It is no secret that our July 24 VIPS Memorandum for the President, entitled “Was the ‘Russian Hack’ an Inside Job?,” gave rise to some questioning and controversy – nor was it a surprise that it was met with almost total silence in the mainstream media. The ongoing U.S. media campaign against Russia has been so effective that otherwise intelligent people have been unable even to entertain the notion that they may have been totally misled by the intelligence community. The last time this happened in 2003, after a year of such propaganda, the U.S. attacked Iraq on fraudulent – not … Continue reading

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You think your president really, truly represents you and has your best interests in mind? You think that by voting you make a difference? You think that the government should take care of the economy, health care, and every possible aspect of your life? If so, think again or you will be in for a big surprise if you haven’t realized it as of now. If you already had intuitions about the parasitic, and fundamentally flawed nature of government but still couldn’t grasp it in its horrific totality then this is the book you need to read. Murray Rothbard came … Continue reading

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It is no secret that our July 24 VIPS Memorandum for the President, entitled “Was the ‘Russian Hack’ an Inside Job?,” gave rise to some questioning and controversy – nor was it a surprise that it was met with almost total silence in the mainstream media. The ongoing U.S. media campaign against Russia has been so effective that otherwise intelligent people have been unable even to entertain the notion that they may have been totally misled by the intelligence community. The last time this happened in 2003, after a year of such propaganda, the U.S. attacked Iraq on fraudulent – not … Continue reading

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Seemingly simple, yet oh so significant – the stirrup is an invention that changed the history of the world. The emergence of the stirrup revolutionized the way horses were ridden and consequently re-shaped transportation. In fact, this invention played an important role in some key historical events and empire building. This simple device consists of a pair of frames or rings attached to the saddle of a horse (or other equine animals) via straps, and served to hold a rider’s feet in place. Although the horse was domesticated more than 5 millennia ago, the stirrup was only invented at a … Continue reading

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The upgrade of Russia’s sovereign credit rating by the Fitch agency has raised questions over the fairness of previous downgrades. The ‘Big Three’ have repeatedly been accused by Russian authorities of deliberately underestimating the country’s economy. RT talked to investing guru and financial commentator Jim Rogers who said the American rating agencies are incompetent and have “made a lot mistakes in the past decades.” “They’ve been so wrong so many times in the past. They are totally incompetent; they don’t know what they are doing,” said Rogers. According to the investor, Russia’s ratings will continue to go higher as it has very … Continue reading

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If you’re a big fan of the rapper, Eminem, there’s a chance you’re also a psychopath, according to a new study. Researchers have found that people with psychopathic traits prefer listening to rap music. While the findings are yet to be published, the researchers even go far as to suggest that rap songs could be used to help predict the disorder in the future. Researchers from New York University looked at how people’s musical preferences correlate with their psychopathic tendencies. And unlike Hannibal Lecter – a psychopath portrayed in the 1991 blockbuster, Silence of the Lambs – who had a fondness … Continue reading

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Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, There’s a lot to complain about in this deranged republic – if it even still is one – but the burdens of being a multimillionaire football player would not be at the top of my list. Personally, I find it a little peculiar that we have to play the national anthem before any sporting event. All it really shows is how insecure we are as a nation that we have to display our love of country in this obsessive manner. Same with congressmen and their stupid flag lapel pins, or the flag in front of Denny’s chain restaurants. … Continue reading

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For millennia, people believed that the sun revolved around the earth, appearing, as it did, on the eastern horizon in the morning and setting on the western horizon in the evening. Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos is generally credited with the concept that the universe is heliocentric, with all the planets revolving around the sun. Yet it took a further eighteen centuries before Nicolaus Copernicus came along and convinced people that this was the case. So, we can be forgiven if we educated modern-day people sometimes have difficulty in understanding that gold is the monetary sun. Even those of us … Continue reading

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The real U.S. Constitution, which was scrapped long ago, does not permit judges to be its final interpreters, executive orders, coercion of the people of a State by the federal government, delegation of control of the currency to a private banking cartel, the subsidy of private corporations, or calling the militia to active service except in case of invasion or rebellion and at the request of the State. The Constitution should have been reverently buried long ago. Except that its rotting corpse provides lucrative pickings for lawyers and pseudo-respectable cover for power seekers. The central government has no check on … Continue reading

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Killer robots of the future will need more powerful chips to allow them to process vast amounts of data. The US military has now announced it is investing $900 million (£665 million) on advanced materials and technologies to make these processors a reality. It hope its efforts will enable the 50 years of growth in micro-processing power to continue over the coming century. This will allow for the creation of advanced AI systems, ranging from killing machines to cars, planes and other autonomous technology. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Electronics Resurgence Initiative’s will create six new programs over the next … Continue reading

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$60 Billion plus is the U.S. dollar equivalent to how much Bitcoin is currently in circulation. That amount of money would keep the Estonian government running at current expenditures for almost 60 years. $60 billion is more than double Estonia’s Gross Domestic Product. So what if Estonia released a cryptocurrency that was that successful? It’s not a stretch to think the first government-sponsored crypocurrency would do as well or better than Bitcoin. It would still have to be structured properly on the blockchain with secure technology. But the legitimacy an actual country and government could give to a digital cryptocurrency is … Continue reading

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Matthew Walker has learned to dread the question “What do you do?” At parties, it signals the end of his evening; thereafter, his new acquaintance will inevitably cling to him like ivy. On an aeroplane, it usually means that while everyone else watches movies or reads a thriller, he will find himself running an hours-long salon for the benefit of passengers and crew alike. “I’ve begun to lie,” he says. “Seriously. I just tell people I’m a dolphin trainer. It’s better for everyone.” Buy Silver at Discounted Prices Walker is a sleep scientist. To be specific, he is the director … Continue reading

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h/t The Spectator – Guardian author John Gibbons has written an extraordinary piece which blames climate denial on old white people. Climate deniers want to protect the status quo that made them rich Sceptics prefer to reject regulations to combat global warming and remain indifferent to the havoc it will wreak on future generations From my vantage point outside the glass doors, the sea of grey hair and balding pates had the appearance of a golf society event or an active retirement group. Instead, it was the inaugural meeting of Ireland’s first climate denial group, the self-styled Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) in Dublin … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton said that women who support President Donald Trump are ‘publicly disrespecting themselves’ and that he is doing ‘worse than I thought’. In an interview on Saturday on MSNBC’s AM Joy, the 2016 presidential hopeful said she was surprised by women who supported Trump given his past contentious remarks – including the ‘grab them by the p****’ controversy. ‘When I see women doing that, I think: “Why are they publicly disrespecting themselves?”,’ Clinton told host Joy Reid. ‘”Why are they opening the door to have someone say that about them in their workplace? In a community setting? Do they not see the connection … Continue reading

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Foreign tourists in North Korea are invariably steered to the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum in Pyongyang, which documents the isolated nation’s crucible years: the 1950-53 war that split the Korean Peninsula in two. Rural schoolchildren dressed in military uniform and wearing the bright red neckties of the Youth Revolutionary League listen wide-eyed as guides explain atrocities by the “US aggressors” committed during the war. Many of these atrocities refer to what Blaine Harden, author and former Washington Post reporter, recently called a “long, leisurely and merciless” US bombing campaign: well over half a million tons of bombs dropped, napalm and chemical weapons deployed, cities levelled. “Although the … Continue reading

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