the conspiracy realm. They do this automatically, without ever investigating or questioning for themselves, simply trusting in whatever narrative is provided to them via mainstream media. This is partly due to fear — it’s easier, and more comfortable, and less frightening to believe there are enemies far from home who wish us harm than to consider that the people we chose to put in positions of great power here in our own country are manipulating us, and lying to us. It would definitely bring up some … Continue reading

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Klein is basically an investigative reporter who has written a great book on the efforts to reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election. It is an old fashioned type report based on facts with little opinion. He details how three major institutions have banded together to destroy the Trump presidency. These are the Deep State (the permanent bureaucratic government in DC), Congress, and the “streets.” There is also most of the media which acts as the propaganda department for these institutions. On Inauguration Day in 2017, the Washington Post announced that the campaign to impeach Trump had begun and … Continue reading

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