Imagine a world where one country – country X – is bombing at least seven countries at any one time and is seeking to bomb an eighth, all the while threatening an adversarial ninth state – country Y – that they will bomb that country into oblivion, as well. Imagine that in this world, country X already bombed country Y back into the Stone Age several decades ago, which directly led to the current adversarial nature of the relationship between the two countries. Now imagine that country Y, which is currently bombing no one and is concerned mostly with well-founded threats against its own security, threatens to retaliate … Continue reading

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Brian Wilcox, an ex-member of the NASA Advisory Council on Planetary Defence, made the horrifying revelation while discussing a report by the space agency. He said that NASA’s “risky” proposals to prevent an eruption could go wrong with possibly disastrous consequences. One of the methods would be to drill into the bottom of the United States volcano and to use a pressurised spurt of water to release heat from the magma chamber. But Mr. Wilcox said there is a chance this would not be successful. “If you drill into the top of the magma chamber and try and cool it … Continue reading

The post NASA’s Plan To Fix the Yellowstone Supervolcano appeared first on LewRockwell.

On September 1, Florence the asteroid will whizz past Earth making it the largest asteroid sighting in history. It will then be gone for 500 years. NASA has assured that this asteroid doesn’t pose any threat to our planet, but there are some asteroids out there which are a danger to Earth. Sputnik takes a look at some of these heavenly bodies. Eros 433 Eros is one of the largest near-Earth asteroids. It is stony and elongated and its observation history is over 100 years old. In January 2012, the asteroid, weighing almost 7 trillion tons, was only 27 million kilometers from Earth, … Continue reading

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With the resignation of Steve Bannon from the White House on Friday questions surround President Trump. His detractors are moving in for the kill, piously over-confident they have him cornered on his lack of moral leadership after the violence at Charlottesville. And with Bannon returning to Breitbart, theories and scenarios multiply like mushrooms after a hard rain. From a domestic front, Bannon can serve Trump better from there than the White House. And, in my mind, the sequence of events surrounding his departure raise red flags that the game being played is deeper than it may appear at first glance. But, … Continue reading

The post Does Trump Go Full War Hawk Now? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Justin’s note: Jeff Sessions wants to steal your property. Sessions is the U.S. Attorney General. Since taking office in February, he’s done all sorts of idiotic things. He’s threatened to crack down on the legal marijuana market. He’s attacked gay rights. And now, he wants to amp up asset seizures. This is when the government takes money and property from people. You don’t even need to be convicted of a crime. It’s a disturbing development, to say the least. That’s why I called Doug Casey as soon as I heard about it… Justin: Doug, what do you think of Sessions’ latest “bright” … Continue reading

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This book condenses seven years of research concerning all of the things that doctors never say, and it teaches readers how to break free of the medical treadmill. Alternatives are explained in every chapter to demonstrate the healing power of natural medicine.  Defy Your Doctor and Be Healed is what the other natural cures books were supposed to have been, but weren’t. It does not merely list what works and what does not. It explains the hows and whys in a very straightforward manner. Your doctor is not your healer. He is your dealer. This is why diabetes drugs cause … Continue reading

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Evidence is turning up from, of all places, the Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as Breitbart and others, that this character, Jason Kessler, who organized the suspicious and supposed Alt-Right demonstration in Charlottesville, Va. that blew up in everyone’s face, is a cunning lefty holdover from the Occupy Wall Street movement and a former Barack Obama supporter.  I smell Soros money, sabotage, and Democrat dirty tricks here. I’ve been suspicious of the nature of the violence at this supposed Alt-Right demonstration since the news first began breaking.  It is no secret that radical elements in the Democrat left have been routinely utilizing … Continue reading

The post Something Stinks About Charlottesville appeared first on LewRockwell.

THE CONFRONTATION BETWEEN the U.S. and North Korea has cooled off slightly with Kim Jong-un’s announcement that, at least for the time being, he will not attack Guam with an “enveloping fire.” So since we have a small breather before Armageddon, let’s take the time to understand what this conflict is all about. A good place to start is with the repeated comparisons U.S. politicians have made between the situation with North Korea and the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. For instance, Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, recently said, “This is analogous to the Cuban missile crisis.” According to … Continue reading

The post The Reckless US Worldview appeared first on LewRockwell.

In 1967, Dr. William Podlich, an amateur photographer and college professor, took a leave of absence from his job at Arizona State to work with UNESCO in Kabul, bringing his wife and daughters along with him. It was here that Podlich documented Afghanistan, at a time before the U.S. invasion, Russian war, and Marxist revolution had touched the land with its power and destruction. The photos expose a place that once looked healthy in its nature, strong in its structure, and flourishing with free people. But soon the Soviet invasion of 1979 would open the doors to the destruction of the … Continue reading

The post What Afghanistan Looked Like appeared first on LewRockwell.

A Florida woman in Panama City Beach heard the sounds of three men breaking into his vehicle early Sunday morning. She woke her husband to tell him, the moment so many gun owners secretly dread. He then reportedly got up, had her secure their children, and went out to confront the three men who were breaking into their car outside. However, this Florida man wasn’t the dolt that has become synonymous with the phrase “Florida man” in recent years. He knew there was a 9mm pistol in the car, and he went out to confront the burglars armed with AK-47. The … Continue reading

The post Nice To Have an AK-47 Handy appeared first on LewRockwell.

This article is all about how you can have a year’s supply of toilet paper, no matter what size house or apartment you live in. Lack of sanitation has caused the death of more people worldwide than all of the wars in human history combined. Many of those deaths were due to poor sanitation methods and lack of understanding of diseases and how they link to poor hygiene. So why is it that those who live in prosperous countries do so little about that aspect of self-reliance?Sanitation is such a vital part of survival yet do we consider it a … Continue reading

The post Are You TPP’d? appeared first on LewRockwell.

This article is all about how you can have a year’s supply of toilet paper, no matter what size house or apartment you live in. Lack of sanitation has caused the death of more people worldwide than all of the wars in human history combined. Many of those deaths were due to poor sanitation methods and lack of understanding of diseases and how they link to poor hygiene. So why is it that those who live in prosperous countries do so little about that aspect of self-reliance?Sanitation is such a vital part of survival yet do we consider it a … Continue reading

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The central depository for the Moscow Exchange, National Settlement Depository (NSD), announced that it is developing a platform to provide accounting services for digital assets like cryptocurrencies. The platform looks to be build a unit of account, very important in the volatile crypto-space, for people to value their assets in and have access to through a wallet platform. In short, the Moscow Exchange is taking a page out of Dan Larimer’s BitShares and its OpenLedger exchange to provide trading and accounting and banking services all validated and accessible through the blockchain. In essence, by the end of 2018, cryptos will be trading … Continue reading

The post Russia Turns to Cryptocurrencies appeared first on LewRockwell.

With the state of the country as it is, I recently had a couple of friends approach me for my take on where to start in the world of firearms. As they put it, they didn’t want to be stocking years of canned good and toilet paper, but they do want to be ready for the far more day-to-day situations they might find themselves in. They were putting aside some food and water for disasters and whatnot, but they were lost when it came to guns. They found websites that were supposed to help, but they trusted me for some … Continue reading

The post The Best First Gun appeared first on LewRockwell.