As the drumbeat intensifies for what might turn out to be anything but a «splendid little war» against North Korea, it is appropriate to take stock of the ongoing, seemingly successful effort to strip President Donald Trump of his authority to make any foreign and national security policies that fly against the wishes of the so-called Military-Industrial Complex, or MIC. A Google search for «Military-Industrial Complex» (in quotation marks) with «Trump» yields almost 450,000 hits from all sources and almost 26,000 from just news sources. During the 2016 campaign and into the initial weeks of his administration, Trump was sometimes … Continue reading

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There’s more to hiding your valuables than making them hard to find. Whether you’re hiding a money stash from burglars or secret documents from an enemy spy, here are a few tips anyone can use to keep something under wraps. First, let’s knock out the obvious: if you have some valuables you want to hide long-term, you should invest in a good safe. It may draw more attention to itself, but it’s still more secure than obscurity—a thief will tear your entire house apart if they have enough time on their hands. If you have a quality safe, chances are … Continue reading

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In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, western governments are moving fast to legitimize expanded powers of mass surveillance and controls on the internet, all in the name of fighting terrorism. US and European politicians have called to protect NSA-style snooping, and to advance the capacity to intrude on internet privacy by outlawing encryption. One idea is to establish a telecoms partnership that would unilaterally delete content deemed to “fuel hatred and violence” in situations considered “appropriate.” Heated discussions are going on at government and parliamentary level to explore cracking down on lawyer-clientconfidentiality. What any of this would have done … Continue reading

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It’s another day, and we get a new story about how dire the climate threat is and that it is unambiguous that humans are a significant cause. What is rarely noted in these articles is actual facts that support the theory.  I would love to see actual temperature data for each decade for the last 150 years, including where the measuring stations are located.  It would be especially interesting to see rural data where cement and asphalt don’t inflate the temperature.  It should also always be noted that a “Little Ice Age” ended in 1715 and that some warming would be normal. … Continue reading

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While senior U.S. officials led by President Trump and media pundits sound the alarm over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, America has been dealing with a series of nuclear leaks domestically that are already exposing the public to radioactive material. The most recent case is in Washington State, where a radioactive leak at the Hanford Site nuclear facility that began on June 8 was kept secret for two months while contaminating the surrounding area. Plutonium particles detected as far as three miles away from the decommissioned nuclear Hanford Site in Washington state left workers with headaches and coughs, but officials insist that the nearby public highway is not at … Continue reading

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Earlier this summer, my kids developed poison ivy. Upon investigation, we found a healthy patch of the stuff in the back corner of the yard, right next to the swing-set. As my husband is highly allergic to poison ivy, it was my job to pull up and discard the patch before the kids got into it again. Precautions were taken by wearing long pants and gloves. Afterwards, my clothing was immediately removed and washed. During my shower, I scrubbed down with Dawn dish soap, but it didn’t matter. Within a week I had poison ivy rash up and down both … Continue reading

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This book is extremely informative and a snarky assessment of the Washington establishment which is quite entertaining. As a libertarian, Stockman is not always a Trump supporter but he despises Washington and thinks Trump is what it deserves. While this book is mainly economic it makes a lot of political points which are quite insightful once you think about them. The first is that we basically have a planned economy run by the unelected governors of the Federal Reserve which he describes as a “Monetary Politburo.” They control money printing, debt creation, interest rates, and mandate continuing inflation with their … Continue reading

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As small earthquakes continue to rumble around the Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming, scientists have revealed new evidence of the changes going on beneath the ground. A new map from the US Geological Survey shows how the ground around the Yellowstone caldera has deformed over the span of two years, as the quakes release uplift-causing pressure, allowing the ground to sink back down. This activity is typically linked to changes in magma and gases deep below the surface – but for now, the experts say there’s no cause for worry. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts In the … Continue reading

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The Rotten Tomatoes (RT) reviews are in for Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power movie. According to RT, the movie is listed as a “Documentary” but as reviewers pointed out; Truth to Power doesn’t want to drown viewers in data, but more fact-finding would have helped the movie’s purported message of progress and hope” – Gary ThompsonPhiladelphia Daily News The movie is a piece of advocacy, and it succeeds at that: The conclusive science presented is powerful evidence that there is only one side to this story” – Charles TaylorNewsweek The first step in convincing climate change skeptics … Continue reading

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Looking at the recent North Korean testing of two intercontinental missiles, it may seem that Pyongyang wishes to increase tensions in the region. A more careful analysis, however, shows how the DPRK is implementing a strategy that will likely succeed in averting a disastrous war on the peninsula. In the last four weeks, North Korea seems to have implemented the second phase of its strategy against South Korea, China and the United States. The North Korean nuclear program seems to have reached an important juncture, with two tests carried out at the beginning and end of July. Both missiles seem capable … Continue reading

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To his coworkers at the Combined Insurance Company of America in Chicago, he was just Bob. A few months shy of his 24th birthday and newly married, Bob was ambitious, charming, and sincere—all qualities company president W. Clement Stone valued in his salesmen. To push high-volume, short-term disability insurance, customers needed to trust their words. Bob Knievel could look a man in the eyes and tell him that $3 worth of insurance was money well spent, and they’d believe him. Years later, when Bob adopted the Evel Knievel persona and made breaking his bones a spectator sport, his former colleagues … Continue reading

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1. HOUSTON The state’s largest city takes its name from Sam Houston, who led the army that defeated Mexican troops during the Texas Revolution in 1836. That year, the Allen brothers decided to establish a town on the site of a beautiful bayou and name it after him. 2. SAN ANTONIO In 1691, a group of Spanish settlers—including Domingo Terán de los Ríos, the first governor of Spanish Texas—entered the territory to establish missions and regain control of the area from the French, Apache, and Comanche. On June 13, 1691, the party camped next to a stream. It happened to … Continue reading

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Julian Assange is offering the Google engineer fired over a controversial memo, deemed to be in breach of the company’s diversity code, a job at WikiLeaks. The WikiLeaks founder and chief tweeted, “Censorship is for losers,” before adding that there was a job for fired Google software engineer James Damore at his whistleblowing organization. 1/ Censorship is for losers. @WikiLeaks is offering a job to fired Google engineer James Damore. — Julian Assange 🔹 (@JulianAssange) August 8, 2017 Damore came under fire after an internal memo he wrote, arguing that women are underrepresented in tech not due to bias, but because … Continue reading

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