I’m a man. There, I’ve said it. At the risk of offending the world’s increasing army of hypersensitive PC-crazed snowflakes, I am proudly and unapologetically identifying as a male. I realise that for some people, this admission alone is currently tantamount to having me fired, arrested and possibly publicly executed. Think I’m being ridiculous? Think again. Last night, popular US Teen Vogue writer Emily Lindin tweeted this to her 22,000 followers: ‘Here’s an unpopular opinion. I’m not actually at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.’ Buy Silver at Discounted Prices So yes, for … Continue reading

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Card games have been around for a long time. They’ve existed in various forms for a millennium, having been invented in the Far East. From there, they came West with trading, and in the 1400s the French solidified the 52-card deck and the four suits — spades, clubs, hearts, and diamonds — that we use today. While different cultures and nations use different sets of cards, that system is the most widely used around the world. For literally centuries now, friends, families, and strangers have convened around bar tops, campfires, and dining room tables to play friendly and perhaps not-so-friendly games of cards. … Continue reading

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Killer robots capable of using facial recognition before slaughtering people ‘will be devastating to humankind’, a top professor warned. Professor Stuart Russell, a leading artificial intelligence (AI) expert at the University of California, said allowing machines to kill humans would endanger freedom and security. He remarked on the chilling vision following an appearance at the end of a short film which explores how AI could be used to take out targeted individuals. The film, entitled Slaughterbots , shows a dystopian future where tiny drones are programmed to carry out mass killings. It was shown at a United Nations summit that heard stark … Continue reading

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Unfortunately, everyone’s least favorite season is upon us—cold and flu season. It’s those few months where everyone around you is sniffling, coughing, or sneezing. Everywhere you turn, someone is fighting something and you’re on the defense to ensure you don’t catch what they are giving out. The problem with cold and flu season is that those pesky germs are invisible to the eye, and so unknowingly to you, you are allowing those germs to enter your body and temporarily take over leaving you feeling sick and miserable. As precautionary methods, you wash your hands more, cover your nose and mouth … Continue reading

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A study at Coventry and Aberystwyth universities in the United Kingdom, published in Feminist Media Studies in August, drew a completely unremarkable conclusion; women (and gay men) are attracted to men with muscles and money. That this has been true throughout human history appears to have escaped the feminist researchers.  And therein lies the real story.  The feminists believe that women should be attracted to emotionally engaged men who may be awkward around women but exhibit the politically correct attitude. Newsweek: The “guy candy” posted on the website were mostly white men – despite London being a multicultural city – indicating that white male privilege … Continue reading

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This is a headline I’ve been waiting to write for six years.  German Chancellor Emeritus Angela Merkel can’t put a bad coalition together.  This is the result of an election that saw populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) rise and the Social Democrats, led by Soros-stooge Martin Schultz, fall. Now the Free Democrats (FDP), led by Christian Lidner, understand just how strong their position is.  They don’t have to make a bad deal with Merkel to get a seat at the table only to have to share it with the ideologically-opposite Greens.  They can force a re-vote, see their standing rise, along with … Continue reading

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For most of us numeracy tests are a distant memory, so you may need to swot up before taking on this tricky quiz. The new test shared by Playbuzz challenges your knowledge of maths, and only a select few will make it to the end unaided. The quiz’s creator, Michael Rodgers, claims just three per cent of the population will be able to ace his test without the help of a calculator. The 15 sums include multiplication, subtraction, percentages and division – taking you straight back to childhood maths lessons. Think you’re smart enough to pass? Scroll down to take the test. … Continue reading

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The Origins Of The Retirement Plan Back during the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress promised a monthly lifetime income to soldiers who fought and survived the conflict. This guaranteed income stream, called a “pension”, was again offered to soldiers in the Civil War and every American war since. Since then, similar pension promises funded from public coffers expanded to cover retirees from other branches of government. States and cities followed suit — extending pensions to all sorts of municipal workers ranging from policemen to politicians, teachers to trash collectors. A pension is what’s referred to as a defined benefit plan. The … Continue reading

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After getting thoroughly outmaneuvered at the U.N. Security Council meeting this week, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley apologized in advance to the Syrian victims of the next chemical weapons attack. The sheer arrogance of this statement is staggering. As an American, Haley is an embarrassment and unfit to represent my interests at the U.N.  Her outburst was in response to Russia vetoing the latest attempt by her to bully the UNSC to accept a resolution extending the investigation into the April chemical weapons attack at Khan Sheikhoun in Syria. This investigation, known as the JIM, is a complete joke.  In … Continue reading

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This week the US Department of Justice Criminal Division forced the Russian-funded television network RT (formerly Russia Today) to register as a “foreign agent” under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Failure to comply would have risked arrest of RT’s management and seizure of its assets. The move comes on the heels of Senators’ recent demands that terrified tech giants Twitter, Facebook, and Google act as ideological filters. With no discernable defenders among America’s media establishment, RT rightly denounced the selective FARA mandate as an attack on media freedom – which it is. But more ominous is what the move against RT says … Continue reading

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This article was first published in April 2017 following the accusations directed against the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against its own people. The issue is now once more before the UN Security Council. Read carefully. The Western media refute their own lies. Not only do they confirm that the Pentagon has been training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons, they also acknowledge the existence of a not so secret “US-backed plan to launch a chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime”  London’s Daily Mail in a 2013 article confirmed the existence of an … Continue reading

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Jack Ruby made comments on the morning of President John F Kennedy’s assassination to an FBI informant that suggested he knew what was about to take place, according to new records released Friday. Ruby, who was eventually charged with killing Lee Harvey Oswald, asked an FBI informant if he would like to ‘watch the fireworks’ with him as Kennedy’s motorcade drove through downtown Dallas just hours before the assassination took place. The records are part of the JFK Files, which have been released incrementally over the past few months by the National Archives after being sealed for 25 years. Oswald … Continue reading

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Many would put her age-defying agility and enviable figure down to her professional ballet training and regular Pilates. But Debbie McGee, one of the favourites for the Strictly Come Dancing crown this year – making her possibly the oldest winner in the show’s history – has credited something much more bizarre. The 59-year-old widow of magician Paul Daniels starts each day with a spoonful of finely ground silver particles. The supplement she swears by is called Active Silver and contains what’s known as ‘colloidal’ silver — microscopic particles suspended in water, which many believe helps ward off infection, boosts the immune system … Continue reading

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It’s the one certainty that we will all face in the future, yet what it feels like to die remains the great unknown. Those who may be able to share some insight, however, are people who have narrowly escaped death – and some have shared their experiences in a Quora thread to shed some light on one of life’s greatest mysteries. Christopher Mooney from Bristol was one of those who shared their experience with the question and answer site, explaining that he’d previously had a brush with death and believes he was 20 to 30 seconds from the end of his life. … Continue reading

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After 37 years of murderous and destructive rule, it looks like the curtain is finally coming down on the Mugabe regime. Military coups are seldom welcome, but few of Zimbabwe’s beleaguered citizenry are unhappy with this dramatic turn of events. After decades of misery, the prospect of life under “Gucci Grace,” the ghastly First Lady, provided a frightening future scenario that propelled the military into a direct and decisive confrontation. Almost universally this man is now reviled, and few will lament his political demise. But it was not always like that, and be mindful; he did not get to where … Continue reading

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