The meeting between Trump and Putin at the G20 in Hamburg injects new hope into the complicated relationship between the United States and Russia. Only time can confirm whether there is any basis for this hope. The most eagerly anticipated meeting of the year, that between Putin and Trump, lasted far more than the scheduled 20 minutes, extending past two hours. This is not too much of a surprise given the points of friction that needed to be discussed, the many outstanding issues in international relations, and the fact that this was the first official meeting between the two world … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: We won’t have another financial crisis “in our lifetimes.” It’s a crazy idea. After all, it feels like the U.S. is long overdue for a major crisis. But that’s what Janet Yellen thinks. The Fed chair said two weeks ago: Would I say there will never, ever be another financial crisis? […] Probably that would be going too far. But I do think we’re much safer, and I hope that it will not be in our lifetimes, and I don’t believe it will be. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this. So, I called up Doug Casey … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: We won’t have another financial crisis “in our lifetimes.” It’s a crazy idea. After all, it feels like the U.S. is long overdue for a major crisis. But that’s what Janet Yellen thinks. The Fed chair said two weeks ago: Would I say there will never, ever be another financial crisis? […] Probably that would be going too far. But I do think we’re much safer, and I hope that it will not be in our lifetimes, and I don’t believe it will be. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this. So, I called up Doug Casey … Continue reading

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It is not Macron’s business who is the Syrian president, but it is good that he thinks eliminating the terrorist threat is more important than ousting Bashar Assad in a regime change, says Lew Rockwell, editor of After the first day of meetings between President Donald Trump and his French counterpart in Paris, President Emmanuel Macron made a statement on how he sees a solution to the crisis in Syria, RT spoke to Lew Rockwell for his views on the meeting between the two presidents. RT: Not long ago, Macron was saying Assad’s exit was the only way to peace … Continue reading

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NATO’s recent land and sea exercises in eastern and southern Europe as well as the Black Sea frontiers of Eurasia are at face value, provocations designed to anger and intimidate Russia. Likewise, America’s presence in Iraq and Syria are at face value, provocations designed to angry and intimidate Iran. But they are also something else: they are provocations designed to anger and intimidate China. The key element here lies in understanding the geography of China’s massive trade/commerce project, One Belt–One Road, also referred to as the New Silk Road. Time to buy old US gold coins A map of the … Continue reading

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Stevia, a common sugar alternative, could be a potential cure for Lyme disease following ongoing clinical trials. Lyme disease is one of the fastest-growing infections in the Western world caused by a tick bite. Its long-term effects can be crippling if it’s not caught and treated quickly, and cause a string of symptoms including fatigue, headaches and a high body temperature. But now, a professor who has battled with the illness for 15 years, believes to have found a solution. Dr. Eva Sapi, an academic and researcher at the University of New Haven, conducted tests on the sweetener and found that … Continue reading

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1. A Private City in Norway Has Broken Ground! Liberstad is being built. So many of these projects never get off the ground. This one is happening. There is a long way to go, but the initial hurdle has been passed. The land was purchased in June and is currently in development creating a private “anarchist” community. It is being funded by presale of cabins and building sites. 2. By 2020 There Will Be a Floating City Off the Coast of French Polynesia. The Seasteading Institute is working with the government of French Polynesia for a mutually beneficial Floating City Project. The city … Continue reading

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Wow…what an eye opener. You would think that self-defense is a no-brainer and a slam dunk. But be very aware there’s trouble out there if you defend your life and hurt or kill the bad guy. It’s unbelievable how their rights outweigh those of law abiding citizens. It’s amazing how many Pro Gun Control politicians and law enforcement people despise the law abiding concealed carry gun lover and give the bad guys, the killers, the rapists and robbers the benefit of the doubt and cut them all the slack while prosecuting those with better sense and concern for the law. … Continue reading

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Behind the sensational Western media coverage now linking the US president’s son to alleged Russian collusion in the American election, the real euphoria stems from relief that, at last, some «evidence» has been found. For more than seven months now, the US corporate media have been running unrelenting claims that somehow Donald J Trump colluded with Russian state-sponsored hackers to get elected over his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton. The media campaign has been dismissed as a witch hunt by Trump. Perhaps more sinisterly, US-Russia relations have also become deeply toxic due to the allegations. Not even a friendly meeting between … Continue reading

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Sometimes, during the summers, I like to stay up late.  When not reading or writing, I will usually resort to watching a series on television.  I enjoy series because the character development and storylines are far more in-depth than what is viewed in a mere two-hour movie; although I do watch them as well.  On HBO, I have experienced The Sopranos, The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, True Blood, and a few others.  On AMC, it was Breaking Bad and I still watch The Walking Dead. What I like about Netflix, however, is the ability to access a virtual cornucopia of diverse programming on any device; at home, on … Continue reading

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A massive eruption of the ‘Mountain of God’ volcano in Tanzania is imminent – and it could wipe out key sites in human history, scientists have warned. Also known as Ol Doinyo Lengai, the 7,650ft (2,331m) volcano is less than 70 miles away from where footprints left by our ancestors 3.6 million years ago have been discovered. And it is also close to a spot where 400 human footprints from 19,000 years ago have been found by scientists. Researchers studying the tremors of the volcano have now warned it may erupt ‘any second’, destroying the invaluable sites forever. The Ol … Continue reading

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The ability to name all of the elements on the periodic table from actinium to zinc is an impressive feat. Actually being able to explain how each element functions in the real world is a little more challenging. If you agree that learning the everyday relevance of all the Earth’s elements is just as important as memorizing their symbols, check out the chart above. This graphic, spotted by inhabitat, presents the information found in a traditional periodic table with pictographs and labels indicating where you might encounter each element in your life. “The Periodic Table of Elements, in Pictures and Words” was created by … Continue reading

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The international journal Science of the Total Environment has just published a compelling study from the Republic of Korea, where autism prevalence is high. The study identifies a strong relationship between prenatal and early childhood exposure to mercury and autistic behaviors in five-year-olds. Lead author Jia Ryu and coauthors acknowledge mercury’s potential for neurotoxicity straight away but choose to characterize previous findings on the mercury-autism relationship as “inconsistent.” They attribute the seeming lack of consistency, in part, to methodological issues, especially flagging problematic cross-sectional study designs that measure autistic behaviors and mercury levels (in either blood or hair) at a single point in time. To rectify … Continue reading

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CyberBerkut hackers believe that the Clinton Foundation’s donor Victor Pinchuk, a son-in-law of former Ukrainian President Kuchma, could have been behind the money laundering scheme involving IMF funds intended for Ukraine. The hackers alleged that these funds were then redistributed to the Clinton charity through offshores. While the American mainstream media is struggling to find Russian “traces” in the US 2016 presidential campaign, the story of the Ukrainian interference in the election remains largely neglected. During his testimony at the Senate Confirmation Hearing on Russia future FBI Director Christopher Wray said that he would be interested in looking into Kiev’s alleged meddling in the electoral process in the United States. For … Continue reading

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The United States’ decision to involve its military so heavily in the Middle East has been driven by the underlying motive of countering Iran since the U.S. lost complete control of the country following its 1979 revolution. Not long after the revolution, the U.S. backed Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran in a brutal eight-year conflict that nearly killed off an entire generation of Iranians. The U.S. also secretly armed Iran, which is unsurprising considering the U.S. has a habit of maximizing chaos in the region. Even though Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iranians, the U.S. turned a blind eye. In the years following the Iran-Iraq war, America’s … Continue reading

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