Justin’s note: South Korea just made history. Two weeks ago, it introduced a “robot tax.” It became the first country to adopt this policy. Now, to be fair, this isn’t a tax at all. But it will make it more expensive for South Korean companies to invest in technology. Under the current law, South Korean companies can deduct up to 7% of how much money they spend on automation equipment or robots. But soon they’ll only be able to deduct 2% of their investment. The government hopes this will encourage companies to hire workers instead of buying robots. Below, I talk … Continue reading

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Letting dogs sleep in bedrooms helps people get a better night’s snooze, new research reveals. This is only true, however, if the dog is present in the room, but not under the covers, a study found. Snuggling up to animals in bed reduces people’s sleep quality, the research adds. Study author Dr Lois Krahn from the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, said: ‘We found that many people find comfort and a sense of security from sleeping with their pets. ‘Today, many pet owners are away from their pets for much of the day, so they want to maximize their time with … Continue reading

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Google has taken the unprecedented step of burying material, mostly from websites on the political right, that it has deemed to be inappropriate. The problem, however, is that the world’s largest search engine is a left-leaning company with an ax to grind. Let’s face it, deep down in our heart of hearts we knew the honeymoon wouldn’t last forever. Our willingness to place eternal faith in an earth-straddling company that oversees the largest collection of information ever assembled was doomed to end in a bitter divorce from the start. After all, each corporation, just like humans, has their own political … Continue reading

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Everyone knows that guns are great for protecting yourself. But most people forget that all adversarial contests involve both offense and defense. If you’ve got a gun – but the bad guy gets off the first shot with his gun – you might still get killed. Moreover, while you might be a quicker draw and better shot than a single bad guy breaking into your house, you might get ambushed by terrorists, gang bangers or other bad guys … and got shot before you even have the time to draw, point and shoot. That’s why military and law enforcement officers wear body armor.   If … Continue reading

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In 1913, Woodrow Wilson was the newly elected president. Wilson and his fellow progressives scorned the Constitution and the Declaration. They moved swiftly to replace the Founders’ republic with a new regime. There is widespread agreement that Wilson did not always show good judgment – for example, in his blunders in international relations – but in the project of overturning the Founding, he and the movement he led selected their targets shrewdly.  By the time he left office, the American republic was, as they say, history.  The fundamentals of the new regime were in place, and the expansion of government … Continue reading

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Review from Amazon.com Excellent! Revealing look at the true evil genius of the man who is responsible for the deaths (not to mention the rape and pillage) of more Americans than anyone in history. As with most things, follow the money and you get to the true root of most things, including why Lincoln and the Whig/Republicans would be satisfied only by a war of conquest and domination against the southern people. Time to buy old US gold coins From Publishers Weekly In this laughable screed, a senior fellow at the libertarian/free market Ludwig von Mises Institute charges that most … Continue reading

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You’ve probably heard of white noise, which is a noise containing several different frequencies with equal intensities. Many people find that falling asleep to white noise helps them sleep throughout the night. In fact, manufacturers have developed specific machines to produce white noise to help people sleep. But if you want to improve your sleep and memory, then the white noise isn’t enough. Instead, you need to utilize pink noise. Pink noise improves sleep and memory There are already apps available that produce pink noise to help people sleep, but what is the difference between pink and white noise? The … Continue reading

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Declassified CIA files show that in 1955, an informant boasted about meeting with Adolf Hitler in Colombia, and provided pictures of himself with the Fuhrer – over 10 years after the Fuhrer’s suicide. Declassified files show that in 1955, the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) chief received a secret memo, boasting a subject line that no doubt caused him to jump up from his chair, and spew any liquid in his mouth across the room — “Operational: Adolf Hitler.” As the shocking title implies, the acting station chief in Venezuela claimed to have received a once in a lifetime tip from one of his contacts — a decade after his apparent death by suicide in the Fuhrerbunker, … Continue reading

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The annual BRICS summit in Xiamen – where President Xi Jinping was once mayor – could not intervene in a more incandescent geopolitical context. Once again, it’s essential to keep in mind that the current core of BRICS is “RC”; the Russia-China strategic partnership. So in the Korean peninsula chessboard, RC context – with both nations sharing borders with the DPRK – is primordial. Beijing has imposed a definitive veto on war – of which the Pentagon is very much aware. Pyongyang’s sixth nuclear test, although planned way in advance, happened only three days after two nuclear-capable US B-1B strategic … Continue reading

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A 20th-century find suggests that the Vikings may have explored North America as far south as New York. Although the reasons for its presence in Charles Point are contested, no one can deny the fact that the spearhead unearthed by Augustus Hoffman in 1929 is of Nordic origin. With precious little evidence about how or why the artifact ended up in the Great Lakes Region, researchers rely on ancient tales and legends to explain the mystery of the spearhead. Finding the Spearhead In the summer of 1929, a great storm blew through the Great Lakes Region and caused a great … Continue reading

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As children across the country return to the classrooms, those who passed the 11-plus test will be off to one of the few grammar schools left in the UK. There are only 232 grammar schools in the UK out of roughly 3000 secondary schools, and competition for places each year is fierce with sometimes over 20 applicants for just one space. But would you be able to pass the 11-plus exam to qualify for a spot? Online local services marketplace Bidvine.com has put together 20 questions from the exam with the help of private tutors to put your knowledge to … Continue reading

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As children across the country return to the classrooms, those who passed the 11-plus test will be off to one of the few grammar schools left in the UK. There are only 232 grammar schools in the UK out of roughly 3000 secondary schools, and competition for places each year is fierce with sometimes over 20 applicants for just one space. But would you be able to pass the 11-plus exam to qualify for a spot? Online local services marketplace Bidvine.com has put together 20 questions from the exam with the help of private tutors to put your knowledge to … Continue reading

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Voice assistants, including Apple‘s Siri and Amazon‘s Alexa, can be controlled by hackers using inaudible voice commands, researchers at Zhejiang University in China have found. This can be done using a technique that translates voice commands into ultrasonic frequencies that are too high for the human ear to recognise. The technique, named DolphinAttack, could be used to download a virus, send fake messages and even add fake events to a calendar. It could also give hackers access to outgoing video or phone calls, allowing them to spy on their victims. Voice assistant apps across almost every platform are at risk of being controlled, the … Continue reading

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A serious working hypothesis is being discussed for a while now among independent geopolitical analysts. Here it is, in a nutshell. Daesh may be dying – but the world is still encumbered with its walking corpse. Plan B of Daesh’s masters may have been to indoctrinate repeated waves of misguided youth across the EU and “seduce” them into D.I. Y. jihadi terror, creating fear and insecurity in Europe. I’ve just been to Barcelona — and that’s not happening. No Fear. Daesh can also manipulate its brand name to stake a claim into what we may call the New War Belt in Southwest Asia. That’s also not happening, because the “4+1” – Russia, Syria, … Continue reading

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The latest extraordinary roughshod violation of Russian diplomatic rights by the American authorities shows that the US doesn’t want to restore normal bilateral relations. Indeed, it has now resorted publicly to jackboot diplomacy. The rapid ordering of Russia to vacate three of its diplomatic properties – in a matter of hours – amid reported threats from the American authorities that they would smash down entrance doors if the orders were not complied with, shows a reckless disregard for Russia’s sovereign rights. Not just Russia’s sovereign rights, but the rights of all nations, as far as America is concerned. There were also reports that US … Continue reading

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