It’s natural to wonder how we became the person we are and where, or when, our insecurities and fears first took root. More often than not, we turn to our childhood for answers and try to determine when certain seeds were planted that inspired doubt or hesitancy in our personalities. As we grow older, we come to better understand our childhood environment as we get to better know ourselves and our family relationships. We may come to realize that certain habits of our parents marked on our home and shaped how we handle the world today. Simply put, how you were raised … Continue reading

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If you’ve read my work over the past several weeks, you’ve probably noticed an increased fascination with secession/independence movements around the world. I think we’re at the very early stages of this developing trend, which will see nation-states across the world fracture for a variety of reasons. The historical significance of the political changes we’re about to live through cannot be overstated. As I wrote in last month’s piece, The Future Will Be Decentralized: To conclude, I recognize that I’m making a huge call here. I think the way human beings organize their affairs will experience the most significant paradigm level … Continue reading

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Catalonia continues to press on with its independence movement, much to the dismay of Spain and the European Union. Catalonia is not the only region in the EU demanding more autonomy or independence. Here seven regions in the European Union that may seek separation, and cause more fragmentation in an already weakened Europe. 1. Scotland, Britain In 2014, Scotland had a historic referendum on leaving the United Kingdom resulting in a narrow 55 percent vote against leaving the UK. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, head of the pro-independence Scottish National Party, is now calling for a second referendum once Britain’s exit … Continue reading

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The American empire is coming to an end. The U.S. economy is being drained by wars in the Middle East and vast military expansion around the globe. It is burdened by growing deficits, along with the devastating effects of deindustrialization and global trade agreements. Our democracy has been captured and destroyed by corporations that steadily demand more tax cuts, more deregulation and impunity from prosecution for massive acts of financial fraud, all the while looting trillions from the U.S. treasury in the form of bailouts. The nation has lost the power and respect needed to induce allies in Europe, Latin America, Asia … Continue reading

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The poster for the movie “American Made,” to be released Friday, Sept. 29, shows a grinning, cocky Tom Cruise as the drug smuggler Barry Seal, hauling a duffle bag bursting with cash. “It’s not a felony if you’re doing it for the good guys,” the poster teases. The film’s trailer has Seal casually boasting about his simultaneous work for “the CIA, the DEA and Pablo Escobar.” One critic was led to ask: “So, was Seal a triple agent?” Perhaps. The producers say this swaggering story, based mostly in Arkansas, is all “based on a true lie.” “American Made” is Hollywood’s second film … Continue reading

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If the EU implements the much-discussed “military Schengen” for US troops it would de facto cede European sovereignty to the Pentagon, RIA Novosti contributor Alexander Khrolenko noted, adding that in that case NATO forces would have no obstacles on their way to Russia’s borders. The Pentagon continues to push ahead with the idea of a military Schengen zone, seeking to gain seamless access to Russia’s borders, RIA Novosti contributor Alexander Khrolenko writes, commenting on US Army’s commander in Europe Lt. General Ben Hodges’ latest remarks. On Monday Hodges called upon EU member states to create a “military Schengen” — an analogue of the European Schengen zone with no ID control at mutual borders. According … Continue reading

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“Forget Germany, Spain Is The Real Problem”, reads a headline. Eh… no. Germany is definitely the problem in Europe. Spain is a bit player. That doesn’t mean nothing major could happen in Spain in its fight with Catalonia, and soon, but Spain, like all EU nations, is a de facto province of Germany. What matters in the end is how Brussels and Merkel deal with Spain. And while it’s tempting to say that perhaps Brussels, the EU, is the main European problem, the European Union is run exclusively by and for Germany, so that doesn’t work either. The only thing … Continue reading

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More than 120,000 people have fled their homes on the Indonesian island of Bali, fearful that a rumbling volcano could erupt at any time, disaster officials said. Mount Agung, located 75 kilometres (47 miles) from the resort hub of Kuta, has been shaking since August and threatening to erupt for the first time since 1963 – a potential blow to the country’s lucrative tourism industry. The volcano’s alert status was raised to the highest level last week after it spewed white smoke and sent tremors through the area. Officials at an evacuation centre in the Klungkung district said 122,490 people … Continue reading

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The late, great linguist, Michel Thomas, whose method of teaching languages built on his students’ intuitive knowledge of their native tongues, was fond of saying, ‘What you understand, you know; and what you know, you don’t forget’. In other words, when we really understand something, there is no need to rehearse it or indeed to think very deeply about it at all. The same is true of what we know of human relationships. We do not need to study ‘loving’ to fall in love, or ‘friending’ to be a friend. We might reflect on our relationships from time to time, … Continue reading

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This article originally appeared on: Russian Faith, a new website with news about the Christian renaissance in Russia.  “The European Union, when writing its constitution, declined to mention its Christian heritage even in the preamble of the document.” “I firmly believe that a Europe which has renounced Christ will not be able to preserve its cultural and spiritual identity.” Hilarion is a very prominent and influential leader of the Russian church. He is one of the top 3-4 church leaders in Russia, the ‘foreign minister’ of the Russian Church, responsible for its relations with other churches and countries. Participating in a London conference on the … Continue reading

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The Las Vegas Review-Journal has obtained information that Stephen Paddock, the suspect in the largest mass shooting in modern US history was prescribed a powerful psychotropic drug called diazepam in June of this year, just under four months prior to the shooting. This fits a a decades long trend among mass shooters and others who engage in cruel and unusual criminal acts being on powerful, yet legal psychotropic drugs. This means that the Duran accurately predicted two crucial realities in respect of the suspect’s profile, first of all that there was a connection to Philippines  where an almost identical shooting took place … Continue reading

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The media says, “Jump.” And the public responds in unison, “How high?” “As high as you ever have jumped before, except maybe after 9/11, or the Kennedy assassination.” Of course, when there is news, it should be reported. Today it is reported sensationally, as entertainment. Is it meant to inform, or induce? Which came first, the media’s obsession with violence, or the public demand for violence? In the 1990’s as violent crime in America dropped, the media filled more and more time slots with stories about violence. Buy Silver at Discounted Prices By the end of the 90’s the public … Continue reading

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Intranet service? Check. Autonomous motorcycle? Check. Driverless car technology? Check. Obviously the next logical project for a successful Silicon Valley engineer is to set up an AI-worshipping religious organization. Anthony Levandowski, who is at the center of a legal battle between Uber and Google’s Waymo, has established a nonprofit religious corporation called Way of the Future, according to state filings first uncovered by Wired’s Backchannel. Way of the Future’s startling mission: “To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” Levandowski was co-founder of autonomous … Continue reading

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Fascist Franco may have been dead for more than four decades, but Spain is still encumbered with his dictatorial corpse. A new paradigm has been coined right inside the lofty European Union, self-described home/patronizing dispenser of human rights to lesser regions across the planet: “In the name of democracy, refrain from voting, or else.” Call it democracy nano-Franco style. Nano-Franco is Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, whose heroic shock troops were redeployed from a serious nationwide terrorist alert to hammer with batons and fire rubber bullets not against jihadis but … voters. At least six schools became the terrain of what was correctly … Continue reading

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The world seems to be absolutely infatuated with activated charcoal. You can find it everywhere these days, from ice cream and hamburger buns to lemonade, crackers, and even hot dogs! Because it’s being incorporated into so many foods, it’s being portrayed as safe to consume, but as with any supplement, it’s important to be aware of how your pre-existing medical conditions may affect how it reacts in your body. Intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, slow digestion, or a recent abdominal surgery are all contraindicated for charcoal. In July I covered an activated charcoal trend involving face masks, which actually … Continue reading

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