When Germany Was Great! Ever since the start of the deliberately conceived “migrant crisis,” orchestrated by NWO elites, the news out of Germany has been, to say the least, horrific. Right before the eyes of the world, a country is being demographically destroyed through a coercive plan of mass migration.  The intended consequences of this – financial strain, widespread crime and property destruction, the breakdown of German culture – will continue to worsen if things are not turned around. Time to buy old US gold coins The Holy Roman Empire in 1789 AD. At the time, Germany was a patchwork … Continue reading

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First off, what is Hempcrete? As the name suggests, hempcrete is a building material that incorporates hemp into its mixture. Versatile and hardy, it can be used for wall insulation, flooring, walls, roofing, and more, and is fireproof, waterproof, and rot-proof, provided it’s used aboveground. Derived from the shiv or inside stem of the hemp plant, it’s then mixed with a lime base binder to create the final, negative carbon footprint product. Hempcrete is much more versatile and pliable than concrete, making it an easier material to work with. In fact, earthquakes cannot crack these structures, as they are three times more resistant to damage than … Continue reading

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Kautilya (also called “Chanakya”) was a royal advisor thousands of years ago in ancient India. His writing is considered an important precursor to much modern thought.  Wikipedia notes: He is considered the pioneer of the field of political science and economics in India, and his work is thought of as an important precursor to classical economics. 2,300 years ago – in the 4th century B.C. – Kautilya advocated the use of false flag attacks: The brother of a seditious minister may put forward his claim for inheritance. While the claimant is lying at night at the door of the house of the seditious … Continue reading

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The government fought cannabis — and cannabis won. This Wednesday is the eightieth anniversary of the first major action the federal government took against cannabis in the United States, and eight decades later, that same federal government has still failed to reduce Americans’ consumption of the plant. In fact, it’s on the rise. Long before the era of prohibition, druggists used cannabis as a medicine. According to Origins, a joint publication by the Ohio State University and Miami University history departments: “Cannabis, like opiates and cocaine, was freely available at drug stores in liquid form and as a refined product, hashish. Cannabis was also a … Continue reading

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For spending too much on the military industrial complex, and in deliberately sowing conflicts worldwide by directly training and funding terrorist groups, in order to sustain the industry that only feeds on wars, the US economy has suffered immensely and has never recovered, since the 1960s. There’s a limit to just how much pain and suffering the world can take, and at least three countries are offering a challenge to the imperial ambition of the Crown, that has a concordat with the US Corporatocracy, and its war machinery. Assumption of US dominance in the world has ended, inevitable imperial decline … Continue reading

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The late Dr. Michael Crichton was wonderful writer. In 2003 he presented a wonderful essay in San Francisco equating environmentalism to religion. Nobel prize winning physicist Dr. Ivar Giaver makes the same point in a presentation here. In religion man is meant to be saved from the consequences of his sins. In the environmentalist religion the world was a wonderful, beautiful Eden until man and his technology came along. Man has eaten the apple and lost Eden. Now we must give up our “evil” technology and go back to nature, otherwise all is lost. As Crichton notes: “There is no Eden. There never was. What … Continue reading

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Let’s say you’re planning your next party and agonizing over the guest list. To whom should you send invitations? What combination of friends and strangers is the right mix? It turns out mathematicians have been working on a version of this problem for nearly a century. Depending on what you want, the answer can be complicated. Our book, ‘The Fascinating World of Graph Theory,’ explores puzzles like these and shows how they can be solved through graphs. A question like this one might seem small, but it’s a beautiful demonstration of how graphs can be used to solve mathematical problems … Continue reading

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We’ve noted for many months that the DNC emails were leaked by an insider, not hacked by the Russians. Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh – who revealed in 1974 that the CIA was spying on Americans, who broke the story of the Mai Lai massacre in Vietnam and the Iraq prison torture scandal – said in a recent phone interview linked by WikiLeaks: [The DC police took Seth Rich’s computer, but couldn’t get past his password.] So they call the FBI cyber unit. *** The Feds get through [the password-protection on Rich’s computer], and this is what they find. This is accoring to the FBI … Continue reading

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The company, which “was founded in 2014 to design, develop, manufacture and market innovative American-made firearms” advertises the new LifeCard as their flagship gun. The single-shot, single-action .22LR is machined from a solid billet and features a steel barrel in an aluminum frame and handle. Overall length is 3.375-inches with a width of 0.5-inches. Weight is 7-ounces. Time to buy old US gold coins When folded, the LifeCard is 2.125-inches high, or about the same profile as a credit card The gun is a half-inch wide Incapable of firing when collapsed into its credit card state — thus keeping from crossing into … Continue reading

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On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country. But there’s another inconvenient sequel worth noting and, like most sequels, this one is even worse than the original. Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I say not as I do” lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths. In just this past year, Gore burned through enough energy to power the typical American household for more than 21 years, according to a new report by the National Center for Public Policy Research. The former vice president … Continue reading

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Review by Efrem Sepulveda Hillaire Belloc writes a prophetic work on the major threats to Christian civilization. Although there might be disagreement with the threat Protestantism, readers will read his essays on Islam and the Modern Attack and think they were written yesterday. Without a sure foundation of the Church, men would believe in anything and the Church must recover the old teachings if it is to make an impact in the modern world today. Belloc tells us what went wrong and gives us clues on how to restore the faith in the world. A solid work. Five stars Review by  P. … Continue reading

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The strategy that the American deep state intends to employ to sabotage once and for all the possibilities of a rapprochement between the United States and Russia has been revealed. After months of debate over the bad state of relations between the United States and Russia, the G20 offered the stage for the two leaders to meet and start discussing the various problems facing the two countries. In the days following the summit in Hamburg, the Kremlin and the White House revealed that Putin and Trump met three times in bilateral talks to discuss how to improve relations between the two nations. … Continue reading

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Lost in all of this talk about the U.S. Congress adding sanctions onto Russia is Russia’s unique placement in the world’s Uranium industry.  So much focus is placed on its Oil and Gas industry (and specifically the share of its exports) that it blinds our analysis to the how strong Russia’s position in world nuclear power is. And, so, John McCain can grandstand all he wants about how Russia is nothing more than a “gas station masquerading as a country” what he doesn’t want to admit to himself or the world is that Russia is more central to the world’s … Continue reading

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In truth, the Russians “colluded” through GPS Fusion to harm, not help, Trump and the evidence of that is coming out. It’s time to repeal the Special Counsel law which has now been used twice to hamstring two Republican Presidents, has dubious constitutional authority, and will never result in the indictment of a prominent Democratic politician. Under the Constitution there are three ways to deal with official corruption: the ballot box, impeachment, or criminal prosecution. Instead, in recent years we have tried two different means: the Independent Counsel law, now lapsed, and the Special Counsel law.  Pepperdine Law Professor Douglas M. … Continue reading

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