“The heart of his breakfast was a plentitude of sourdough biscuits, which he cooked in a Dutch oven out in the backyard. His pot dough had been perking along happily for over ten years, and the first thing he did upon rising was check it out. The rest of the breakfast was secondary, just a matter of whacking off a few slabs of bacon and frying a panful of pullet eggs.” —Lonesome Dove I recently had the immense pleasure of reading Larry McMurtry’s epic and masterful Lonesome Dove. I have to agree with Brett, my grandfather-in-law, and many others who note … Continue reading

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Baiae was an ancient resort on the west coast of Italy that largely disappeared beneath the waves 1,700 years ago. The town in Naples was the resort of choice for the Roman super-rich and became notorious for its sprawling mansions. It was a place synonymous with luxury and wickedness, historians claim – a wine-soaked party town. But as the centuries passed, much of it was lost to the sea as volcanic activity caused the coastline to retreat 400m inland. Now the site in modern-day Italy has been rediscovered and opened to divers – who found many treasures still intact. Photographer … Continue reading

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You might have the palette of a discerning diner, but what do you do if you can’t pronounce the items on the menu? Thankfully, FEMAIL is here to help. Language learning app, Babbel, has compiled a list of the seven most commonly-mispronounced items on a menu, revealing the correct way to say each. So how many do you get right? 1. Take the bruschetta, followed by a serve of gnocchi: They’re popular in Italian cuisine and eateries around the world, and while many people will be partial to ordering bruschetta – or crispy grilled bread topped with garlic and drizzled with … Continue reading

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The New York Times reported yesterday that special counsel Robert Mueller removed FBI agent Peter Strzok from his investigative team because Strzok was anti-Trump. Joe Hoft examines the Mueller, FBI agent firing, noting that the firing of an anti-Trump agent doesn’t make much sense given that Mueller’s entire investigative team is anti-Trump. What’s really behind the firing of FBI agent Peter Strzok? The New York Times reported… The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, removed a top F.B.I. agent from his investigation into Russian election meddling after the Justice Department’s inspector general began examining whether the agent had sent text messages that expressed anti-Trump political views, according to three people … Continue reading

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Nothing can destroy a pleasant dining experience faster than an uncomfortable case of heartburn.  While most people reach for over-the-counter remedies or prescription medications to reduce the discomfort caused by heartburn, these often only offer temporary relief, and chronic use of these drugs can lead to other health problems in the long-term. As a safer approach, start by trying these natural antacids and methods instead, to help you experience better digestion and to start enjoying your favorite foods again. The Misery of Heartburn Heartburn is a common, unpleasant condition that millions of people suffer from.  It occurs when acid from the stomach … Continue reading

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Hopefully, our readers will not suffer indigestion of their holiday meals or have a damper placed upon the holiday largesse of gift-giving and happy moments.  After all, a potential nuclear war or EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack should never interfere with the memories being collected in the new pages of the scrapbook album.  Still, if you have the time to tear yourself away from the “holiday treadmill,” you may wish to consider taking some actions that may benefit you later on. Gathering supplies is one of the hallmarks of the modern prepper and survivalist.  We are going to suggest a few … Continue reading

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What you’ll learn in this film you won’t learn in school… this is perhaps one of the greatest tricks of the elite. Convincing us we are learning what we think is ultimate truth when in reality much of the time they are careful lies. Two conspiracies that are about as big and a globally important as the extraterrestrial coverup are the JFK assassination and what happened in NYC on 9/11. Examining the utter lies of 9/11 and creating media about it has awoken millions and millions of people to the truth of how our world really works behind the curtain. This has … Continue reading

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Anyone who says talk is cheap hasn’t tried getting President Trump to talk with his North Korean counterpart, Kim Jong Un. Not even the specter of a war that could kill millions of people on the Korean peninsula, Japan and now even the continental United States seems sufficient to push the two leaders into negotiations. Both sides insist on unacceptable preconditions before they will even consider holding formal talks to reach a peaceful settlement. Successful negotiations might end Washington’s economic sanctions and military preparations against North Korea, but Pyongyang demands that outcome before it even starts talks. Two weeks ago, … Continue reading

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Review by Stanley: Even as an undergraduate I wondered, “Why weren’t the aircraft carriers at Pearl Harbor?” Stinnett answers that and details the American plan to force Japan to make the first strike. I have never seen a better documented book! This is primary historical research at its best. When you are done with the book you will see the start of the Second World War in a different light. And, just to be sure, the book isn’t necessarily anti-Roosevelt. Perhaps the most interesting part for me was the review of American efforts to make sure the coming attack was … Continue reading

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It’s been a tough year for the US and according to Detox.net, an online resource for alcohol abuse treatment programs, Washington, DC, might be taking it the hardest: the capital city ranks number one in the entire country for its percentage of heavy drinkers. The study was based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. It found that 11.1 percent of district adults are “heavy drinkers,” which the study defines as men who drink more than two drinks and women who drink more than one daily. Vermont followed closely behind DC at 9.1 percent, while Wisconsin ranked at 8.9 percent, Maine at 8.6 percent and … Continue reading

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Have you seen the film Eyes Wide Shut? If so, you may recognize some of what you are about to see. In part, the film chronicles a man named Bill Harford who discovers an elite secret society and the type of behaviours they exhibit during their “parties.” Certainly there is much more to the film, but this is the important note when looking at the photos you are about to see below. Many believe that Kubrick was trying to warn the world about the occult elite and its depraved ways with the film Eyes Wide Shut as he would have had access to … Continue reading

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Michael Flynn’s cooperation with the Russia probe seemed to unnerve President Donald Trump on Saturday night, and he lashed out at the FBI for ‘destroying’ the ex-adviser’s life. ‘So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times… and nothing happens to her?’ Trump wrote. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices ‘Rigged system, or just a double standard?’ Trump complained that Flynn’s ‘life is destroyed’ by his FBI lies, while Clinton ‘lies many times’ during her interrogation by the FBI into her email … Continue reading

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The U.S. Navy (and to be frank, the whole U.S. military) is living in a state of total denial. In the next great powers war, or perhaps even in a conflict with a mid-tier power like Iran, at least one of our aircraft carriers will sink to the bottom of the sea. That means thousands of lives could be lost—and there would be very little we could do to stop it. We need to get used to a very simple reality: the decades-old age of the aircraft carrier, that great symbol of U.S. power projection, has now passed. We can … Continue reading

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Professor Charles W. Kingsfield Jr. announces his mission statement to his first-year contracts class at Harvard Law School. You teach yourselves the law, but I train your mind. You come in here with a skull full of mush; you leave thinking like a lawyer. Kingsfield is a fictional character, from the novel, 1973 movie, and television series The Paper Chase. John Houseman, as Kingsfield, had as memorable a voice and almost as fearsome a demeanor as Darth Vader, who would appear four years after The Paper Chase movie. Houseman won an Academy Award and became the spokesman for Smith Barney, stating its tag … Continue reading

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in America for people over the age of 45. Our vision naturally declines as we age, but for some, it can get so bad that performing everyday tasks becomes a challenge. Other common eye diseases that can occur when aging include cataracts and glaucoma, and if left untreated, they can also ultimately lead to blindness. It’s important that you take the necessary steps to prevent these eye diseases from occurring so you don’t sacrifice your vision and can continue to live a healthy life. For this reason, we compiled a list … Continue reading

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