On August 16, 1977, something momentous happened in Memphis, Tennessee. It was either the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42, as more than 80 percent of Americans believe, or the start of the most spectacular disappearing act in the history of mankind. This week, as fans mark the 40th anniversary of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s (alleged) passing, those who believe that Presley is still alive will have a golden opportunity to make their case. Or, rather, cases. “Elvis is alive” theories are as varied as they are plentiful, and they’ve been circulating since just after his death. He’s … Continue reading

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If you were intrigued by the latest findings about the traditional Nordic diet’s health benefits but unsure how to go about it in practice, here’s some inspiring meal ideas. Recent research revealed that eating like a Viking can support brain health in old age and could help fight off dementia. MailOnline is sharing tasty, healthy meal recipes from the man behind the Nordic food revolution – cookbook author, restaurateur and TV host Claus Meyer. He is a leading advocate of the diet which is high in fish, non-root vegetables, fruit, rice and chicken, washed down with plenty of water and tea. … Continue reading

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Are “xennials” even a thing? In internet folklore, xennials are those born between 1977 and 1983. They are old enough to have lived a childhood free of the internet but young enough to have spent their working lives online. The online magazine Good says xennials are “a micro-generation that serves as a bridge between the disaffection of gen X and the blithe optimism of millennials”. According to Dan Woodman, the sociologist mistakenly named in Australian media as the man who invented the term, xennials is a fun concept for a quiz or a poll but becomes problematic when we treat a cohort … Continue reading

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I was familiar with the rant “Question Authority!” from the ’70s, I just didn’t really understand until reading this that it all started in the 1870s… This is not an easy read, stylistically things were done much differently 150 years ago. It is however; worth the effort. It is only 100 pages or so, so it doesn’t take too long even if the going is slow. It does bring about a great deal of thought. It is not easy to realize that everything you believed is wrong for me it was an ‘outside context’ problem, the thoughts here were just … Continue reading

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White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is a marked man, according to news reports and sources inside the West Wing who see the nationalist Trump-whisperer’s political hourglass quickly losing sand. CBS News reported Monday night that the axe could fall as soon as Friday on the man credited with arranging the president’s marriage to millions of angry white working-class voters last year. The former Breitbart News executive chairman was once an equal partner in a ruling triumvirate of deputies that included Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner. But Priebus’s star ran out of fuel last month. And … Continue reading

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Amid the thick fog of (rhetorical) war between Washington and Pyongyang, it’s still possible to detect some fascinating writing on the (unbuilt) wall. A case can be made that President Trump is using North Korea to kick the 24/7 Russia-gate narrative out of the US news cycle. It’s certainly working. After all, in Exceptionalistan weltanschauung, the prospect of war and its possible rewards certainly trumps hazy accusations of Russian hacking and election interference. Capitol Hill would never even consider an attempt to impeach a president — on top if it surrounded by generals — while American geopolitical primacy is in danger. Besides, Congress has already made it explicit Trump does not even need permission … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Just when I thought I’d seen it all… I recently read this story about a baby born in Canada that wasn’t designated a sex. Its birth certificate simply lists “U” under the sex category. The Gender-Free ID Coalition believes that this stands for “unspecified or unknown.” But it’s impossible to know for sure. You see, this has never happened before. It’s a “world first,” according to CNN. You see, the baby was born “outside the medical system” to a nonbinary, transgender parent…and did not undergo the traditional genital inspection after birth. Here’s why the child’s parent wanted it this way: It … Continue reading

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The US got Libya to disarm…then the US invaded and destroyed Libya. North Korea (and the world) was watching and learned a lesson from Libya. George W. Bush U.S. pressure on North Korea and Iran and the war in Iraq “have sent an unmistakable message to regimes that seek or possess weapons of mass destruction: Those weapons do not bring influence or prestige. They bring isolation and otherwise unwelcome consequences. “Another message should be equally clear: Leaders who abandon the pursuit of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them will find an open path to better relations … Continue reading

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The former Ukip leader and the party’s top donor, Arron Banks, are set to sign a deal with a Hollywood studio for the series based on Mr Banks’ diary of the referendum campaign, The Bad Boys of Brexit. Oscar winner Kevin Spacey or Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch have been tipped to play Mr Farage, however the tweed-loving MEP has hinted at playing himself. Shooting is set to start in 2018 after the deal is signed off next month, with the script also soon to be finished. The story is to be told from the point of view of Gerry Gunster, a … Continue reading

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I recently returned from a four-day rifle training course out at Front Sight in Nevada. After observing some issues students ran into while at the course (and some of my own), I decided to list the top 10 items needed for anyone seeking firearms training. 10. Snacks I’ve seen the toughest guys in the world transform into petulant children when they don’t keep their blood sugar high enough. Grab something healthy and filling. That gas-station pickled egg is a bad idea and you know it. Buy some protein bars (not the massive ones, you’re no powerlifter) and eat one slowly. This will … Continue reading

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The Roman Empire was fuelled by a massive influx of Spanish silver after defeat of the infamous Carthaginian leader Hannibal, new research has found. Hannibal’s demise meant the Romans captured the silver mines of the Iberian peninsula around 211 BC. This flood of Iberian silver significantly changed Rome’s economy, allowing it to become the superpower of its day, experts claim. The findings comes after scientists analysed silver content from a group of coins made either side of the Second Punic War from 218-201 BC, regarded as one of the pivotal events of European history. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices … Continue reading

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Massive money printing to restart the global economy after the financial crisis has blown an even bigger bubble. Ten years after the last financial crisis, is the world due another one and will it be worse? Despite US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen saying last month that another financial crisis on the scale of the crash that enveloped the world in 2007/8 was unlikely “in our lifetimes”, several respected stock market commentators believe a new disaster could happen within months rather than years, DW reported. Jim Rogers, co-founder of the privately owned Quantum group of hedge funds, told the news … Continue reading

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In 2013, the banks of Cyprus confiscated the deposits of many of their clients. There was no warning, and there was little in the way of explanation, except to say that it was “necessary,” as the banks had been mismanaged to the point that, unless the deposits were confiscated, the banks would fail. Governments and banks the world over nodded in agreement. This was clearly the right thing to do. But, hang on a moment. The depositors had entrusted the banks with the safeguarding of their wealth. This was a case of theft. The bankers had, in effect, robbed the banks. At that … Continue reading

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Mass surveillance is about control. It’s promulgators may well claim, and even believe, that it is about control for the greater good, a control that is needed to keep a cap on disorder, to be fully vigilant to the next threat. But in a context of rampant political corruption, widening economic inequalities, and escalating resource stress due to climate change and energy volatility, mass surveillance can become a tool of power to merely perpetuate itself, at the public’s expense. A major function of mass surveillance that is often overlooked is that of knowing the adversary to such an extent that … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. USA – KCTV 5 in Kansas City, Missouri reports 07-18-2017 police report just before 5 in the morning, a resident and his girlfriend were returning from Walmart after working the night shift at their job. “My girlfriend and I put the groceries inside and I was going to walk her back to her car,” the male victim said. Then a man, dressed in all black, came around (a corner) saying give me this, give me that and threatening us with a gun. The male victim gave the armed robber everything inside his pockets. “But we were backed up into … Continue reading

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