The current collapse of the unipolar world, with the inexorable emergence of a multipolar framework, has enabled a terrifying subplot to run amok – the normalization of the idea of nuclear war. The latest exhibit comes in the form of a US admiral assuring everyone he’s ready to follow President Trump’s orders to launch a nuclear missile against China. MacArthur’s park is melting in the dark To shed extra nuances on “civilian control of the military,” a flashback to September 1950 and the Korean War, with some help from Bruce Cumings and John Halliday’s Korea: The Unknown War, may be far from “ridiculous.” … Continue reading

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Some European countries, namely Italy, Germany, France and the UK, are facing the so-called “substitution of nations,” where the national ethnical majority is disappearing physically and biologically, and is being substituted by migrants, according to a recent report. Sputnik Italy discussed the issue with Daniele Scalea, the author of the report. The recent report of the Italian-based Machiavelli Center of Political and Strategic Studies (Centro studi politici e strategici Machiavelli), “How immigration is changing Italian demographics” has revealed that a number of European countries are facing the “biological and physical extinction” of their national ethnicities. Ethnic majorities in such countries as Italy, Germany, France and the UK, … Continue reading

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He was labelled ‘Elvis the Pelvis’ for the onstage gyrations that drove his teenage fans to distraction. Others called him ‘swivel hips’. In the end, however, Elvis Presley was known simply as The King of Rock ’n’ Roll – a mantle that has stuck to this day. Now, on the 40th anniversary of his death in 1977 at the age of 42, the Presley family has released Elvis, The Legend, with unique images from the family-owned archives, detailing every aspect of his life. Not many stars, particularly in the Fifties, were known only by one name. But Elvis was always … Continue reading

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THE MEDIA IS NOW filled with headlines about North Korea’s missile test on Friday, which demonstrated that its ICBMs may be able to reach the continental U.S. What isn’t mentioned in any of these stories is how we got to this point — in particular, what Dan Coats, President Donald Trump’s Director of National Intelligence, explained last week at the Aspen Security Forum. North Korea’s 33-year-old dictator Kim Jong-un is not crazy, said Coats. In fact, he has “some rationale backing his actions” regarding the country’s nuclear weapons. That rationale is the way the U.S. has demonstrated that North Korea must keep them to ensure “survival for his regime, … Continue reading

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Facebook has recently developed a new artificial intelligence (AI), and it has since created its own language using code words to communicate more efficiently. Researchers promptly shut the system down over concerns that they might lose control over the A.I. This isn’t the first time AIs have diverged from their training in the English language to develop their own, more efficient language. While the resulting phrases from this condensed method of communication sound like gibberish to the human ear, they do in fact make semantic sense when interpreted by AI agents. Negotiating in a New Language As Fast Co. Design reports, the researchers noticed that the bots had completely … Continue reading

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Donald Trump has not only the weight of the American elite on his shoulders, he has the weight of western history on his shoulders. Donald Trump’s pragmatic world-view translating into tangible foreign policy was almost an impossible task. It is proving to be increasingly impossible by the day, but at least he tried. This in and of itself, deserves some commendation. It is now clear that one man, even if that one man happens to be the President of the United States, cannot change the overall trajectory of western aggression against Russia. With the near-ancient exception of Mongolia and the … Continue reading

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It might seem like a recipe for disaster, but electric car drivers could soon use the same pedal to accelerate and brake. Nissan claim the device is a ‘revolutionary technology that transforms the way we drive’. Their E-pedal is being introduced in the new Leaf model, scheduled for release in September. The new kit will be controlled via a switch, which will turn the accelerator into an e-Pedal. This will allow drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just this pedal. Breaking suddenly will still require use of the break pedal. And the pedals will function normally while not in … Continue reading

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Slavery in America, typically associated with blacks from Africa, was an enterprise that began with the shipping of more than 300,000 white Britons to the colonies.  This little known history is fascinatingly recounted in White Cargo (New York University Press, 2007).  Drawing on letters, diaries, ship manifests, court documents, and government archives, authors Don Jordan and Michael Walsh detail how thousands of whites endured the hardships of tobacco farming and lived and died in bondage in the New World. Following the cultivation in 1613 of an acceptable tobacco crop in Virginia, the need for labor accelerated.  Slavery was viewed as the cheapest … Continue reading

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The Coconut Ketogenic Diet: Supercharge Your Metabolism, Revitalize Thyroid Function and Lose Excess Weight – Bruce Fife History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II – Murray N. Rothbard Straight Talk on Armed Defense: What the Experts Want You to Know – Massad Ayoob Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works – Andrew W Saul PH.D.  Abducting Arnold – Becky Akers Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy – Dr. Joseph Mercola The Hotel Tacloban – Douglas Valentine From Union to Empire: Essays in the Jeffersonian Tradition – Clyde N. Wilson The Silk Roads: A New History … Continue reading

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Dieneke Ferguson took eight grams of curcumin each night for five years and her cancer has remained stable. A WOMAN diagnosed with blood cancer has beaten the disease with the help of turmeric. Dieneke Ferguson, 57, was diagnosed with myeloma in 2007 after complaining of high blood pressure, according to a report in the British Medical Journal. Within 15 months of her diagnosis her cancer had progressed to stage three. Dieneke underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and in October 2009 had stem cell transplant, but the treatments didn’t work. In 2011 she began taking daily doses of curcumin, a key component of the spice … Continue reading

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So the American bully wants to slap more sanctions on Russia over alleged misdeeds. This is blatant temper tantrums by a frustrated US trying to get “its way or no way”. It’s so absurd. The biggest rogue nation on Earth, illegally bombing and killing civilians in several countries simultaneously, covertly arming terrorist proxies in the Middle East, and a rampant subversive interferer in foreign elections around the world, has the audacity to lecture others about probity, resorting to financial arm twisting that makes a mockery of international laws and trade rules. Well, after all, the Americans do always declare themselves to be “exceptional”. Never a truer word was spoken, albeit inadvertently. … Continue reading

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One of the more amusing aspects of the 2016 election was how the pearl clutchers of Conservative Inc. would rush out of their hobbit dens every week, shrieking, “That’s it! Trump is finished!” It was always after Trump mocked their virtue in some way. They would carry on like it was just a matter of time before their adoring public rallied to their banner and chased away the evil dirt monster. They are still waiting for anyone to show up and take their side. Meanwhile Trump has completed his sixth month in office. Since January, another pattern has emerged. The … Continue reading

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If there’s one myth -and there are many- that we should invalidate in the crossover world of politics and economics, it‘s that central banks have saved us from a financial crisis. It’s a carefully construed myth, but it’s as false as can be. Our central banks have caused our financial crises, not saved us from them. It really should -but doesn’t- make us cringe uncontrollably to see Bank of England governor-for-hire Mark Carney announce -straight-faced- that: “A decade after the start of the global financial crisis, G20 reforms are building a safer, simpler and fairer financial system. “We have fixed the issues … Continue reading

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Burglaries, robberies, and theft are big business for criminals across the country and a recently published report shows which states experience these crimes the most, as well as the most commonly stolen items in each state. According to FBI crime data from 2014 and analyzed in the report Stealing Strangers’ Stuff, burglaries are, by far, more common than theft and robberies, occurring, on average, three times every minute or nearly 200 times an hour and more than 4,600 times each day. Burglaries – both residential and commercial – were most commonly reported in Mississippi, followed by New Mexico, Nevada, Arkansas, and … Continue reading

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The ongoing problems with the F-35 and other military programs, stemming from virtually unlimited budgets, underline the inefficiency of the American military-industrial complex (MIC). In contrast, Moscow develops armaments capable of counteracting the latest technological advances of the US at minimal cost. One of a state’s most insidious mechanisms is the inefficiency of the military-industrial sector. When looking at the world’s first superpower, this becomes all the more pronounced. Still, the ongoing problems highlighted by the F-35 program and failed missile interceptions by ABM systems are a good demonstration of how inefficiency in the US military sector has risen to worrying levels. The main cause … Continue reading

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