MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Oct. 23, 2017) – A bill prefiled in the Alabama Senate would abolish marriage licenses in the state and effectively nullify in practice both major sides of the contentious national debate over government-sanctioned marriage. Sen. Greg Albritton (R-Bay Minette) prefiled Senate Bill 13 (SB13) in September. The legislation would abolish all requirements to obtain a marriage license in Alabama. Instead, probate judges would simply record civil contracts of marriage between two individuals based on signed affidavits. According to the bill summary, SB13 would “eliminate the requirement for solemnization of a marriage for it to be considered valid” and … Continue reading

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This book has made a positive contribution to my own health in the past few months. I hope the ideas presented of the human body’s needs for a more efficient level of nutritional intake will be widely read. The principles in this book have made a marked difference in my own health since March 2012. On March 3,2012 I experienced excruciating pain and an ugly rash around the upper part of my body. This condition necessitated a quick trip to a hospital emergency room one evening. The condition was diagnosed as “typical T-4 Shingles,” Herpes Zoster, that often occurs as … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund political research into Donald Trump that ultimately produced a dossier of allegations about his ties to Russia, a person familiar with the matter told the Associated Press on Tuesday night. The revelation is likely to fuel complaints by Trump that the dossier, which the president has derided as “phony stuff”, is a politically motivated collection of salacious claims. Yet the FBI has worked to corroborate the document, and in a sign of its ongoing relevance to investigators, special counsel Robert Mueller’s team – which is investigating potential coordination between Russia and the Trump … Continue reading

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Political Correctness Hampers Honest Debate What would the world be like today had Europeans never colonized Americas, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, and South Asia? Jayant speaks about Democracy, Welfare and Migration: The West’s March to Self-Destruction [PT] Most of these societies would still not have discovered the wheel. It takes a huge amount of reality-avoidance and ineptitude for outsiders who travel there not to realize that a billion or more people in the Third World still wouldn’t have discovered the wheel. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the Third World would have independently found, discovered, … Continue reading

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Alfred Hitchcock gave name to a literary and film device called a MacGuffin (sometimes spelled “McGuffin”), which is any object or device that serves to trigger the plot. This boils down to anything that sets the plot in motion or keeps it going in one direction or another. In terms of Hitchcock, the birds were the MacGuffin in . . . well, The Birds and he used others like Norman Bates’s mother in Psycho to keep things going. While he may have coined the term, Hitchcock wasn’t the only one to use MacGuffins. They have been around for a long time, especially in some incredible works of fiction. Here … Continue reading

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When faced with a complicated maths problem, many of us will instinctively get our calculators out. But a new quiz will test your basic numeracy skills – and you’re only allowed a pen and pad of paper to assist you. The tricky test, created by Playbuzz user Bruce Boyena, begins with relatively straightforward sums, before moving into fiendishly difficult territory.  According to the quiz’s creator, only one in 10 people will be able to complete the test without using a calculator. And you’ll need to remember how to do long division and multiplication in order to successfully complete the test.   So… … Continue reading

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A Canadian company, Leckie Studio Architecture + Design, based out of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has created a design for an incredible off-grid home that can be assembled, pretty much anywhere by a team of four in less than a week. If you have dreamt of owning a tiny home of your own, this may just be what you need to make your dream a reality. Created by Backcountry Hut Company, this model is known as the ‘Surf Shack‘ and the prefab models start at $45,000 and range between 191 square feet to 937 square feet. The largest model can house up to 24 … Continue reading

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America’s illegal war in the Syrian city of Raqqa has already killed over 1,800 civilians, according to the monitoring group Airwars. At the time the offensive was launched in June, the U.S. was aware that some 200,000 civilians were trapped. In that first week of operations alone, the U.N. accused the Trump administration of killing 300 civilians in less than seven days’ worth of bombing. This trend has continued over the course of the last few months, and as one might imagine, Syrian infrastructure has been completely decimated. Rather than label this assault for what it is — namely, a grave crime against humanity encompassing an endless supply … Continue reading

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On 25th June 2016, shortly after Britain’s Brexit referendum, I wrote an article for The Duran in which I pointed out that the British vote for Brexit was a symptom of growing disaffection across Europe with an EU project which has evolved into something very different from the community of European nation states which it had initially been. The problem is less that the EU is evolving into some sort of pan-European superstate – in my opinion the EU is far too dysfunctional for that ever to happen – but that since the end of the Cold War the EU has become … Continue reading

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Wielding a sharp knife with slippery hands around open flames and nearby children doesn’t sound like the best idea—but that’s exactly what millions of Halloween celebrations entail. While pumpkin carving is a fun tradition, it can also bring the risk of serious hand injuries. According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), some wounds sustained from pumpkin misadventure can result in surgery and months of rehabilitation. Fortunately, there are easy ways to minimize trauma. Both ASSH and CTV News have compiled safety tips for pumpkin carvers intended to reduce the chances of a trip to the emergency room. First, it’s recommended … Continue reading

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It’s often called the sunshine vitamin because unlike other nutrients, vitamin D is not provided by food but made when our skin is exposed to the sun. But, given the summer we’ve had added to the classic British weather we face year round of dull, more dull with hints of dull, Brits are dangerously deficient in this crucial vitamin. In fact, it’s estimated that a staggering one in five adults and one in six children do not have adequate levels of vitamin D. ‘Not only have we got the British weather to deal with but we’re living an increasingly indoor … Continue reading

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In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed five Cubas. Pre-Revolution, 1952–1958 In the 1950s, the Cuban people suffered under great oppression from the country’s military dictator, Fulgencio Batista. The great majority of Cubans at that time lived in fear and welcomed regime change. That change came from Fidel Castro and a small band of rebels in 1959. Although the rebels were poorly armed, poorly trained, and by no means expert military strategists, they had a distinct advantage: The Cuban people would get behind nearly anyone who would oust the tyrannical Batista. The Soviet Years, 1959–1989 Following the revolution, Mister Castro went to New York … Continue reading

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Newly declassified files from the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta confirm the extent to which American officials supported the killings of hundreds of thousands of Indonesians in the 1960s, as the U.S. worked to keep Southeast Asia from falling into Communist control. The U.S. supported a narrative pushed by the Indonesian military that blamed Communists for a failed coup in 1965, targeting the anti-American President Sukarno. This narrative emboldened the Indonesian military, paramilitaries and others to oversee the killings of 500,000 Indonesians who were suspected Communists, including students and union members. “The U.S. was following what was happening very closely, and if it … Continue reading

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For as long as people have been speaking the English language, they’ve been deploying it to poke fun at one another. Let’s dig a little deeper into the grab bag of insults that language has bequeathed us throughout history, and find out where those terms come from. 1. Wazzock Wazzock was a particularly prevalent—and particularly loutish—insult in the 1990s. At the time, “lad culture” ran throughout British music and television, and wazzock, a North-England accented contraction of the sarcastic wiseacre (a know-it-all) became a powerful tool to shoot people down in an argument. 2. Lummox Though the etymology of lummox is heavily … Continue reading

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While low red blood cells can be a sign of a serious health issue, such as anemia, there are ways to increase RBC. People generally don’t think about their red blood cells or the possibility of having low red blood cells until they start developing problems. It can be helpful to understand why we need a proper level of red blood cells and how to increase RBC count. Some people suffer from low red blood cells due to an illness, while others might be lacking certain vitamins in their diet. There are also diseases that are inherited and can lead … Continue reading

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