A clerk at a Georgia convenience store is the latest example of a clerk successfully using a firearm in self-defense while at work. The Douglasville store is located in a bit of a bad neighborhood, apparently, so the clerk on duty was ready when a man entered the store with a gun. A store clerk shot an armed robber at a Douglasville, Ga., Chevron gas station. Located at 6590 E. Broad St./Bankhead Highway, the store clerk called 911 and told the dispatcher that the suspect pointed a handgun at him. The store clerk retrieved his own gun and shot the suspect … Continue reading

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Michael Flynn’s cooperation with the Russia probe seemed to unnerve President Donald Trump on Saturday night, and he lashed out at the FBI for ‘destroying’ the ex-adviser’s life. ‘So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton, on that now famous FBI holiday “interrogation” with no swearing in and no recording, lies many times… and nothing happens to her?’ Trump wrote. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices ‘Rigged system, or just a double standard?’ Trump complained that Flynn’s ‘life is destroyed’ by his FBI lies, while Clinton ‘lies many times’ during her interrogation by the FBI into her email … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Communism is better than capitalism. At least, that’s what a growing number of young people in the U.S. think. I wish I were joking. But a recent study from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, found that half of the millennials it surveyed would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist society. And 22% of those surveyed had favorable views of Karl Marx… while 13% viewed Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong-un as “heroes.” To figure out what’s behind this disturbing trend, I called Doug Casey… Buy Silver at Discounted Prices Justin: So Doug, … Continue reading

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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is an old house, and it’s constantly in need of repairs, plumbers and exterminators. A list of work orders processed by maintenance crews at the White House shows roaches in the staff kitchen, mice in the Situation Room, leaks in the ceilings and a broken toilet seat in the president’s private restroom. NBC4 in Washington obtained the repair list via a Freedom On Information Act request. ‘WW NM pest control to treat for cockroaches in the dining rooms,’ reads one work order. That’s a reference to the West Wing’s Navy Mess, a wood-paneled restaurant in the White House … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, was founded by a minister in order to train other ministers. Just like Harvard and Princeton. The difference is that Harvard and Princeton are both listed on all the “best universities in the world” rankings, and Liberty always has an asterisk next to its name. And I understand the reason why. As the definition of “university” expanded over the past four centuries, we decided that it should be all about academic freedom, inclusion, open-mindedness, and a willingness to look out into the world and study everything—not just the limited concerns of the founders. And … Continue reading

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It is no secret that the last couple decades saw an abrupt increase in the number of private military companies or private security contractors (the so-called PMCs), the overall budgets of some of which can easily surpass the military budgets of certain sovereign states. The turning point in the creation of those companies occurred in 1995 during the military operations conducted by the Armed Forces of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina against the Serbian troops, when the right to carry on hostilities was outsourced by a number of security contractor firms. There can be no second opinion about Washington’s being the most adept … Continue reading

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A must read and a very dangerous book, which is high praise. Long time classroom teacher and NY City and State Teacher of the Year Gatto is prophetic in the true sense of the word: he criticizes the status quo and energizes us to develop a better future for educating our children. He reveals the dysfunctionality behind mass schooling, which is more a mass jobs project than an inspiring means by which to instill a body of knowledge, far less stoke creativity, curiosity, and inspiration. He makes an supremely convincing case for LESS school, not more and reveals the destructive … Continue reading

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Every week two or three freighters disappear around the world – it’s thought they could be claimed by huge “rogue waves” capable of breaking an ocean-going tanker in half. Sputnik spoke to author Jo Keeling, who has been researching them for a new book. Shipbuilders use a linear model to build ships and it explains how waves work, Ms. Keeling told Sputnik. The model, however, says rogue waves are impossible and don’t exist. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts “There are no ships currently built to withstand these waves, because we have only just started to realize rogue waves exist. … Continue reading

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It was 1974, Xi’an, China and one of the most phenomenal archaeological discoveries ever occurred.  It was the moment when more than 8000 full scale warriors cast of clay were reintroduced to the world after hiding for over two millennia.  The vast army in waiting would become known as the ‘ Terracotta Army’. The warriors themselves were skillfully sculpted from clay. It was not until almost three decades after the initial discovery that research revealed that the weapons the army had been provided with were real and not replicas. What’s more, they were state of the art, with the crossbows being … Continue reading

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Survivors of the deadliest nightclub fire in US history gathered on Saturday with families of the victims killed in the decades-old Boston blaze to share their stories of how they escaped the horror of the blaze. Tuesday will mark the 75th anniversary of the November 28, 1942, fire at the former Cocoanut Grove club that claimed the lives of 492 people. An estimated 1,000 people were in the building at the time. Two survivors, Joyce S. Mekelburg, 93, of Brockton, and Marshall Cole, 92, who escaped the blaze joined former Boston Mayor Raymond Flynn and others at the Revere Hotel on … Continue reading

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The Budwig Protocol is our most recommended anti-cancer therapy; although other effective alternatives exist. We covered the best of them in detail within our documentary, The Cancer Report. What follows is a brief listing of the natural anti-cancer therapies which we consider to be the safest and most effective. Essiac tea Vitamin B-17 (laetrile) Oxygen/ozone therapy possibly including intravenous hydrogen peroxide High-dose vitamin C therapy The Hoxsey Regimen Gerson Protocol Most cancer patients react with panic upon learning of their diagnosis. This panicked reaction enables doctors to convince patients to do almost anything, including poisoning themselves with radiation. After years of having received … Continue reading

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Are you one of those people who wake up and already look forward to your afternoon nap? Don’t be ashamed, sleep is a beautiful thing. Some of us can’t get through a day without a nap just because we are so busy and left exhausted. For others, we nap simply out of boredom. Although napping feels good, is it good for our health? Depending on who you ask, you will receive a different answer. Some big companies are so convinced that naps help improve productivity that they give their employees naptime. Buy Silver at Discounted Prices Sleep research expert at … Continue reading

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Shoeshine boys in airports ‘round the world must be whispering about Bitcoin as the crypto-currency coils upward to tickle the $10,000 line. Ethereum’s roaring up, too, along with most other cryptos, from Byteball Bytes to Tattoocoin (Limited Edition). Whatever else you think about it, this action is sending a message, perhaps several. One would be Get Rich Quick, of course. Eight months ago, you could have copped Bitcoin for a mere $1000, and around Labor Day it touched $5000, which seemed, well, figment-ish. In the last two weeks it went all out hockey-stick, doubling. To a certain sort of mind this must seem … Continue reading

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Shoeshine boys in airports ‘round the world must be whispering about Bitcoin as the crypto-currency coils upward to tickle the $10,000 line. Ethereum’s roaring up, too, along with most other cryptos, from Byteball Bytes to Tattoocoin (Limited Edition). Whatever else you think about it, this action is sending a message, perhaps several. One would be Get Rich Quick, of course. Eight months ago, you could have copped Bitcoin for a mere $1000, and around Labor Day it touched $5000, which seemed, well, figment-ish. In the last two weeks it went all out hockey-stick, doubling. To a certain sort of mind this must seem … Continue reading

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In September 2017, a mainstream publisher, Pegasus Books, released a massive volume on Yale’s secret societies entitled “Skulls and Keys: The Hidden History of Yale’s Secret Societies.” Written by David Alan Richards, one of America’s top real estate attorneys, it is the most comprehensive work yet written on Yale’s senior secret societies. With 821 pages and 1135 footnotes, it is also the most detailed work on the subject available. The book is particularly significant because David Alan Richards is a member of Skull and Bones. Plus, Richards, according to the New York Times, personally tapped George W. Bush for Skull and Bones.Richards does not mention … Continue reading

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