It’s couched in oh, so delicate terms, as pretty much everyone mourns the death of the great Tom Wolfe.  Tom Wolfe was a reporter; Tom Wolfe was an observer.  Tom Wolfe eyed status-seeking.  Tom Wolfe skewered the establishment.  And through his incredible mastery of words, he entertained the hell out of us. Yes, true enough.  But somehow he never got a Nobel Prize in literature, despite vastly outranking almost everyone else who has. So I guess I am corrupting things a little when I state the obvious about Wolfe: he did write; he did observe; he did skewer; and by gosh, it all added up … Continue reading

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It is well-known that Hungary put up a border fence, but how does it really work to keep migrants out? It appears to be a multiple-layer border fence stopping illegal migration to the country almost totally. The legal framework is nothing short of astounding. The main ruse of all Soros-funded NGOs is constant litigation. Today, most illegal immigrants enter countries in the EU legally but overstay or violate whatever visa they may have obtained. When the illegals get detained waiting for a deportation trial, lawyers employed by NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros, have unlimited funds to plead for their … Continue reading

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On May 1, 1915, with WWI entering its tenth month, a luxury ocean liner as richly appointed as an English country house sailed out of New York, bound for Liverpool, carrying a record number of children and infants. The passengers were surprisingly at ease, even though Germany had declared the seas around Britain to be a war zone. For months, German U-boats had brought terror to the North Atlantic. But the Lusitania was one of the era’s great transatlantic “Greyhounds”—the fastest liner then in service—and her captain, William Thomas Turner, placed tremendous faith in the gentlemanly strictures of warfare that for a … Continue reading

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Have you ever flexed your foot the wrong way and experienced the excruciating pain of your calf cramping? Or how about having to stop an exercise because of a muscle cramp? Muscle cramps are painful and they can occur at the most random times, robbing you of your ability to do anything. But why does this happen? A muscle cramp is an involuntary muscle contraction that causes a lack of mobility and above all, pain. The majority of us experience muscle cramps in the legs and calf regions. Unfortunately, it isn’t clear as to why we experience muscle cramps, but … Continue reading

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Over this past weekend the movie “Margin Call” (2011, Lionsgate™) made its way back into the rotation on my cablebox. For those who have never seen this movie, regardless if you are involved in stock trading, it is a must watch on so many levels, be it general business, corporate leadership, department interactions, skullduggery, familial, as well as personal backstabbing, the list goes on. It is absolutely loaded with a plethora of take-aways of the real-life-lesson variety. I say this because I have been involved around, in, as well as been at the receiving end of the proverbial “poisoned dagger.” Not on … Continue reading

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U.S.A. – Watch a group of shooters for a time, and you will likely see a range of problems with trigger mechanics. Some shooters “slap” the trigger, with the finger coming off and then slapping into the face of the trigger. Others might squeeze too tightly. In all cases, accuracy suffers–usually because the rifle is being jerked or twisted as the cartridge is going off. According to Curt Vaughn, Head of Product for Ballistic and a long-range shooting competitor, the first thing a shooter must practice is easing back on the trigger. “Pull on the trigger slowly and steadily, and directly back,” … Continue reading

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Now that summer is here it’s important to remember to constantly stay hydrated and you can easily test if you’re dehydrated with a simple three-second pinch test. The pinch test involves checking the skin turgor – the skin’s elasticity – which is what allows the skin to change its shape and return to normal – in order to find out whether or not you’re dehydrated. All you have to do is pinch your skin for a few seconds to see if your skin returns to its regular shape after being held together for awhile and depending on what your results … Continue reading

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[Excerpt from Gerard Casey, Libertarian Anarchy Against the State, chap. 6: Deligitimizing the State.] What does it mean for one person to represent another? Under normal circumstances those who represent us do so at our bidding and cease to do so at our bidding. They act on our instructions within the boundaries of a certain remit and we are responsible for what they do as our agents. The central characteristic of representation by agency is that the agent is responsible to his principal and is bound to act in the principal’s interest. Is this the situation with my so-called political representatives? … Continue reading

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Fairfax, VA – As NRA-ILA reported on April 27, peaceful Switzerland is in the crosshairs of international and domestic gun control advocates who are intent on abolishing the idyllic nation’s tradition of an armed citizenry. Using the 2017 changes to the European Firearms Directive as justification, these foreign and home-grown forces are attempting to burden the tranquil republic with gun controls the Swiss people have continually rejected. However, as was pointed out in a recent Bloomberg article, many Swiss citizens are refusing to take this assault on their inalienable rights and national sovereignty lying down. In the Swiss tradition of neutrality, Switzerland is not a member of the European … Continue reading

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What makes housing so expensive? Labor costs, for one. According to a 2014 Census Bureau survey, the average single-family home takes about six months to construct, and that’s a lot of man-hours. A new type of home from Austin, Texas-based startup ICON and the housing nonprofit New Story is hoping to change that. Their homes can be built from the ground up in 12 to 24 hours, and they cost builders just $10,000 to construct, The Verge reports. ICON’s construction method uses the Vulcan 3D printer. With concrete as the building material, the printer pipes out a structure complete with a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and porch that … Continue reading

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If you’re going to carry a concealed firearm, there are certain things you really must have. Recently, I was asked to mention what I considered the essentials for a man going about town with a concealed firearm. I’m going to assume you already have a gun, of course, but if not then the discussion of what to look for is a whole other topic for another post. Ladies, don’t worry. There will be a version coming up specifically tailored to your needs. While many of this will translate over for either sex, I’m not about to tell women how to … Continue reading

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Facebook’s dwindling popularity is no secret, as users and organizations alike have criticized its ever-changing algorithms and lodged claims of censorship. In light of the most recent algorithmic changes, which have prioritized users’ friends’ posts over posts from public pages, even Facebook has acknowledged a decrease in the amount of time people are spending on the site. Though there is currently no major alternative to Facebook that compares to the way Facebook served as a replacement for Myspace a decade ago, emerging options reflect the new paradigm: decentralized blockchain platforms. In what is arguably a show of major recognition for these new options, Bloomberg Technology reported Tuesday on Steemit, an increasingly popular blockchain-based social … Continue reading

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A homework question intended for eight-year-old students has left grown adults scratching their heads. Mumsnet users have been trying to solve a riddle that asks when different lighthouses will shine their lights at the same time and when they will be off at the same time. The question is answered by working out the common multiples between the schedules of the lighthouses. However, none of the parents could seem to agree on the correct answer – so can you work it out? Mumsnet users have been left stumped by this maths question aimed at primary school age children – but can … Continue reading

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Clothes are the carriage of the soul. Like the soul, they should be well-made and un-ostentatious. No one expressed this better than Beau Brummell when he said, “It should take at least five minutes from a man entering the room to noticing he’s well-dressed.” I reached for these remembrances upon reading about this week’s so-called Met Ball. It confirmed a long-standing suspicion that “themed” dress codes—let alone the grotesque excess of “fancy dress”—are the last refuge of people who want to be looked at rather than heard. And usually with good reason. People of sensitivity can be found stalking the … Continue reading

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The CIA’s connections to mainstream media are well documented. Take Operation Mockingbird, for example, a program developed by the agency to infiltrate mainstream media and feed them stories that suit the narrative of the agency, for ‘national security’ purposes. It was actually birthed out of the Office for Strategic Services (OSS), which, during the second World War, established a network of journalists and psychological warfare experts. Back then, these were propaganda campaigns, or fake news campaigns in essence. One old example from the OSS can be looked at by examining the Career of Richard Helms. He eventually become the CIA’s director, … Continue reading

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