On Sunday 1st October, a referendum for independence – deemed illegal by the Spanish government – was held in Catalonia, an autonomous Spanish region, with 90% of Catalans choosing independence from Spain. So what is at the root of this intense drive for separation? Putting modern political reasons aside for just a moment, let’s delve into Catalonia’s historic past to understand why many Catalans are adamant that they will one day achieve an independent state. Where is Catalonia? Catalonia is a triangular region in north-east Spain which is separated from the south of France by the Pyrenean mountains. It is … Continue reading

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Getting into Mensa involves taking a test with dozens of questions, but apparently, there’s an easier way to check if you have superior IQ. The Cognitive Reflection Test is the world’s shortest IQ assessment and contains just three questions, which appear relatively simple at first glance. Published in 2005 in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the test has resurfaced online following US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson’s challenge to Donald Trump to ‘compare IQ tests’ after reports he called the president ‘a moron’. The rapid test would be an ideal option for two such busy men to settle their dispute as it … Continue reading

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Bill and Hillary Clinton are not speaking to each other after a blazing argument over her election book, it has been claimed. The former President threw a manuscript in the trash after Hillary ignored his advice not to publish it, according to author Ed Klein. Bill had red-penned the book in an attempt to improve it, a friend allegedly told Klein, but flew into a rage when Hillary refused to read any of his notes. According to Page Six, the friend said: ‘He told her the book made her look bewildered, angry and confused, and that those were poor qualities in a person … Continue reading

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Murray N. Rothbard has infuriated me! I learned exponentially more from this text than from every American history class I have ever taken and every history text book I was forced to purchase – combined. I paid $4 American (in 2014 dollars) for this collection on eBook. When compared to the several thousand I spent in college courses and American History text books, this has to be the greatest value ever. If Rothbard had only expanded his scope to include math, physical science, and engineering…well, I could have gotten my entire undergraduate education for less than $20. How dare he … Continue reading

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German investigative journalist Patrik Baab and former Pentagon adviser Robert Harkavy have released a bombshell book, revealing the links between the murders of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, West German politician Uwe Barschel and former CIA director William Colby. Baab told Sputnik what their groundbreaking research has uncovered. Baab and Harkavy’s book, ‘In the Spider Web of the Secret Services: Why Were Olaf Palme, Uwe Barschel and William Colby Murdered?’, takes aim at the CIA’s suspected involvement in the officials’ deaths. Based on secret documents from seven different intelligence agencies, conversations with former agents, toxicology reports, and consultations with experts, the book seeks answers to long-standing questions about who was … Continue reading

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Most of us have heard of Area 51, where top secret “flying saucers” are kept, even live aliens depending on your source, but there are many equally dramatic but lesser-known areas of top secret, off-limits activity. By their very nature, secret bases are not spoken about openly. Officially, they don’t exist, or at the very least, the activities taking place at certain locations are vastly different than what is officially stated. While the vast majority of this list may need to be read with a pinch of salt, the following claims are nonetheless intriguing and most definitely alluring to the part … Continue reading

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A CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp, has emerged from the wolves den to expose the deep state and the shadow government which he calls two entirely separate entities. “The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes,” Shipp warned in a recent talk at a Geoengineeringwatch.org conference. Shipp had a series of slides explaining how the deep state and shadow government functions as well as the horrific crimes they are committing against U.S. citizens. Some of the revelations the former CIA anti-terrorism counterintelligence officer revealed included that “Google Earth was set up through the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and InQtel.” … Continue reading

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Consider, if you will, these two indisputable facts.  First, the United States is today more or less permanently engaged in hostilities in not one faraway place, but at least seven.  Second, the vast majority of the American people could not care less. Nor can it be said that we don’t care because we don’t know.  True, government authorities withhold certain aspects of ongoing military operations or release only details that they find convenient.  Yet information describing what U.S. forces are doing (and where) is readily available, even if buried in recent months by barrages of presidential tweets.  Here, for anyone interested, … Continue reading

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“Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of ‘facts’ they feel stuffed, but absolutely brilliant with information. Then they’ll feel they’re thinking, they’ll get a sense of motion without moving.” – Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, 1951 “It is not only information that they need-in the age of Fact, information often dominates their attention and overwhelms their capacities to assimilate it….What they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in … Continue reading

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A mysterious piece of paper discovered last week, when photos from the Las Vegas gunman’s hotel room were leaked to the media, is now back in the news cycle. The pictures were published by numerous news outlets and shared by millions of people on social media. At the time the photos were published by the Daily Mail, police had not mentioned if Paddock left behind a note in his hotel room. Nevada Sheriff Joe Lombardo said police were investigating who leaked the crime scene photos. In one photo in particular, a white piece of paper or notepad on a side table next to a chair is … Continue reading

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Marc Faber, popularly known as Dr. Doom has predicted that the US stock markets could correct by as much as 30-40%. In an interview to CNBC last week, Marc Faber said, “ You don’t see it. I don’t see it and nobody sees it. That’s why people continue buying stocks. Yet something will happen one day.” Explaining what may cause the plummeting of stocks he said, “It may come from a credit event, or a disclosure of a major fraud or it may come because interest rates start to go up, although central banks remain on the dovish side. There … Continue reading

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Defeated US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said the Brexit vote should have triggered a “bigger alarm” for her campaign – and confessed she went into polling day last November thinking she would win the White House. Mrs Clinton, 69, admitted she feels a “terrible sense of responsibility” for not beating Donald Trump. “I thought I’d be a damn good president,” said the Democrat flop. “I did not think I was going to lose.” Former US Secretary of State said she was still deeply troubled by the election result. “I’m not living it every minute of every day but every day … Continue reading

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For those who’ve forgotten the story of a ‘mystery man’ who was found dead back in 2015 in a Los Angeles, California neighborhood, leading authorities to discover 1,200+ guns and 7+ tons of ammunition, now is the time to remind you. While the man known only as ‘Bob’ to his friends and fiance was finally officially identified as one Jeffrey Alan Lash, authorities said he led a ‘double’ or ‘secretive life’, and told friends he had worked for a top secret government agency before ‘going out on his own’. Despite living with his ex-fiance for 17 years in which she had no … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we have covered the “Go” Bag, aka the “Bugout” Bag on numerous occasions.  We’re going to cover three areas: Duplication, Synchronization, and Maintenance.  This is to promote efficiency, and also to allow for recovery and use if one of the bags or more is compromised.  Let’s get started. The word for the day is Redundancy.  This word is usually something that connotates a “boring” or “mindless” repetition, almost in a drone-like fashion.  In this case, that definition does not suffice.  Redundancy in our usage is the repetition to promote a good follow-through in the event of seizure/theft of your goods so that … Continue reading

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It’s natural to wonder how we became the person we are and where, or when, our insecurities and fears first took root. More often than not, we turn to our childhood for answers and try to determine when certain seeds were planted that inspired doubt or hesitancy in our personalities. As we grow older, we come to better understand our childhood environment as we get to better know ourselves and our family relationships. We may come to realize that certain habits of our parents marked on our home and shaped how we handle the world today. Simply put, how you were raised … Continue reading

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