William Binney is a former high ranking intelligence official with the National Security Agency (NSA). He is one of the highest placed intelligence officials to ever blow the whistle on insider NSA ‘knowings.’ He made headlines when he resigned in 2001 after 9/11, having worked more than thirty years for the agency. He was a leading code-breaker against the Soviet Union during the Cold war, and was repelled by the United States’ massive surveillance programs. He’s had quite the go, starting in 2002 when he let the public know of a system ( ‘trailblazer’) intended to analyze data carried on … Continue reading

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Winter brings about erratic weather patterns and chances are that we may be caught in them while we are driving. Having an emergency kit in our vehicles will help to ensure our basic needs are met. Changing the items in your kit to reflect the seasonal changes will help you better prepare for unpredictable weather. Those that live in northern climates will find themselves dealing with winter-related issues with their vehicles more so than in southern climates, but we should all prepare for emergencies in our vehicles. Some of these supplies may save your life. Collapsible shovel Windshield scraper and small broom … Continue reading

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World Mercury Project gets questions about the number of vaccines given to young children in America today. Different articles cite different numbers and the totals can be confusing. This article and chart are designed to clarify the vaccine schedule and explain why the numbers may not always “add up.”  To be accurate, wording about total numbers of vaccines should include phrases like, “may receive up to” or “typically” or “between X and Y” number of vaccines. The individual numbers for any given child will vary depending on the specific vaccines used in his pediatrician’s practice or clinic. Antigen Totals To … Continue reading

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Daniel Ellsberg – America’s most famous whistleblower, the former military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers which helped end the Vietnam war – has just published a book revealing that he was also one of the main nuclear war planners for the United States in the 1960s. Ellsberg said in an interview this morning that the U.S.  had plans for a first strike on every city in Russia and China … and that numerous field-level commanders had the power to start nuclear Armageddon: [Interviewer] So, you made copies of top-secret reports for plans about nuclear war years before you copied the Pentagon … Continue reading

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Daniel Ellsberg – America’s most famous whistleblower, the former military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers which helped end the Vietnam war – has just published a book revealing that he was also one of the main nuclear war planners for the United States in the 1960s. Ellsberg said in an interview this morning that the U.S.  had plans for a first strike on every city in Russia and China … and that numerous field-level commanders had the power to start nuclear Armageddon: [Interviewer] So, you made copies of top-secret reports for plans about nuclear war years before you copied the Pentagon … Continue reading

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Volumes can be, and have been, on how Abraham Lincoln was far from the president or the man that history (written by the winners in the North) claims he is. But the funny thing is, the point can be made without narrative from historians. The point can be made, and amply, with Lincoln’s own words. Edited and with commentary by Lochlainn Seabrook, The Unquotable Abraham Lincoln does exactly that. With chapters on the REAL Lincolnian motives of the Civil War, his views on slavery, his Fedcentric political attitudes, his surprising opinions about black and white culture, and more, Seabrook has … Continue reading

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I could swear that it was only last week that my family and I celebrated the New Year, welcoming in 2017. How is it possible that we are talking gift guides, cold weather, and the biggest holiday season of all? In my last year’s gift guide, you can read my recommendations here (they’re still all great gifts), my suggestions were all over the place from fleece-lined tights to my favorite LED flashlight! This year, my list is a little more organized, and I think there’s something here for just about everybody. These are products I have personally used and fell in love … Continue reading

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What’s in a name? If you’re a dog, a clue into your pet parents’ favorite movies, television shows, and musicians, apparently. Rover.com, the country’s largest online network of dog walkers and pet sitters, has just revealed the most popular dog names of the year. While the majority of those names follow (human) baby-naming trends—11 of the top 20 names are also among the top 100 baby names—pop culture also plays a big part in the moniker pet parents bestow upon their four-legged furballs. How else would one explain the increasing popularity of names like Barb and Eleven, or Khaleesi, Arya, and … Continue reading

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“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.” –Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”. Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarian undertaking”. While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and … Continue reading

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Scientists have captured a mysterious hum coming from deep inside the Earth, but they are still no closer to working out what it is. It has long been known that the Earth constantly generates a low-frequency vibrational signal. The first attempt to detect this hum was made in 1959, but it wasn’t until 1998 that scientists finally proved its existence. Since then, there have been hundreds of attempts to record the Earth’s hum, but they have all been made using seismometers on land. Now researchers have captured the hum for the first time using seismic instruments at the bottom of … Continue reading

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The fallacious facade of quasi-attorney general Mueller’s “investigation” is crumbling by the minute, revealing ugly truths and the stench of a political persecution at its worst. We learn more every day that Mueller’s team consists of corrupt Clinton cronies, donors, and sycophants; the poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct — Andrew Weissmann, former Clinton lawyer Jeanie Rhee, and “never-Trumpers” whose blatant biases have tainted this investigation — “investigation” — from its inception. Their own conflicts of interest are so palpable, the prosecution so selective, and the process so corrupt, that all charges brought to date should be dismissed and the debacle ended. … Continue reading

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Following Benjamin Franklin’s saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” you can bolster your chances to avoid the headaches of cold and flu season by an intake of Vitamin C.  Every article I have written on supplements I have included the caveat of asking your friendly family physician for permission.  This is not to cover my backside (although it does help), but because there are many people who may have underlying health problems that do not permit the use of certain supplements.  If you fall into that category, then check before you indulge. That being said, … Continue reading

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“It is a vaccine that’s been highly marketed, the benefits are over-hyped, and the dangers are underestimated” – Dr Christopher Shaw from the University of British Colombia. (Take from the One More Girl documentary). In Australia in the 1960s, children were given a total of five vaccines from early childhood to adolescence. Fast forward to 2017, and the full schedule includes over 50 injections. And the list of new vaccines keeps growing. How many vaccines are enough? What is it going to take to put an end to this dated science that is making our children so sick? In the near future I will … Continue reading

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The New York Times reported yesterday that special counsel Robert Mueller removed FBI agent Peter Strzok from his investigative team because Strzok was anti-Trump. Joe Hoft examines the Mueller, FBI agent firing, noting that the firing of an anti-Trump agent doesn’t make much sense given that Mueller’s entire investigative team is anti-Trump. What’s really behind the firing of FBI agent Peter Strzok? The New York Times reported… The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, removed a top F.B.I. agent from his investigation into Russian election meddling after the Justice Department’s inspector general began examining whether the agent had sent text messages that expressed anti-Trump political views, according to three people … Continue reading

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“The heart of his breakfast was a plentitude of sourdough biscuits, which he cooked in a Dutch oven out in the backyard. His pot dough had been perking along happily for over ten years, and the first thing he did upon rising was check it out. The rest of the breakfast was secondary, just a matter of whacking off a few slabs of bacon and frying a panful of pullet eggs.” —Lonesome Dove I recently had the immense pleasure of reading Larry McMurtry’s epic and masterful Lonesome Dove. I have to agree with Brett, my grandfather-in-law, and many others who note … Continue reading

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