Hillary Clinton said that women who support President Donald Trump are ‘publicly disrespecting themselves’ and that he is doing ‘worse than I thought’. In an interview on Saturday on MSNBC’s AM Joy, the 2016 presidential hopeful said she was surprised by women who supported Trump given his past contentious remarks – including the ‘grab them by the p****’ controversy. ‘When I see women doing that, I think: “Why are they publicly disrespecting themselves?”,’ Clinton told host Joy Reid. ‘”Why are they opening the door to have someone say that about them in their workplace? In a community setting? Do they not see the connection … Continue reading

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Buried deep inside the just-passed defense budget is a small amendment, which could lead to a ban on broadcasting RT in America. The architects of the provision, Senators Graham and McCain, may recall that in their youth such practices formed what was known as the ‘Iron Curtain’. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2018, which was passed by the US Senate earlier this week, is stuffed with provisions that have little to do with US national defense. This is a tactic that US lawmakers have traditionally used to ‘piggy-back’ legislation which would have little hope of adoption as … Continue reading

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Review by Dutch Michael Gilson: All stories have two sides, and The War for Southern Independence is no exception. This volume by Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook presents the Southern view. I was riveted as I was reading each page. This volume should be required reading throughout the country. Colonel Seabrook cuts his way through Yankee myths and fabrications with expert skill (evidence of his many years of writing on Southern history). This volume is well researched and gives much food for thought and cause for reflection. Finally a work that sets the record straight on the War for Sothern Independence and … Continue reading

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It has been over 200 years since Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted violently, resulting in death and disorder on a global scale. According to The Guinness Book of World Records it is the deadliest volcano in history. Here MailOnline Travel reveals the horrifying – but fascinating – history of the blast and how tourists today can take a peek at its incredible crater. Mount Tambora is an active stratovolcano – meaning it is made up of layers of ash and lava – on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia, once known as the Dutch East Indies. Its eruption in 1815 killed around … Continue reading

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New York City‘s LaGuardia Airport has been ranked the worst large airport in the United States, according to a new survey. The notoriously unpopular facility, which is located in Queens, came in last among 21 airports in its category. Even more surprising is that LaGuardia came in last despite this year having an all-time high traveler satisfaction rating. The ranking was conducted by JD Power and asked about customer experiences. New York’s other major airport also scored noticeably low – it was ranked fourth worst among the country’s mega airports. Among those that also received a poor score were Newark Liberty International … Continue reading

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Puerto Rico, You lovely island, Island of tropical breezes….             — West Side Story Welcome to America’s first experiment in the World Made By Hand lifestyle. Where else is it going? Watch closely. Ricardo Ramos, the director of the beleaguered, government-owned Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, told CNN Thursday that the island’s power infrastructure had been basically “destroyed” and will take months to come back “Basically destroyed.” That’s about as basic as it gets civilization-wise. Residents, Mr. Ramos said, would need to change the way they cook and cool off. For entertainment, old-school would be the best … Continue reading

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A study from Public Health England found that one in 10 men over the age of 50 have a heart that is 10 years older than their actual age. In the U.S., one in three deaths is attributed to cardiovascular disease. Every 40 seconds, one American dies as a result of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease claims more lives than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease combined. The unfortunate part is that cardiovascular disease can be prevented by adhering to a healthy lifestyle, yet many Americans are still falling victim to heart disease. In response to the alarming number … Continue reading

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If the Trump administration puts sanctions on China, this would hurt America more because it just forces China and Russia and other countries to cooperate, says investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned on Tuesday that the US could impose economic sanctions on China if it does not implement the new sanctions regime against North Korea, saying that the restrictions could involve cutting off Beijing’s access to the US financial system. “If China doesn’t follow these sanctions, we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system, … Continue reading

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Wilderness survival is a vast subject that few people ever truly master. Even certain subsets of this subject can be daunting. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources and books that can help. It’s a super popular subject that has been discussed at length by countless websites and authors, including yours truly. But throughout my time researching this subject over the years, I’ve stumbled on a few survival tips that don’t seem to be mentioned very often. Perhaps their usefulness is a little too narrow, or there are better options that are little more versatile and applicable in more situations. … Continue reading

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A series of big earthquakes in less than 24 hours could have been caused by seismic waves travelling along fault lines and triggering ruptures. A 6.1 magnitude earthquake hit New Zealand on Wednesday followed by others off the coasts of Japan (6.1), Vanuatu (6.4), and Indonesia (5.7) early Thursday morning. All were along the ‘Ring of Fire’ that stretches around the Pacific from New Zealand to Chile through Indonesia, Japan, and California, in which 90 per cent of quakes happen. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts Earthquakes in New Zealand, Japan, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Tonga, Taiwan, and Papua New Guinea over past 24 hours could … Continue reading

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Year after year, more and more people are becoming aware of the harmful effects fluoride can have on the human body. Fluoride has been a known neurotoxin for a long time, but the government claims it benefits our teeth. In reality, it’s not even known to actually prevent the buildup of harmful oral bacteria; however, it is known to be toxic, with long-term ingestion linked to brain, heart, and bone issues. Fluoride is also an endocrine disruptor, and can affect your thyroid gland, pineal gland, and blood sugar levels. Many universities and established scientific publications have gathered data on the health risks associated with fluoride. For example, a 2014 study conducted by Harvard School of … Continue reading

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A new school year is almost here. If your children attend school outside your home, have you ever thought about what would happen if their school was closed for an extended period of time? The most likely to occur disastrous events don’t have a long duration before order begins to be restored. Natural disasters can be devastating, but most are relatively localized and the response and recovery time is a couple weeks to a month at the longest. Your children might miss some school, but the time is usually made up at the end of the year or possibly by extending the … Continue reading

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Review by Sondra Hixon: This book deserves 5 stars for being not only well written but also the only book as yet of its kind. It is a benign ideological argument for a more benign system, deconstructing the myth that the American-style republic is the best of all possible worlds. Hoppe has proven prescient, as he wrote this treatise at the beginning of the current millennium when the United States was still riding high and triumphant as the world’s ‘hyperpower.’ The malaise and breakdown that have set in since then have brought to light the hollow nature of America’s hubristic crowing … Continue reading

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CNN, which had previously denounced President Donald Trump’s claims that he had been wiretapped at Trump Tower, reported late on Monday that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was tapped by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Depending on the political inclinations of the journalists covering the story, the tale has been framed as either a vindication of Trump’s generally derided claims that Trump Tower was wiretapped by the Obama Administration or yet another bit of evidence demonstrating that Team Trump was in collusion to with the Russians to influence the results of the presidential election. Insofar as can be determined given … Continue reading

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Recently, US Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin stated, “If China doesn’t follow these sanctions [against North Korea], we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system.” By this, he meant that the US would shut China out of the SWIFT system, through which the great majority of international settlements are facilitated. In stating this, the US government is doing nothing less than threatening economic warfare against China, which would unquestionably prove catastrophic to the global economy. This is astonishingly shortsighted, as the US can no more do without trade with … Continue reading

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