The world’s first floating nation is set to appear in the Pacific Ocean off the island of Tahiti in 2020. A handful of hotels, homes, offices, restaurants and more will be built in the next few years by the nonprofit Seasteading Institute, which hopes to ‘liberate humanity from politicians’. The radical plans, bankrolled by PayPal founder Peter Thiel, could see the creation of an independent nation that will float in international waters and operate within its own laws. In a new interview, Joe Quirk, president of the Seasteading Institute, said he wants to see ‘thousands’ of rogue floating cities by 2050, … Continue reading

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It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank’ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary: ‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent authority in order to retain a degree of flexibility.’ To translate the legalese jargon of the ECB bureaucrats this could mean that the current €100,000 (£85,000) deposit level currently protected in the event of a bail-in may soon be no more. But worry not fellow savers as the ECB is fully aware of the uproar this may cause so they have been kind enough … Continue reading

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Facebook. It’s something that over 1.8 Billion people are using on a daily basis — can you believe that? For many of us, it’s the first thing we do when we wake up, and the last thing we do before we go to bed at night. Is this a healthy relationship? There is no doubt that Facebook has connected all of us on a level that may have previously been unimaginable. Without Facebook, a lot of important information would not have been seen. It presented a platform to share so much information and so many ideas. How Did This Happen? … Continue reading

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There are a few controversial claims floating around that the Americas were reached by oversea cultures before Columbus made his well-known visit to the “New World” in 1492. For example, Italian physicist and philologist Lucio Russo has presented the argument that the ancient Greeks reached America long before Columbus. Another intriguing argument suggests the Chinese “discovered” the Americas 70 years prior to the famous voyage. The suggestion that the Chinese predated Christopher Columbus in the Americas is a major argument of the amateur historian Gavin Menzies. In fact, it seems that Menzies has made his career by going against the mainstream view of the … Continue reading

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A survey of urban households has revealed how the layout of your home could be inviting unwanted insects and arachnids inside. Experts found that a greater number of bug species live in high traffic, ground level, carpeted rooms with numerous doors and windows. The study also showed tidiness plays little role in insect diversity, with human behaviour having minimal impact on the kind of bugs that were discovered. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts A survey of urban households has revealed how the layout of your home could be inviting unwanted insects and arachnids inside. Experts have … Continue reading

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A suspect was shot and killed when he tried to rob an 81-year-old man at gunpoint outside of the man’s home in Genoa, Arkansas, on Thursday afternoon. Buddy Cates told KSLA that he walked outside of his home around 1:30 p.m. and came face to face with the suspect, who authorities are still working to identify. Cates said the suspect was holding a “big pistol,” but Cates also had his hand in his pocket, gripping his own gun. “The battle was one,” Cates recalled, noting that, between the two, at least a dozen shots were fired. “Whoever got the biggest gun and … Continue reading

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With US President Donald Trump’s very personal war of words with Kim Jong-un growing more surreal by the day, perhaps it’s time America stop and reflect on it’s own reliability when it comes to international diplomacy. Via The National Interest… The United States and its allies continue to cajole and threaten North Korea to negotiate an agreement that would relinquish its growing nuclear and ballistic-missile programs. The latest verbal prodding came from President Trump during his joint press conference with South Korean president Moon Jae-in. Trump urged Pyongyang to “come to the negotiating table,” and asserted that it “makes sense for North Korea to do … Continue reading

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On Thursday, October 26th I urged the President to release the balance of the classified documents regarding the assassination of Pres. John F Kennedy, after a phone conversation with my friend, colleague and sometimes co-author Saint John Hunt. Only days later the president would make the courageous decision to release this vital material. Mainstream media is downplaying the importance of the newly released JFK files. Does that surprise you? USA TODAY, MSN.COM, FOX NEWS, U.K. TELEGRAPH and NBC NEWS are among the many mainstream news organizations to headline their report on the files, stating that there is “no smoking gun” in the newly released … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, we just covered a segment on self-assessment and knowing yourself.  I had mentioned a paraphrase from Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” that covered that segment as well as this current article: “Know yourself and know your enemy.”  We are focusing on the latter part of that one: the enemy.  There are several subtleties attached to that short phrase. 9 Prepper Truths You Need to Prepare a Mental Foundation 1. As men are almost identical in many respects, if you know what you are, then you will know what your enemy is. We’re going to really get into this one … Continue reading

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Joe Biden knew he could beat Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination but decided not to run because he feared a “stop at nothing” smear campaign by her supporters, he reveals in a new memoir. The man who served as Barack Obama’s vice-president remains a favourite among party faithful, many of whom believe he would have fared better in the states that delivered the White House to Donald Trump. His words are certain to deepen splits among Democrats following their defeat and reignite speculation the 74-year-old is preparing for one last run. In Promise Me Dad: A … Continue reading

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Trying to figure out what on earth is happening in the Middle East appears to have gotten a lot harder. Perhaps (because) it’s become more dangerous too. There are so many players, and connections between players, involved now that even making one of those schematic representations would never get it right. Too many unknown unknowns. A short and incomplete list of the actors: Sunni, Shiite, Saudi Arabia, US, Russia, Turkey, ISIS, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Kurds, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Qatar, Israel, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Houthis, perhaps even Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan. I know I know, add your favorites. So what … Continue reading

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Shocking surveillance footage shows the moment a convenience store owner whips out his gun from behind the counter and starts shooting at a group of armed robbers. The footage shows three men with hoods over their heads enter Lee Rays General Store in Wardville, Louisiana, one with a gun outstretched in his hands. The would-be robbers appear to threaten the man behind the counter, the store’s owner Frank Issa. Issa told KALB that the men demanded money from the cash register. At one point in the video, one of the men hoists himself on top of the counter an points his gun … Continue reading

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Jim Garrison was the district attorney of Orleans County who rose to prominence during his investigations into the assassination of President  John F. Kennedy. He passed away in October 1992. Review  by Charles F Stowell: Jim Garrison’s book should be considered the most authoritative, factual and important book on the JFK assassination. Garrison is the only public official to attempt to try the case in a court, and to properly investigate leads that were ignored by the Warren Commission. Every American should read this book, and take heed that we have not been told the truth about the assassination. Review by travelertoo: … Continue reading

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New Historical Expose Uncovers Serious Discrepancies in Deaths of Leading Anti-Communist American Leaders “This is one of the most important books ever written including, for the first time, how JFK’s orders for a preemptory air strike against the Cuban Airforce, canceled at the last minute doomed the Bay of Pigs invasion.” – Roger Stone In the mid-twentieth century, global communism was one of the biggest threats America ever faced.  After defeating Nazi totalitarianism in World War II, America faced the challenge of becoming even more vigilant against communists trying to seize global power. Political leaders emerged to dedicate their careers to fighting … Continue reading

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The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound When the wave broke over the railing And every man knew, as the captain did too ‘Twas the witch of November come stealin’ -Gordon Lightfoot, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” (1976)  Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts On November 10, 1975, two ships made their way in tandem across the stormy waters of Lake Superior. One was the Arthur M. Anderson, led by Captain Jesse Cooper. The other, captained by Ernest McSorley, was the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald. The ship was last seen on radar around 7:15 p.m. All 29 … Continue reading

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