Google’s screening tool that enables people to check online whether they are clinically depressed could do more harm than good, one expert has warned. Last month, the tech giant released a self-assessment quiz, called the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), which pops up as a result for the search query ‘Am I depressed?’ on a computer or cell phone. Google developed its test in partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) but one professor claims that the quiz could just lead to over-treatment of depression amid the US’s opioid epidemic. He warns the tool’s development was funded by major drug … Continue reading

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The recent Global Times editorial, discussed by me in my article on UN Security Council Resolution 2753, has spoken of US attempts to use sanctions to ‘collapse’ North Korea’s economy and to ‘suffocate’ the North Korean regime as an idea that is both dangerous and counterproductive Some Americans and South Koreans have attempted to collapse Pyongyang’s economy and suffocate the current Pyongyang regime. This is dangerous. North Korea’s nuclear crisis requires arduous efforts to find a final solution, and any attempt to immediately end the crisis will only escalate tensions and eventually jeopardize self-interests. This is exactly correct.  Indeed one of … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—News executives love disasters. They get to act like Chuck Norris and Assemble the Squad. “Maginnis, you cover first responders.” “Wilson, get over to NOAA and stay on those maps.” “Kelly, official press briefings. Work with Yurozawski to keep tabs on every emergency room within a 300-mile radius.” “Bergram, you’re Cop Shop, but we’ll keep the aperiodic radio tracking the locals.” “Ramstein, find that German guy who gets a hard-on for global warming.” By the time a managing editor or a news director gets finished “covering this mother like blubber on a seal,” you’ve got thirty people who feel … Continue reading

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Former US President Jimmy Carter said the US works more like an “oligarchy than a democracy,” while also lambasting Trump’s “hopeless” approach to solving the Israel-Palestine issue, and the increasing tension with North Korea. The former president was speaking at a ‘Conversation with the Carters’ event at his Carter Center in Atlanta on Tuesday. He said money in politics is what makes the US more like an oligarchy – run by a small group of rich people – rather than a democracy, AP reports. This isn’t the first time the 39th president has made such comments. In 2015, he referred to the “unlimited political bribery” that … Continue reading

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American progressives have finally gone all the way to a totalitarian vision, demanding control over not just your behavior, but your thoughts and beliefs. This as the price of simply living without being attacked. And hats off to Erick Erickson for naming it first. The former RedState honcho and Never-Trumper called it right, and no, I’m not talking about his near-demonic hatred of President Trump. Last year, Erickson released a book with a title he popularized: You Will Be Made to Care: The War on Faith, Family, and Your Freedom to Believe. The book is a summation of an argument Erickson has long made. As … Continue reading

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EVERYONE CLINTON HAS BLAMED SINCE SHE LOST  Hillary Clinton’s round of TV interviews have added new culprits to those who she says prevented her from reaching the White House. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts So far those include: The FBI  James Comey, then FBI director  The Russians Vladimir Putin  Bernie Sanders  ‘Anti-American forces’  Low information voters Everyone who assumed she’d win Bad polling numbers  Obama for winning two terms People wanting change  Misogynists Suburban women The New York Times  Television executives Cable news  Netflix  Democrats not making the right documentaries  Read the Whole Article

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Many people find mathematics daunting. If true, this piece is for you. If not, this piece is still for you. What do you think of when you think about mathematics? Perhaps you think about x’s and y’s, intractable fractions, or nonsensical word problems. The cartoonist Gary Larson once depicted hell’s library as containing only giant tomes of word problems. FOUR STEPS TO SOLVE A MATH PROBLEM  George Pólya wrote ‘How to Solve It’ in 1985. This book went on to sell over one million copies and was translated into 17 languages. In it he shows what math really is (problem-solving) and … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Guys and Gals, the “Grand Funk” we’re going to be speaking about today is not that of the Grand Funk Railroad, the Band.  Rather it is the funk of sweat, dirt, and grime that all of us experience firsthand throughout our existence.  I am relating it to the “bush,” or the outdoors/forest/jungle when you are out and about in a survival situation.  There are a few pointers here that would be good to observe, especially considering the world situation and how close we are to a war with China or North Korea. Hygiene in the field.  So, what?  So, … Continue reading

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The air cannon never fired their confetti. The glass ceiling never cracked, figuratively or literally. On election night at the Javits Center in New York, where Hillary Clinton fully expected to become the first female president of the United States, the mood went from wedding to wake. Less than a month earlier, Clinton had warned in an interview: “I’m the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse.” Her new book, What Happened, is a cathartic attempt to explain to a bewildered world how the “apocalypse” of President Trump came to be. The memoir has already reopened old wounds among Democrats who insist it is time … Continue reading

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Pope Francis has sharply criticised climate change deniers as “stupid” in the wake of a spate of powerful hurricanes that have wreaked havoc in the US, Mexico and the Caribbean. “Those who deny it [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them,” the pontiff said on Monday during an in-flight press conference on the return leg of a five-day Colombia trip. “They speak very clearly.” As his charter plane flew over some of the recently devastated areas en route to Rome, Francis added: “I am reminded of a phrase from the Old Testament, I think from the Psalm: ‘Man is … Continue reading

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Cases of fatty liver disease are on the rise as people’s waistlines continue to grow. As fat permeates the liver, the organ becomes unable to function properly. Over time, fatty liver disease can worsen into fibrosis or, ultimately, liver cancer or cirrhosis. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects nearly one in three Americans. NAFLD can be caused by high sugar levels (hyperglycemia), high levels of fat (triglycerides) particularly in the blood, obesity, or diabetes. However, the rate of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease seems to be lower among cannabis users. Cannabis use may lower risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Researchers at … Continue reading

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The decline from democracy to tyranny is both a natural and inevitable one. That’s not a pleasant thought to have to consider, but it’s a fact, nonetheless. In every case, a democracy will deteriorate as the result of the electorate accepting the loss of freedom in trade for largesse from their government. This process may be fascism, socialism, communism, or a basket of “isms,” but tyranny is the inevitable endgame of democracy. Like the destruction of a sandcastle by the incoming tide, it requires time to transpire, but in time, the democracy, like the sandcastle, will be washed away in … Continue reading

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The new Bugatti has set a world record by accelerating from zero to 249mph and back to a standstill – in just 41 seconds. With an 8-litre engine developing almost 1,500bhp, the Bugatti Chiron is one of the most impressive hypercars ever built. To demonstrate its performance they gave it to former F1 star Juan-Pablo Montoya who took it for a spin on the top secret Ehra-Lessien test track in Germany. And the Colombian driver managed to go from 0-249-0 mph and back again in 41.96 seconds. This was over a distance of just 1.9 miles – with Montoya opting against … Continue reading

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This ultrarevisionist work is provocative, often interesting, and often preposterous. It appears to be a case of bottom-up history gone wild. The trend to view history from the standpoint of mass society is well established. Russell, a historian and journalist, has taken this approach much further. He asserts that the driving force behind many historical developments in history was provided by so-called marginalized groups outside the bounds of “respectable” society. So Russell provides a rapid run through some episodes and social movements in U.S. history, beginning with the meeting of the Second Continental Congress. His champions of liberty are not … Continue reading

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Gun grabbers will try anything to limit our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. While we appear to be taking back ground lost in previous decades–usually with data to prove that new laws have done nothing to make us any safer–there are a handful of laws in place that are particularly stupid. Today, let’s take a look at those laws and just why they need to be killed. What this is not is an in-depth, legalese description of these laws, just a brief overview. I am not an attorney, after all. 1. The Hughes Amendment This was something … Continue reading

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