Google is a brilliant search engine where they accrue seemingly infinite amounts of data and organize it into patterns. When you type in “cars” it takes you to the most popular car-buying site as well as all the dealerships within a 30-mile radius. The people who work there are mostly male, mostly white, and I’d assume mostly autistic. These abnormally gifted nerds have been assigned the task of taking this incredible invention that grosses $60 billion a year and improving it. James Damore did exactly that on Monday when he sent out an interoffice memo detailing the dangers of “echo-chamber” thinking and this strange … Continue reading

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Favoured by the likes of Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow for its rapid results, the Ketogenic Diet has been making headlines non-stop over the past 12 months. The low carbohydrate, high fat program sees participants eat moderate protein and receive the majority of their energy intake from fat. But does it really work? The Dietitians Association of Australia recently weighed in on the controversial diet and revealed the three things people need to consider before jumping on board the Keto bandwagon. In a recent media alert, the DAA first explained the thinking behind the program and how it works. Instant Access to … Continue reading

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August 07, 2017 -* The assassination of President John F Kennedy in 1963 was a seminal event in modern American history. Yet 54 years on, the official US state continues covering up the shocking truth about the killing of one of its most popular leaders. A recent release of secret memos from the Central Intelligence Agency is a classic case of disinformation put out to further contaminate public knowledge about how and why the president was murdered in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. American news journal, Politico, headlined an article about the latest declassified information: “How the CIA came to doubt the official story of JFK’s murder”. From a casual glance, one might … Continue reading

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Back in March, I asked in my Taki’s Magazine column “Diversity Versus Debate”: Does the increasing campus hysteria and antirationality portend bad news for Silicon Valley? If students increasingly grow up in a culture in which the person with the most wounded feelings rules, will they be able to code emotionless computers as well as in the past? With the tech industry already immense, and soon to attempt to take over the auto industry with self-driving cars, those are trillion-dollar questions. We may have gotten a hint of an answer this week whether blue-state America’s worsening climate of science denialism will backfire on the … Continue reading

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The dangers of nuclear war are not an object of debate and analysis by the mainstream media. Public opinion is carefully misled. ” All options on the table”.  Nuclear weapons are portrayed as peace-making bombs. Did you know that tactical nuclear weapons or so-called mininukes with an explosive capacity between one third and six times a Hiroshima bomb are considered, according to scientific opinion, on contract to the Pentagon as “harmless to the surrounding civilian population because the explosion is underground”. It’s a lie. The US has a vast nuclear arsenal capable of blowing up the planet several times. The World … Continue reading

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The political culture is stifling. The controversy over the Dalmore memo does not give a full picture of how the left wing ‘progressive’ perspective is being pushed. There are numerous anti-bias, diversity, and inclusiveness training sessions. While I don’t think that some training on fighting bias is completely useless (e.g., for interviewers), the problem is that the perspective is unabashedly cultural marxist. We have a lecture series on race that features such noted scholars as Shaun King, Van Jones, and Linda Sarsour. (They would rather bite their limbs off than let people like Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams join the … Continue reading

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Velikovsky’s earthshaking conclusions in this book are slowly being verified, including the fact that Venus is much hotter than it should be if it was just an ordinary planet as conventional science has it. Below is the latest (Aug. 2016) verification: Verification of Velikovsky’s theory about vast flooding, waters higher than mountains, after earthquakes killing millions in Worlds in Collision (2009 reprint) [Articles were in google news on 8/5/16] From Andy Coghlan article in New Scientist (2016) (also in Scientific American): Legend has it that a great flood engulfed China 4000 years ago. Lasting for more than 20 years, it … Continue reading

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The dispute between the US and Germany over the anti-Russian pipeline provisions of the new sanctions law continues to mount, with RT reporting Klaus Schaefer, a German businessman whom it describes as the CEO of German energy major Uniper fiercely denouncing the new sanctions as a ploy to force Europe to buy expensive liquified American natural gas instead of cheap Russian pipeline gas. The core reason (for the sanctions) are strategic economic interests, meaning the targeted dominance of the US in energy markets. RT reports Schaefer saying that liquified natural gas from the US would cost 50% more than pipeline gas from Russia, and … Continue reading

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An incredible picture archive that charts the rise of Hitler believed to have been meticulously documented by a fan of the Fuhrer has emerged for sale. The collection of propaganda photographs show Adolf Hitler on a charm offensive in the 1920s and 30s – before the despot started the Second World War and exterminated six million Jews during the Holocaust. Some of the images try to show a rose-tinted version of the Nazi leader, with him feeding a small deer and accepting a bouquet from a young girl. Others show the hype that surrounded him – rows of people performing … Continue reading

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Do you eat to live or live to eat? How you answer that question may reveal a lot about your eating habits. Eating is a way for our body to receive essential nutrients so that we can continue to support good health and perform daily tasks. We don’t actually need that much food in a day to be able to stay healthy and function, but unfortunately, many of us continue to overeat. This is contributing to the growing obesity problem. There are many factors that contribute to a person’s eating habits such as stress, anxiety, and boredom. If you eat … Continue reading

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Seismic activity around the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, US, is not uncommon, but the heaviest swarm in half a decade has people very concerned. Since June 12, there has been over 1,400 tremors in the region, and experts state that the swarm could go on for another month. The Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano last erupted 70,000 years ago but a spike in seismic activity around the national park has unsettled nerves. If the Wyoming volcano were to erupt it would kill an estimated 87,000 people immediately and make two-thirds of the USA immediately uninhabitable. The as the large spew of … Continue reading

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Pocket pistols — those little handguns with a barrel of 3.5 inches or less, a round capacity of 7+1 or less, that can fit in a pocket and often make perfect concealed carry guns. While these guns may require extra practice to manipulate and achieve acceptable accuracy, their light weight and portability keep them at the top of many shopping lists as a first, or next, firearm. Here are seven choices of pocket pistol — the “Seven Dwarves” — that have stood the test of time and dependability either as my own carry guns, or as the choice of respected … Continue reading

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There aren’t many things in life that are more miserable and debilitating than a migraine. The nausea, light sensitivity, visual aberrations, and sharp searing head pains all come together to make a painful cocktail that can put you on your butt within a few hours, and leave you feeling spent for days. Unfortunately, nobody really knows what causes migraines. Despite the fact that 12% of the population suffers from migraines on a regular basis, the scientific community has never been able to figure out an underlying cause. We know genetics plays a role, and that certain factors can trigger it like the … Continue reading

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Pride yourself on your impeccable ability to remember names and faces? An eight-time world memory champion has created five simple tests to analyse how astute your brain really is. Dominic O’Brien, who won the title of World Memory Champion two years in a row, and also holds two Guinness records for memory, has penned a book detailing how to improve your memory. In it, he begins by asking readers to take five quick and easy tests to assess how good their recollection ability is. Take out a pen and paper and put your memory to the test with his five-step … Continue reading

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“The Silk Roads” is a wonderful invigorating work of history. It is directed to the general reader rather than the specialist. I found it be absolutely riveting. The essence of the book is that, in the West, our history is viewed through a very narrow lens. Schools teach its students of the Roman Empire, the subsequent Dark Ages, the Norman conquest in 1066, Henry VIII and the Tudors, the American War of Independence, the Industrial Revolution and the First and Second World Wars. The vast bulk of a map of the world from western Europe to China is passed over … Continue reading

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