Editor’s note: The following article was adapted from When Violence Is the Answer: Learning How to Do What It Takes When Your Life Is at Stake by Tim Larkin. Dulce bellum inexpertis. (War is sweet to those who have never experienced it.) —Pindar You don’t have to look very hard on YouTube to find videos of long-suffering kids reaching their breaking point with bullies and finally fighting back. The scenes vary in geography, gender, and the size and age difference of the kids involved, but each scene generally goes down the same way. The video picks up mid-conflict. The bully is in full aggressor … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, we are becoming “long in the tooth,” so to speak, regarding the current world events.  Some of this article will mention points previously covered, but only in relation to the “big picture” of E&E…that’s the acronym for “Escape & Evasion.”  In the end, no matter how secure your fortress, be it Castle Greyskull or Mount Olympus II, you may have to leave it for one reason or another: fire, radiation, severe flood/hurricane, or the IHM (Incredible Human Mob). The first thing you need to do is establish your immediate location and route to where you intend to flee … Continue reading

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Bologna November 4, 1866 . Sir, The very kind letter which Mrs. Lee wrote to my wife last winter encouraged me to hope that you will forgive my presuming to address you, and that you will not resent as an intrusion a letter from an earnest and passionate lover of the cause whose glory and whose strength you were. I have been requested to furnish private counsel in American affairs for the guidance of the editors of a weekly Review which is to begin at the New Year, and which will be conducted by men who are followers of Mr. … Continue reading

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Responsible gun owners know that if you’re going to carry directly on your person, you never forgo a holster. Tucking your firearm into the waistband of your pants, your belt or your pocket is, simply put, an accident waiting to happen. Unfortunately, one Missouri gun owner never got the memo – or he did and just chose to ignore it. The man was shopping at a University City grocery store with a loaded firearm tucked into the waistband of his jeans, sans holster. Since a waistband provides little to no support and fails to keep your weapon properly oriented, the handgun quickly began to … Continue reading

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Editor’s Note: With over two decades in the high-tech industry, Jeff Brown is our go-to expert for technology investments. Today, he shows why Nikola Tesla’s most ambitious idea could soon become a reality. He stood a striking 6 feet 2 inches tall, quite unusual for his time. Known for possessing a photographic memory and being capable of memorizing entire books, Nikola Tesla is remembered for transformational inventions such as the induction motor, electrical power distribution, fluorescent lights, wireless communications, and remote control of mechanical devices. But of all of Tesla’s inventions, there was one that never saw the light of day. … Continue reading

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When mosquitoes become a problem, most people reach for time tested solutions. They spray themselves with chemicals, or they bundle up in long sleeve shirts and pants. They set up glue traps and electric fly zappers. Or perhaps they look for the source of the mosquitoes, such as nearby puddles of water, and remove them. These are all effective solutions, but there’s another way that most people aren’t aware of. It’s a solution that appears to be more effective than any other by several orders of magnitude. Youtuber Dan Rojas recently unveiled his idea on a video, which shows you how … Continue reading

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A gun dealer in Houston said last week ammunition is flying off the shelves in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. James Hillin, owner of Full Armor Firearms, told The Trace Friday his phones “are blowing off the hook” as reports of looting gain traction. “What people want is ammo,” he said. “People want to arm up and protect themselves from the looters.” Houston law enforcement arrested more than 40 people last week for looting and related crimes as the city recovers from more than four feet of rain and unprecedented flooding unlike anything Texas has ever seen. The storm has killed at least 39 … Continue reading

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I recently watched ‘Get Me Roger Stone’ the excellent Netflix documentary about the famed Republican political operative who was a player in the Nixon and Reagan eras, and who has recently burst back onto the national scene through his association with candidate Trump, his role in ‘Russia-gate’, and the national pulpit he has as a close partner and co-host with Alex Jones’s alt-media juggernaut, Infowars. This trailer captures the spirit of the film so well, so watch it first to get a sense of what it’s about: Time to buy old US gold coins Part of what makes the film a pleasure to … Continue reading

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Google wants to be Big Brother’s eyeballs on you. All us Internet gurus knew this since before the NSA was found out spying on everybody. But now the Mountain View boys are more determined than ever to filter your information, and to obliterate any semblance of truth reaching people. If I had led into an article with that paragraph even five years ago, I’d have been instantly labeled a “conspiracy theorist” or worse. How about know dear reader? Is the idea the technocrats and their huge monied handlers want to run you crazy? I didn’t think so. But if you … Continue reading

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Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a “political space for aggressive U.S. action” on global warming, according to leaked documents. Buy Silver at Discounted Prices A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore’s climate group over three years. “U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, … Continue reading

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The geographic location of Afghanistan has always occupied a central role in many geopolitical studies. Donald Trump’s reasons for reinforcing US troops in the region are driven by the continuing US need to prevent a complete Eurasian integration among regional powers. The April peace talks between Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Russia and China seemed to have put an end to the persistent and dominant American presence in the country. In Washington, following fifteen years of war and a series of failures, many had come to the conclusion that the time had come for the United States to return home. Trump had throughout … Continue reading

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A pair of intrepid explorers have taken fascinating new images of one of the most closely-guarded US Army Bases of all time: supposed alien prison Area 51. Located out in the arid Nevada desert, Area 51 – a detachment of California’s Edwards Air Force Base – was founded in 1955 to test the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance plane. Since then, however, it has become the subject of numerous UFO sightings and has become inextricably linked in the public’s mind with captive aliens and government conspiracies. Closed off to those without top-level security clearance, the site has largely remained a mystery – … Continue reading

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In the past few days, it became quite clear to me that Donald Trump made a deal with the Neocons in Washington. He traded part of his domestic agenda for ceding control of foreign policy to the D.C. establishment. It’s obvious when you connect the dots. Signing the sanctions bill, the non-shift in Afghanistan policy, the tit-for-tat diplomatic aggression with Russia, weapons to Ukraine, etc.  I’ve written extensively about this. Graham is suddenly touting his Obamacare replacement bill. But, taking Graham at his word what this means is that the whole repeal vote was nothing more than a setup, because in no way could … Continue reading

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Before something like Hurricane Harvey, who would’ve imagined the kind of destruction that would literally immobilize a major U.S. metropolitan area for what could potentially be weeks if not months? As of this writing, we’re 72 hours into the aftermath of this major disaster and supplies are already running low. Amid the images of loss and destruction, hurricane survivors know they must restock provisions to prepare for another week or more of sheltering in place. Now, imagine 6.2 million people trying to stock up at the same time. Panic buying is gripping the affected area and beginning to overload local and regional … Continue reading

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Models have lately been trending hurricane Irma to hit southern Florida, with a turn to the north, driving it through the center of the state as a Cat4 or Cat5 Hurricane. Hurricane expert, Dr. Ryan Maue notes: “GFS 00z track shifted considerably to west. Regardless of intensity issues, still a plausible track & worst case scenario” Indeed, it is a worst case scenario for Florida. Let us hope the model is wrong. Buy Gold at Discounted Prices He adds: Similar track from ECMWF 00z (w/input of aircraft recon data) as GFS. South Florida should closely monitor progress of Hurricane #Irma And he adds … Continue reading

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