Recently, US Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin stated, “If China doesn’t follow these sanctions [against North Korea], we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system.” By this, he meant that the US would shut China out of the SWIFT system, through which the great majority of international settlements are facilitated. In stating this, the US government is doing nothing less than threatening economic warfare against China, which would unquestionably prove catastrophic to the global economy. This is astonishingly shortsighted, as the US can no more do without trade with … Continue reading

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Dozens of perfectly preserved ancient shipwrecks have been found at the bottom of the Black Sea. A total of 60 wrecks were discovered dating back as far as 2,500 years, including galleys from the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Scientists stumbled upon the graveyard while using underwater robots to survey the effects of climate change along the Bulgarian coast. Because the Black Sea contains almost no light or oxygen, little life can survive, meaning the wrecks are in excellent condition. Researchers say their discovery is ‘truly unrivalled’. Many of the ships have features that are only known from drawings or … Continue reading

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Countless concerned individuals are still searching for answers surrounding the mysterious death of the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. The official narrative, that a lone former Marine named Harvey Oswald assassinated him, is widely disputed. All available documents from all government entities are required by the Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 to be released on October 26th of 2017. But if history repeats itself, the Central Intelligence Agency may not release an entire volume of documents on Oswald, known as “volume 5.” As Sputnik reports, the release in July of 3,810 CIA and FBI documents on the assassination by the … Continue reading

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The expression “tin ear” does not begin to describe Hillary Clinton’s problem.  A good sense of humor is not among her presentation skills, to say the least. The mainstream media certainly don’t like President Trump’s sense of humor, but when it comes to Hillary, they even let pass her infamous “like with a cloth?” joke.  That moment was not only a groaner of epic proportion, but the most counterproductive attempt in memory to disarm a hostile questioner.  Instead of removing the issue from further discussion, it became an icon signaling her refusal to speak honestly about the destruction of evidence. Buy Silver … Continue reading

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When it comes to 9/11, there are two groups of people: those who don’t know exactly what happened, and those who orchestrated it. Nearly everyone on earth belongs in the former category, but a lot of folks like to pretend they have a rock solid understanding of the events which transpired on that fateful day in 2001. Scoffing mainstream adherents like to pretend they’re confident that the official narrative is accurate, but they aren’t. A lot of hardcore conspiracy analysts like to pretend they know the real story, but they don’t. There’s simply not enough publicly available information for anyone … Continue reading

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Twitter rival GAB was served notice by its domain registrar that it has 5 days to transfer its domain or they will seize it. BREAKING: Gab’s domain registrar has given us 5 days to transfer our domain or they will seize it. The free and open web is in danger. — Gab (@getongab) September 18, 2017 At the same time GAB is suing Google for anti trust violations. According to David Z. Morris at Fortune magazine, GAB supports Milo Yiannopoulous whom Morris slanders by calling him a white supremacist who was banned from Google for his racially offensive harassment of a black actress – Time to buy old US gold coins Gab, a … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, we’re going to cover some interesting information pertaining to Green Tea, and some reasons why you should make it a part of your routine.  I have written about it in the past, but mainly to help against HFV’s (Hemorrhagic Flu Viruses), such as Bird Flu and Ebola.  Green Tea is not expensive, and it is a great beverage to partake in.  In fact, according to, it’s “the healthiest beverages on the planet.” Green Tea itself comes from an evergreen shrub, Camellia sinensis, originally cultivated in China and now more widespread throughout the Far East and the Middle East. Why … Continue reading

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Do you ever walk through someone’s home and take note of items that could potentially be hazardous to their health? I know I do! I don’t mean to judge, but I can’t help but notice when people have fluoride-filled toothpaste sitting on their bathroom counters or chemical-ridden cleaners hiding in their cabinets. But, what if some of these items are sitting in your own home? Most people have toxic products linked to cancer in every corner of their homes, often without even realizing it. It’s not like the labels of these products all have a huge warning sign that reads, … Continue reading

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For the first time in 50 years, the ruins of Chichén Itzá are being investigated by archaeologists. The team from the Great Maya Aquifer Project aim to discover if “local legends of an elaborate underworld are true.” Built more than 1,000 years ago, the ancient Mayan pyramid in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula will be explored using a modified ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to locate passageways and rooms in El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcan. Second secret pyramid found inside ancient Mayan temple — RT (@RT_com) November 18, 2016 “Something on this scale has never been attempted, but we’re … Continue reading

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“A thinking American must choose between Hamilton and Jefferson, whose contrary visions of the future were contested in the first days of the Constitution. If you are happy with big government, big banks, big business, big military, and judicial dictatorship, then you have Hamilton to thank. His legacy of nationalism, centralization, crony capitalism and military adventurism is all around us. If you prefer the Jeffersonian version of an American regime (or even if you don?t) McClanahan’s new book is for you. This is not simply a polemic. McClanahan, who is proving to be one of the ablest truly relevant historians … Continue reading

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NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden created so much transparency when he leaked information about the NSA’s mass surveillance programs. He wasn’t the first to do so, but thanks to his and many others’ efforts, whistleblowers are now a major gateway to the truth behind the military industrial complex. It makes you wonder, what else does a man like this know? Surely there are more facts he is aware of, but hasn’t revealed. This, however, has not stopped him from retweeting some interesting things over the past few years. One of the latest relates to the CIA’s connection with terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The tweet concerns Even McMullin, … Continue reading

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The recent Global Times editorial, discussed by me in my article on UN Security Council Resolution 2753, has spoken of US attempts to use sanctions to ‘collapse’ North Korea’s economy and to ‘suffocate’ the North Korean regime as an idea that is both dangerous and counterproductive Some Americans and South Koreans have attempted to collapse Pyongyang’s economy and suffocate the current Pyongyang regime. This is dangerous. North Korea’s nuclear crisis requires arduous efforts to find a final solution, and any attempt to immediately end the crisis will only escalate tensions and eventually jeopardize self-interests. This is exactly correct.  Indeed one of … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—News executives love disasters. They get to act like Chuck Norris and Assemble the Squad. “Maginnis, you cover first responders.” “Wilson, get over to NOAA and stay on those maps.” “Kelly, official press briefings. Work with Yurozawski to keep tabs on every emergency room within a 300-mile radius.” “Bergram, you’re Cop Shop, but we’ll keep the aperiodic radio tracking the locals.” “Ramstein, find that German guy who gets a hard-on for global warming.” By the time a managing editor or a news director gets finished “covering this mother like blubber on a seal,” you’ve got thirty people who feel … Continue reading

The post The Hurricane Algorithm appeared first on LewRockwell.

The other day, Andrew Torba was scheduled to appear on the Tucker Carlson show so I figured out how to find it off the underground TV system. I no longer have a TV subscription, so I have to rely on the dark web for this stuff. Cord cutters can say what they like about services like Kodi, but it is a hassle compared to regular cable. So much so, in fact, that I rarely watch television. Instead I download movies and TV shows and binge watch when the spirit moves me. I watched Deadwood last month, for example. Anyway, I found a … Continue reading

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