Hillary Clinton has been spotted still wearing her surgical boot two months after she fell down some stairs in her heels and broke her toe. The former Secretary of State was in Vancouver as part of her global book tour to promote her election memoir What Happened. Clinton strode out onto the stage, in a striking monochrome leather ensemble. But what was most noticeable was the bulky post-op shoe on her right foot – which she has been wearing since she took a tumble and broke her toe in October. The 70-year-old had been on the British leg of her book … Continue reading

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While busy airports tend to get all the attention around the holiday travel season, the highways and byways are actually far more trafficked. Of long-distance travelers — those going 50 miles or more — over 90% are getting to where they’re going by car. Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year’s are in fact the most heavily trafficked times of year on America’s roads. While it’s wonderful that folks are traveling to spend time with friends and family, it’s also an unfortunate time of year to be on the roads in certain parts of the country. Icy streets and snowstorms can quickly change … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—It’s been a rough year for stump speaking in general, but let’s make a resolution for 2018: We need to start listening to these White Pride guys in the polo shirts and khaki pants. And we need to start arresting the Antifa thugs. Liberals and conservatives alike should agree that the pattern of these events over the past year has become obvious and odious: The Alt-Right announces a rally, demonstration or speakers program. Their enemies organize a campaign to “disrupt” the event. That’s the word they use. It’s not counter-programming, it’s an attempt to shut them down. If it … Continue reading

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Over time as our lives have become busier and busier our table manners have gone by the wayside, according to one expert. Zarife Hardy, the founder of the Australian School of Etiquette, has specialised in etiquette for over 25 years and has shared with FEMAIL the rules we should follow. She explained that the likes of Meghan Markle and Princess Mary of Denmark have undergone intensive etiquette training themselves to change their accents, how they hold themselves and their wardrobe. ‘Even royalty has to follow these basic rules of etiquette and table manners,’ she told Daily Mail Australia. FIRST IMPRESSIONS Instant Access to Current … Continue reading

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The new year is almost here! If it’s anything like the rollercoaster that was 2017, you’ll need some enjoyable cinema to help you decompress after a long day of calling your local politicians. That means watching some damn good films while you’re on hold. Netflix is here to serve up a variety of original content in addition to some classic cinema perfect for kicking off your 2018 resolution to watch the top 100 IMDb films. Just make sure you check out the shows and films Netflix is dropping from its lineup before you miss out. The Highlights Netflix is kicking … Continue reading

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Conservatives often seem to resist reading fiction, preferring fact-laden books on history, philosophy, or economics.  Similarly, conservatives are more likely to recommend the latest book by Mark Levin or Ann Coulter, or a philosophical evergreen by Thomas Sowell or Milton Friedman, than a work of fiction. Yet fiction can be a powerful tool in advancing ideas, as the left well understands.  Fiction can entertain and outrage, trigger sympathy or revulsion, provoke pity or pride, thus allowing the political or moral point to be absorbed by the reader indirectly. To that end, this writer humbly submits ten books that can be … Continue reading

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From the print edtion of The New American The Progressive Era, by Murray N. Rothbard, Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute, 2017, 539 pages, paperback. The late Murray Rothbard was an advocate of liberty, having learned under the great professor Ludwig von Mises, the namesake of the publisher of this book. Rothbard was a prolific writer, and this work was unpublished at the time of his death in 1995. Fortunately, the Mises Institute has shared this masterpiece with the rest of us. I first heard of Rothbard in 1976 when I purchased his book America’s Great Depression. In it, he provided me with an … Continue reading

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Infowars.com has learned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigators had discovered bombshell evidence that the CIA and or other government entities illegally hacked into Hawaii Department of Health records searching for birth records on Barack Obama. According to information received by the investigators, the government breaches began on Nov. 14, 2008, just after Obama won his first presidential election, and continued until Jan. 12, 2011, three months before the White House released a computer version of what President Obama claimed was his authentic “Long-Form Birth Certificate” from 1961. Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator … Continue reading

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Even the sharpest among us occasionally turn to our computer’s spell check function when tapping out a lengthy word – but could you pass a spelling test aimed at high school students?  A tricky new quiz shared by Playbuzz puts your basic spelling skills to the test, using 19 of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language.  The test, designed for high school students, presents the player with 19 sentences  – each with a missing word – and tasks the player with choosing the correctly spelled word to insert from two options provided.  And while it might look straightforward, the … Continue reading

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Nick Giambruno’s Note: I recently spoke with my friend and colleague Chris Lowe about China’s new alternative financial system—and how it could mortally wound the US dollar. It was such an important discussion that I had to pass it along. Chris is the editor of Bonner & Partners’ Inner Circle. His publication shares insights from Bill Bonner’s personal global network of analysts and investment experts. Using force to compel people to accept money without real value can only work in the short run. It ultimately leads to economic dislocation, both domestic and international, and always ends with a price to be paid. – … Continue reading

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A brilliant and alarming book, beautifully written by America’s greatest whistle blower. Before the Pentagon Papers, before Watergate, before his involvement as an advisor in Viet Nam, Daniel Ellsberg worked in the U. S. national security system as a nuclear planner. It’s a memoir of that time, of the still classified policies of nuclear strategy, and of the secret, often reckless protocols that had been developed for their implementation. Much of the information and revelations in this book has never been exposed in previous memoirs by the principals of the period nor in subsequent histories. This makes it a history … Continue reading

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The National Rifle Association (NRA), which fancies itself a champion of the Second Amendment and gun rights, is nowhere to be found as state governments are moving to confiscate firearms from medical marijuana patients. Police in Honolulu, Hawaii, recently sent out a letter to 30 medical cannabis patients warning them they had 30 days to hand over their guns. When medical cannabis becomes legal in Ohio in 2018, patients will not be permitted to own or possess firearms. Similar restrictions have been imposed in California and Oregon despite state policy, and they are not new. In 2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive issued a warning … Continue reading

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Winter brings about erratic weather patterns and chances are that we may be caught in them while we are driving. Having an emergency kit in our vehicles will help to ensure our basic needs are met. Changing the items in your kit to reflect the seasonal changes will help you better prepare for unpredictable weather. Those that live in northern climates will find themselves dealing with winter-related issues with their vehicles more so than in southern climates, but we should all prepare for emergencies in our vehicles. Some of these supplies may save your life. Collapsible shovel Windshield scraper and small broom … Continue reading

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William Binney is a former high ranking intelligence official with the National Security Agency (NSA). He is one of the highest placed intelligence officials to ever blow the whistle on insider NSA ‘knowings.’ He made headlines when he resigned in 2001 after 9/11, having worked more than thirty years for the agency. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold war, and was repelled by the United States’ massive surveillance programs. He’s had quite the go, starting in 2002 when he let the public know of a system ( ‘trailblazer’) intended to analyze data carried on … Continue reading

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