Hillary Clinton has been spotted on multiple occasions lately wearing long jackets paired with colorful scarves that cover her neck and drape down over her back. But Clinton’s style choice, which she has even worn out in 80 degree temperatures, has prompted speculation that she has something to hide… a back brace. Eagle-eyed social media users noticed a strange protrusion coming from Clinton’s back when she was photographed visiting her daughter Chelsea’s apartment in New York last week. The supposed back brace was clearly visible under her blue jacket as she left her daughter’s building and headed back to her waiting car. … Continue reading

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U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent decision to completely pull the plug on the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will likely have a major effect on the upcoming summit between North Korea and the United States. Even as the president was making his announcement, newly appointed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was reportedly on his way to North Korea to prepare for Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong Un. Bloomberg reported prior to the decision that North Korea was watching Trump’s announcement on Iran, with China’s current envoy to the U.K. warning that if Trump walked away … Continue reading

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Another British royal wedding is hoving ineluctably into view. I was at the last one. The memory of that candyfloss patriotism still makes me puke. Noam Chomsky likes opining about the “manufacture of consent.” Royal weddings represent an even more insidious moment: the manufacture of patriotism. The very elixir of which the country has been sucked dry is suddenly in demand. And not only by the people but by all the media and political snouts sniffing at the air of a Great National Event. How far to pull the pin from such a political hand grenade? Too much and the … Continue reading

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Review by Black, Matthew: As a x2 Iraq vet, I was always troubled and interested in the modern history of the middle east. If you want a really gut-wrenching account of how the west completely screwed up an entire region, look no further. The incompetence of civic leaders, their blatant arrogance and greed, their backdoor dealings and re-dealings, the political swings, the sheer luck of some incidents, and the silliness of so-called “intellectuals”, comes to the fore in this great book. If you have dreams of quality international politics or agreements, this book will shatter them. Many of the accounts … Continue reading

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[Journal of Libertarian Studies 15, Number 1 (2000)] Modern history is nothing but an inventory of bankruptcy declarations. —Nicolas Gomez Davila I Monarchy is a form of government not well understood in North America. To many people in that part of the world, monarchy seems to be a totally obsolete, even childish, institution. The surviving monarchies, after all, might still play a symbolic or even a psychological role, but not a decisive political role. As a rationalist and a liberal (in the worldwide sense rather than in the American sense), I am also a monarchist who realizes that monarchy, combined … Continue reading

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I spent nearly 15 years in the CIA. I like to think that I learned something there. I learned how the federal bureaucracy works. I learned that cowboys in government – in the CIA and elsewhere around government – can have incredible power over the creation of policy. I learned that the CIA will push the envelope of legality until somebody in a position of authority pushes back. I learned that the CIA can wage war without any thought whatsoever as to how things will work out in the end. There’s never an exit strategy. I learned all of that … Continue reading

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When Jim Rogers talks, investors listen. One of the world’s most famous investors, Rogers is known for his no-nonsense style and investment wisdom. He is the author of several best-selling books, such as “Hot Commodities” and “Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets.” ETF.com recently spoke with Rogers about the latest financial market developments, including why he sees a big downturn taking shape in the next year or two. ETF.com: You recently said you see the worst stock market correction of your lifetime coming next year. What’s going to cause that? Jim Rogers: I can give you lots … Continue reading

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Sadly we can’t have all our TV show hosts be as great as Tucker Carlson. Sean Hannity hosted Pat Buchanan on his radio show yesterday, and things got pretty heated. They discussed the geopolitics of Iran, Israel, and American foreign policy. Buchanan dismissed Israeli evidence of Irans program by bringing up the excellent counter that Americas foreign policy should rely solely on intelligence gathered from American intelligence services like the CIA and DIA. Hannity debased himself pushing the typical Zionist warmongering propaganda while Buchanan held his ground insisting “I don’t want my country getting into another war” as well as reminding Hannity that Bibi has … Continue reading

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Q was quiet over the weekend but on Tuesday, May 8th he provided us with a significant reminder of why we should “trust Sessions” by asking us who Horowitz and Huber are. US Attorney John W. Huber has been the lead Federal law enforcement official in Utah since he was appointed by Obama in 2015. When Trump was elected, Huber was one of 46 State Attorneys asked to resign, but he was one of the very few asked by Sessions to return to the position for an additional four years. Before assuming the role of Utah’s US Attorney, Huber was assistant US Attorney … Continue reading

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Most American homes—whether they’re houses, apartments, or something in between—have bugs. A 2016 study estimated that there are more than 100 species of creepy crawlers in the average house. Pest Web suggests the global insect pest control market will hit $17.3 billion by 2022. Bed bugs, cockroaches, termites, ants, and mosquitoes are some of the most prevalent intruders—and they can damage your health, your building’s structure, and your wallet. Fortunately, there are DIY ways to prevent these household pests from getting in the door. Grab your sponge and sealant: This is a long war. 1. BED BUGS Though they’re not known to transmit disease … Continue reading

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PORT ORCHARD, Wash.—So, yeah, it’s kind of obvious why Robert Mueller’s “secret questions that he wants to ask Trump” got leaked to the New York Times. I could have written these questions. Because . . . I read the New York Times. Anybody with access to Google Search could have written these questions. Mueller got half of them from reporting in the Times and the Washington Post. There’s no background to these questions that’s not already known to, like, everybody in the world. Shouldn’t the special prosecutor, after a full year of investigations, have inside information that nobody else knows about? Shouldn’t there be one or … Continue reading

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Breaking the unwritten rules of global diplomacy, the Trump administration is now in violation of the multilateral Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or in plain language the Iran nuclear deal. Nuance is notoriously absent in what can only be described as a unilateral hard exit. All suspended United States sanctions against Iran will be reinstated, and harsh additional ones will be imposed. It does not matter that the International Atomic Energy Agency, orIAEA, repeatedly confirmed Iran was complying with the JCPOA as verified by 11 detailed reports since January 2016. Even US Secretary of Defense James Mattis vouched for the stringent verification mechanisms. Facts appear to be irrelevant, though. The JCPOA is the Obama … Continue reading

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“I know this has been covered before by everyone, but I’m compelled to state it again: what is in his hands? Hands empty? And he’s about to attack you? Go through him, do damage, and leave. As an unwanted side effect of deep training in self-defense, too many people wait for the attack…” Comment by Miro, a Ready Nutrition Reader Excellent comment by Miro, substantiating a point I made in a letter to Readers about how important the comments sections can be.  Read them and learn about others’ points of view, as well as picking up some tips and good … Continue reading

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Shortly after Friday’s ‘Not a single cent on migration’ statement, the Hungarian premier has vowed to dedicate his new term to the preservation of the nation’s historic Christian roots, instead of opting for political empires on Hungarian soil. In a recent radio interview, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the ruling Fidesz party was set to put emphasis on developing a Christian democracy in the country. “We are working on building an old-school Christian democracy, rooted in European traditions. We believe in the importance of the nation and in Hungary, we do not want to yield ground to any supranational business or political empire,” he said. The European Union’s … Continue reading

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1 In ‘The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined’ the Canadian psychologist Steven Pinker explained why, in his opinion, even the worst state is better than no state at all, or anarchy. He explains why he believes that violence – both criminal and military – has steadily decreased over the millennia. According to him we’re living today in almost paradisical non-violent times. Nevertheless there are dark sides to these paradisical times, such as “the world’s greatest cataclysm,” the Second World War, which, according to Pinker, “one man was mostly responsible for,” namely Adolf Hitler. “But Hitler was … Continue reading

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