“It’s all just things”, we say, until it’s our things that have gone up in smoke. A house fire can occur at any time and often happens with little or no warning. Electrical wiring, cooking grease, lightning strikes, candles, dryers, cars, chemicals, wildfires, a neighbor’s house fire or toys left on lamps can all cause a fire to start. While many fires are preventable, there are plenty that are not. Did you know that during 2010-2014, roughly one of every 338 households reported a house fire per year, according to the National Fire Prevention Association? Most of us probably know someone who … Continue reading

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Scholars are eagerly awaiting the anticipated release of thousands of never-before-seen government documents related to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Now, they’re waiting to see whether President Donald Trump will block the release of files that could shed light on a tragedy that has stirred conspiracy theories for decades. The National Archives has until October 26 to disclose the remaining files related to Kennedy’s 1963 assassination, unless Trump intervenes. The CIA and FBI, whose records make up the bulk of the batch, won’t say whether they’ve appealed to the Republican president to keep them under wraps. The still-secret documents include … Continue reading

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Human Events, October 6, 2010 – My friend Joe Sobran died last Thursday, and the world lost its greatest writer. To my delight, some obituaries noted that he had influenced my writing style. I only wish I had known he was so close to the end so I could have seen him again to let him influence me some more. The G.K. Chesterton of our time, Joe could deliver a knockout punch with a single line. Many of his aphorisms were so catchy that everyone repeats them now without realizing their provenance. It was Joe who came up with the apocryphal New … Continue reading

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Everyone wants to make sure that they’re consuming all of the vitamins and minerals that they need. Giving your body what it needs is one of the simplest things you can do to stay healthy. Unfortunately, most people don’t eat the daily recommended amounts of every nutrient on a regular basis. If they did, the supplement industry in America wouldn’t be raking in $122 billion per year. Taking a pill to shore up a dietary deficit is incredibly convenient, and Americans are willing to pay a lot for that convenience. Unfortunately, this convenience also comes with a risk. Making vitamins and … Continue reading

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Everything You Were Taught about the Civil War Is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! – Lochlainn Seabrook How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America – Brion McClanahan Anatomy of the State – Murray Rothbard Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World – David Ray Griffin Lincoln Unmasked: What You’re Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe – Thomas J. Dilorenzo A Renegade History of the United States – Thaddeus Russell American Contempt for Liberty – Walter E. Williams  War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier – Smedley Darlington Butler Facts the Historians Leave Out: A Confederate Primer – John S. Tilley Lies My Teacher Told Me: … Continue reading

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There are plenty of reasons flying is stressful, but one of the biggest headaches of modern air travel is the security procedures. Who knows what fresh nightmares the TSA will have cooked up for you by the time you hit the terminal? Well, there’s at least one hint you can use to determine whether or not you’ll be spending a little more time in the security area on your way to your gate, and it has nothing to do with that bottle of water you’re carrying. As both Refinery29 and Business Insider have reported, there’s a four-letter code at the bottom of your boarding pass that can tell … Continue reading

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According to the latest FBI data, drug arrests in the United States increased from 2015 to 2016. Though the federal agency used to provide breakdowns on the details of these arrests in its annual “Crime in the United States” report — including which drugs were in question and whether the arrests were made over possession or sale — in its latest report, the FBI is withholding specifics. On Monday, Tom Angell, a contributor at Forbes, wrote about the increase in drug arrests across the country, noting that while in 2015 there were 1,488,707 drug arrests (“the highest number of arrests” out of all offenses, according to … Continue reading

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We’ve probably all glanced up at airliners and jets flying up high in the sky at some point or another. While common sense tells us that the white lines coming out of planes are contrails and that they’re completely normal and harmless, the subject of chemtrails (which many people believe them to be) has been fiercely debated in recent times. And it’s easy to see why, when repeated isolated cases seem to suggest that “something” has altered certain environments. Such conspiracy theories have been further fueled by actual admissions from government officials that such experiments have indeed taken place in the past. … Continue reading

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Misguided Enthusiasm While not a jubilee year, last week marked the 230th anniversary of the US Constitution. Naturally, most of its devotees enthusiastically praised the document which by now is seen on a par with Holy Writ itself. The constitutional convention in Philadelphia, anno 1787. Things have gone downhill ever since. Many – though not all – of those taking part in the convention were members of the moneyed elite, the land speculators who had instigated the war of independence when King George foolishly tried to keep them from expanding their speculative activities to the West with his ill-conceived edict of 1763. … Continue reading

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We all get tired every now and then. Some of us wake up tired, others feel that three o’clock crash, while others experience fatigue throughout their day. There are several reasons we feel tired, such as an underlying medical condition, poor sleep, lack of exercise, and a bad diet. Diet plays a large role in our energy levels, so eating the right foods can ward off fatigue and help you feel energized throughout your day. You may feel that you’re the only person who feels fatigued, but in fact, nearly 40 percent of people report all day tiredness. If you’ve seen … Continue reading

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The mostly submerged continent of Zealandia may have been much closer to land level than previously thought, providing pathways for animals and plants to cross continents from 80m years ago, an expedition has revealed. Zealandia, a for the most part underwater landmass in the South Pacific, was declared the Earth’s newest continent this year in a paper in the journal of the Geological Society of America. It includes Lord Howe Island off the east coast of Australia, New Caledonia and New Zealand. On Wednesday researchers shared findings from their two-month-long expedition, one of the first extensive surveys of the region, announcing fossil discoveries … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s bombastic rhetoric aimed at North Korea is evidence that neither he nor his administration grasp the historic paranoia of the North Korean government. The fear in Pyongyang that North Korea will become a ceded territory in a big power agreement has been a factor since the days of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung. This existential threat also formed the policies of Kim Il Sung’s successors – his son Kim Jong Il and his grandson, the present leader, Kim Jong Un. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who knows North Korea well, has called for a toning down of … Continue reading

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On the right, the warmer colours indicate an increase in connectivity following vagus nerve stimulation among brain regions responsible for planned movements, spatial reasoning and attention. Illustration: Corazzol et al. A 35-year-old man who had been in a persistent vegetative state (PVS) for 15 years has shown signs of consciousness after receiving a pioneering therapy involving nerve stimulation. The treatment challenges a widely-accepted view that there is no prospect of a patient recovering consciousness if they have been in PVS for longer than 12 months. Since sustaining severe brain injuries in a car accident, the man had been completely unaware … Continue reading

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The Catalan regional government has accused the Spanish authorities of behaving like Turkey, China and North Korea by blocking websites designed to help people vote in Sunday’s independence referendum. Over the past week the Spanish government has stepped up its efforts to stop the unilateral vote by deploying thousands of extra police officers to Catalonia and taking control of the region’s finances. It insists the referendum is illegal and a clear violation of the Spanish constitution. As well as arresting 14 Catalan government officials and seizing almost 10m ballot papers, police and the courts have been taking down websites connected to the referendum. On Monday police … Continue reading

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These remarkable images cast light on the unknown history of the American hobo during the early twentieth century.   Included are a picture of men wearing suits to a hobo convention in 1912, a group washing dishes at a ‘hotel for hobos’ and a future lightweight boxing champion cooking over a campfire using a tin can on a stick in 1935.  They offer a rare glimpse into the unsung past of these hard-working men that lived by a strict moral code. Often depicted sleeping in a train car or carrying a bag on a stick over their shoulder as they wander … Continue reading

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