In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed five Cubas. Pre-Revolution, 1952–1958 In the 1950s, the Cuban people suffered under great oppression from the country’s military dictator, Fulgencio Batista. The great majority of Cubans at that time lived in fear and welcomed regime change. That change came from Fidel Castro and a small band of rebels in 1959. Although the rebels were poorly armed, poorly trained, and by no means expert military strategists, they had a distinct advantage: The Cuban people would get behind nearly anyone who would oust the tyrannical Batista. The Soviet Years, 1959–1989 Following the revolution, Mister Castro went to New York … Continue reading

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Scientists have long debated whether or not a mysterious ninth planet lurks at the edge of our solar system. Some astronomers think the existence of the alleged planet – which they claim is 10 times the size of Earth – explains the bizarre way some distant objects in space move. Now scientists have found new evidence that ‘Planet Nine’ exists by building simulations of the solar system with different sizes of the celestial body. They found that the unusual orbits of distant rocks in our system can be explained by the presence of a ninth planet with the dimensions scientists … Continue reading

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Justin: Doug, I can’t wait to get your take on the recent NFL protests. But first tell me what you think of the National Anthem. Is it a worthy tradition? Doug: I don’t see what sporting events have to do with nationalism. I don’t think they should go together. The idea of playing a national anthem at sporting events or other gatherings is foolish and dangerous. It elevates the notion of the state, it keeps the presence of the government in front of people. It’s almost as bad an idea as having kids pledge allegiance to the flag at the start of … Continue reading

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If you think allergies are just a spring and summer problem, then unfortunately, you’d be wrong. Many allergy sufferers can equally be a bad time for itchy watery eyes, sneezing, and plugged ears. This year in particular, many allergy sufferers are finding their allergies are not only worse but lingering for longer. You can blame climate change on this. If you haven’t noticed it seems that the warmer weather has stuck around for longer which increases carbon dioxide which allows for allergy-producing plants to live longer and making pollen more potent. The good news is that your diet can play … Continue reading

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Review by Dustin Hillis: My goal this year is to be a better cook. A Southern Gentleman’s Kitchen is a easy to follow cookbook that any guy can follow. The pictures are great and the ingredients are simple and delicious! This is the first cookbook that didn’t intimidate me, and gave the confidence that I can cook some amazing dishes that are impressive… without the fancy-smancy receipts that I would never attempt to make. I recommend this book for any man or woman! This book has helped build my confidence that I can be an awesome cook! Review by C. Newberry: I … Continue reading

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Introduction by Douglas Valentine Michael Maclear’s 1975 documentary, Spooks and Cowboys, Gooks and Grunts (Part 1) is more relevant now than ever. Forty-two years after its release, it exposes the suppressed, shameful truths that have corrupted America since the Vietnam War. The documentary makes it perfectly clear that “we” have always known what was going on – and that “we” have perfected the means of denying and obfuscating it. Maclear’s documentary stands in stark contrast to the current Ken Burns documentary, The Vietnam War, which is nothing more than historical revisionism, sprinkled with massive doses of cognitive dissonance, served up as healing. While Burns assiduously … Continue reading

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Fishing with a rod and line, and an artificial lightweight lure made to imitate fish prey — that is, fly fishing — was first recorded around the year 200. And while modern innovation has improved the quality and durability of the materials, the basics of the sport and pastime have remained largely the same. Attach a lure (or “fly”) to a line, cast it in the water, and see what happens. Growing up, I fished in a boat with my uncle every now and then, but didn’t take it up on my own beyond that. Ever since moving to Colorado … Continue reading

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Judicial Watch Director of Investigations, Chris Farrell, appeared on Fox News to discuss with Lou Dobbs the entrenched and all-powerful Deep State, which is working daily to bury the United States in never-ending scandals, and reverse the nation-statism movement ushered in by Trump’s Presidential victory over their preferred globalist candidate, Hillary Clinton. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices Via The Gateway Pundit… Chris Farrell: It’s really a giant Socialist organ operating that protests itself. Offense after offense and you find laws are for the little people. The Clinton gang walks away. People say, “Hey where’s the Department of Justice investigation? Where’s the FBI?” Half the … Continue reading

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For almost thirty years I called on military installations all over the United States as a health care marketer.  Something I learned in that time is that each of the services has its own culture, with the Army being the most relaxed and receptive to new ideas, the Navy being somewhere in the middle, and the United States Air Force acting as if it had a permanent stick up its derrière.  These last were sticklers for operating strictly by the rules and regs and resistant to change, even though such change might benefit their troops.  I remember asking an older … Continue reading

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The Orionids are set to peak this weekend, lighting up night skies with a dazzling display of streaking meteors, which – happily for space enthusiasts – can be viewed from anywhere on Earth. In advance of the impressive show, here’s RT’s primer on the annual meteor shower and how to view it. The Orionids are made up of remnants from Haley’s Comet – considered the universe’s most famous comet. It last visited Earth in 1986 and is projected to return in 2061. However, every year between October and November Earth’s orbit around the sun crosses paths, with debris from the … Continue reading

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You may have heard that time is a social construct, but that doesn’t stop it from having consequences in the real world. If you show up to a party 10 minutes before it’s scheduled to start, you’ll likely be the first one there, and if you arrive to an interview 10 minutes late, you likely won’t get the job. But how did humanity agree on when and how to observe certain times of day? In their new video, the It’s Okay to Be Smart team explains how humans “invented” the modern concept of time. The increments we use to measure time, like … Continue reading

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Experts are still unsure as to the purpose of the structures, but some of them were found to be draped over lava domes – a mound shaped area where lava has dried near volcanoes. The stone walls, which have been called “gates” as they resemble field gates when viewed aerially, were found in a region in west-central Saudi Arabia called Harrat Khaybar. David Kennedy, a professor at the University of Western Australia, who helped to discover the gates through satellite imagery, said they “are stone-built, the walls roughly made and low.” He adds that they “appear to be the oldest … Continue reading

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A fascinating collection of photos have resurfaced showing the hardships faced by German-Americans at the brutal height of the First World War. As Europe was ravaged by fighting, German immigrants in the US suffered harassment, internment, lynchings – and even the humiliation of being tarred and feathered. Although a little-remembered part of history today, America was wracked by the fear and paranoia that swept from coast to coast during the Great War. The United States declared war on Germany in April 1917 and helped lead the Allies to victory. But before that, many Americans were terrified of the German threat growing on … Continue reading

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In a surprise military and military-police raid, Israeli regime forces have broken into and stolen broadcasting equipment from eight Palestinian broadcasters, including Pal Media which provides RT broadcasts to viewers in Palestine. Pal Media is one of the largest television providers in Palestine, carrying not only RT but also Al Mayadeen, TransMedia and western outlets BBC News and France 24. قوات الاحتلال تغلق مقرات شركات ترانسميديا وبال ميديا ورامسات الإعلامية في الخليل ونابلس ورام الله وبيت لحم لمدة 6 شهور وتصادر معداتها فجراً. — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) October 18, 2017 The Israeli regime stated that the eight broadcasters whose … Continue reading

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