We’d all like to think we’d fare well in an intelligence test – but this fiendishly difficult quiz has proved too tricky for even the brainboxes among us.  The new IQ test from Playbuzz has a mixture of language and maths-based questions sure to test your all-round mental abilities. In fact, according to the creators of the quiz, only one per cent of people who have taken the test so far have managed to get more than 4 out of 7 answers right.  Those who score highly on the test tend to have a long attention span and can grasp mathematical concepts … Continue reading

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Tens of millions of dollars have gone to the Clinton Foundation, and tens of millions more to the ex-president in the form of speaking fees from around the world. Both fundings have primarily come from foreign governments and businessmen, and quite often are temporally associated with deals involving U.S. actions that benefit the donors and required approvals from our government. It has long been illegal for foreigners to contribute to U.S. political campaigns. Yet, that hasn’t deterred the Clintons from this parallel practice. Further, the amounts of these donations, per Schweizer, are often far larger than allowable campaign contributions. Thus, … Continue reading

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Some evenings I sit on the sofa in the family room with my teenage daughter and watch a TV program with her. I leave the choice of the show to her, it matters little to me, and when she finds something she likes she sits next to me, puts her head on my shoulder, and snuggles up for the hour it takes to watch whatever it is she’s chosen. It’s our time. Occasionally we’ll sneak in another twenty or thirty minutes to the objection of her mother but I like my time with her so I put up with the … Continue reading

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A letter newly released from the FBI’s archives may prove that DB Cooper – the 1971 hijacker last seen leaping out of a plane with a fortune in cash – survived his apparent death. The letter, which was sent 17 days after the hijacking appears to contain information that was not released into the public domain until 13 years later. If that’s the case it might reveal not only that Cooper lived to tell the tale of his extraordinary heist, but that the FBI covered it up to hide their embarrassment at his escape, the leader of a team of … Continue reading

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 British scientists are developing an immune therapy based on blood cells from patients who have made “miracle” recoveries from the disease. They believe they have found a way to extract the cancer-killing immune cells from donor blood and then multiply them by the million. The team at King’s College London say they are excited by early results of lab tests. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices It could signal not only better treatment for cancer but also one day a possible cure. Cancer research bodies in the UK described the breakthrough last night as “very promising”. The therapy involves neutrophil … Continue reading

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Through its top official, Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), Saudi Arabia continues a wave of internal arrests, having seized nearly $800 billion in assets and bank accounts. A few days later, MBS attempted to demonstrate his authority by summoning Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to Saudi Arabia, where he was forced to resign on Saudi state TV. Trump tweeted support for Bin Salman’s accusations against Iran and Hezbollah, and the future Saudi king even obtained Israel’s secret support. Iran, meanwhile, denies any involvement in Lebanon’s domestic affairs or involvement with the ballistic missile launched by Houthi rebels towards Riyadh’s King … Continue reading

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“My biggest flaw and strength,” says James Damore, “may be that I see things very differently than normal.” This simple sentence reveals the essence of our fraying social fabric. For Damore’s “strength”—his rare ability to think for himself and exercise independent judgment—naturally leads to conflict with the majority, who, in their stupidity and weakness, must deem his virtue a “flaw,” a sign that he is not “normal.” For most people—those bundles of herd affect—“truth,” as they can understand it, is nothing but a means for their personal interests, which are mostly material and, beyond that, trivial. Hence their utter inability to understand … Continue reading

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How do you survive if you become trapped in your vehicle during a blizzard? With winter fast approaching, this is a good question. The last few years have seen unseasonably cold and snowy winters in the U.S. Along with sustained cold temperatures, many regions experienced blizzard conditions including heavy snowfall and accumulation, combined with strong winds. Numerous areas were affected, including thousands of miles of roads ranging from major commuter highways down to narrow, twisty mountain roads. This became a recipe for motorists getting stuck in their vehicles during these tough weather conditions and they did. Blizzards and winter storms are generally forecast by our nation’s weather … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—Let’s all dogpile on the Electoral College. It’s undemocratic, it’s outdated, it’s un-American. The New York Times (surprise, surprise) believes it should be abolished and we should go to a straight-up popular vote. Because (this is the part they don’t tell you when they make this argument)… Screw Wyoming. Screw Vermont. Screw Arkansas. Screw Rhode Island. Screw Delaware. How could the concerns of those little pipsqueak states matter when the massive voting blocs of the Upper West Side and West Hollywood and Nob Hill and the South Side of Chicago are saying, “You people go back to your bass boats and … Continue reading

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The survey, carried out in the coalition talks breakdown, makes worrying reading for Angela Merkel. While Mrs Merkel said yesterday she wanted to stand again in any new snap election the German people appear to be turned off by the prospect. Of those polled, 54 per cent said she should not run for office, according to the polling institute Civey for t-online.de. Only 38.5 percent of Germans would welcome a renewed candidacy of the chancellor. A breakdown of those views saw Mrs Merkel pick up 76.2 per cent support amongst the supporters of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Christian … Continue reading

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Abraham Lincoln was the best U.S. President, motivated by a patriotic and Christian desire to preserve the union of states and free the slaves. At least that is what modern textbooks suggest. There is a bigger story to the 16th President of the United States than the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. A whitewashed version of the man is all that we learned about him in school. It is what our children and grandchildren are still being taught. Public school districts and universities have been dutifully parroting that the Southern states of Lincoln’s era had a perverse culture, while … Continue reading

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He received a prestigious award from the West Point Association of Graduates. He published a “runaway” bestselling autobiography. Last February, a lavishly produced book celebrating his paintings of Americans who served in the military was, as Time put it, “burning up the Amazon charts.” Still, the liberal media wasn’t ready to embrace George W. Bush — not at least until he made some oblique criticisms of the current tenant of his old position, suggesting that, in the present political climate, “bigotry seems emboldened.” Seems? Have you been to Charlottesville lately, Mr. Bush? The former president was less tentative on the main subject of his address to a conference … Continue reading

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The recently released batch of files related to the Kennedy assassination includes a curious document revealing secret plans by the US government to purchase or build Soviet aircraft for the purpose of staging false flag attacks on the US or its allies, thus giving Washington the pretext it needed to go to war with Moscow or its allies. According to the partially declassified document, a March 22, 1962 meeting attended by the Special Group Augmented (SGA), a high-level Kennedy administration committee charged with overthrowing the Cuban government, included a discussion on the different possibilities for obtaining Soviet planes. The SGA group, which formally included Attorney General … Continue reading

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I’m a man. There, I’ve said it. At the risk of offending the world’s increasing army of hypersensitive PC-crazed snowflakes, I am proudly and unapologetically identifying as a male. I realise that for some people, this admission alone is currently tantamount to having me fired, arrested and possibly publicly executed. Think I’m being ridiculous? Think again. Last night, popular US Teen Vogue writer Emily Lindin tweeted this to her 22,000 followers: ‘Here’s an unpopular opinion. I’m not actually at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.’ Buy Silver at Discounted Prices So yes, for … Continue reading

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Card games have been around for a long time. They’ve existed in various forms for a millennium, having been invented in the Far East. From there, they came West with trading, and in the 1400s the French solidified the 52-card deck and the four suits — spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds — that we use today. While different cultures and nations use different sets of cards, that system is the most widely used around the world. For literally centuries now, friends, families, and strangers have convened around bar tops, campfires, and dining room tables to play friendly and perhaps not-so-friendly games of cards. … Continue reading

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