There is a hidden thin red thread connecting the recent US Congress’ sanctions against Iran and now the Russian Federation, with the decision of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies to sanction Qatar. That red thread has nothing to do with a fight against terrorism and everything to do with who will control the largest natural gas reserves in the world as well as who will dominate the world market for that gas. For more or less the past Century, since 1914, the world has been almost continuously at war over control of oil. Gradually with the adoption of clean … Continue reading

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Qatif – For the past 60 days, Saudi Arabia imposed a devastating siege on the Shiite town of Awamiya. And of course, mainstream western media remains silent. These photos aren’t from Yemen, they’re from the Saudi Arabian eastern town of Awamiya. Where Saudi forces are waging war against an oppressed Shia minority. Saudi Arabia adheres to the extreme fundamentalist and intolerant sect of Wahhabism. Making it the country’s religious majority. This ideology is also enforced through state tactics. Which makes it illegal to publicly carry out any religious practice or teaching that conflicts with Wahhabism. Even other Muslims (especially Shiites) are considered … Continue reading

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Within the cockpit of the Stuka dive bomber, the pilot reached the top of the climb, rolled the plane sideways and tore down almost vertically towards the earth at 350 mph. The engines howled, the wings whistled and the fuselage shook so violently that the instruments on the control panel were almost unreadable. Astonishingly, given that this was macho Nazi Germany in 1941, the pilot was a woman. With her gloved hands, Melitta von Stauffenberg clung to the juddering joystick as the plane plummeted 10,000 ft. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts Melitta von Stauffenberg was a … Continue reading

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California is bracing for a significant loss of electric power as its fast-growing fleet of solar electric panels plunge into darkness during a major solar eclipse on August 21. While the eclipse will be partial in the state, energy planners are getting ready to tap 6,000 megawatts of electricity from other sources between 9 a.m. and noon PDT during the eclipse, according to the California ISO which oversees the electricity markets in America’s most populous state. The new vulnerability of the massive electric grid to a celestial marvel like an eclipse reflects a massive transformation of how energy is being … Continue reading

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Michael Mann has stepped into a methane-emitting cowpile. Mann is the Penn State climatologist famous for inventing the “hockey stick” graph promoting the notion that planetary temperatures spiked in the 20th century after a Golden Age of stasis. This graph was misleading at a minimum, the product of what Phil Jones, director of the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia termed “Mike’s Nature trick” to “hide the decline.” What Mann did was splice two separate data sets together to create the illusion of spiking temperatures; the graph spliced data sets together without differentiation, hiding the global temperature “decline” shown by the Briffa reconstruction set. Mann … Continue reading

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I was first introduced to H.L. Mencken by a Jewish friend when I was in my 20’s. I’ve been hooked ever since. Times have changed a lot since then and the Republic is no more. But even so, there once was a time in this country when the press wasn’t controlled and paid to spit out propaganda. For one brief shining moment, it published freely, unfettered by dictate from the government or the mob. This man lived on the edge of that time. His wit, his intellectual ability to think outside the box of events, the people and their culture, … Continue reading

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Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It’s so large that all of the other planets in the solar system could fit inside it. If we really paid attention to the sky, we’d do nothing but freak out that there’s a giant, terrifying, stormy orb of pressure and gas up there. Mental Floss spoke about Jupiter with an expert: Barry Mauk, the lead investigator of the JEDI instrument on the Juno spacecraft, which entered Jupiter’s orbit on July 4, 2016 to conduct the most in-depth scientific analysis of the planet ever. Mauk is a principal staff physicist at the Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied … Continue reading

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Tom Secker and Matthew Alford report on their astonishing findings from trawling through thousands of new US military and intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The documents reveal for the first time the vast scale of US government control in Hollywood, including the ability to manipulate scripts or even prevent films too critical of the Pentagon from being made — not to mention influencing some of the most popular film franchises in recent years. This raises new questions not only about the way censorship works in the modern entertainment industry but also about Hollywood’s little-known role as a … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, this article is to formulate some preps for you and your vehicle for a daily basis during the months of summer.  Why?  Because the summer months hold some potential for problems that are quite different from the winter months, and the S can HTF at any time, that is why.  Dehydration, sunburn, sunstroke, and other dangerous events can happen in addition to the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack that turns your 2016 Dodge Ram pickup into a motionless slab of several tons. First, let’s address the issue of dehydration.  Water.  Simple solution, right?  Wrong.  Should a disaster occur, all … Continue reading

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As my colleague Adam Garrie has rightly written, the meetings yesterday and today in Moscow between Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin of Russia are far more important than any of the other bilateral meetings which will be taking place this week during the G20 summit in Hamburg. Unfortunately, that includes the ill-starred meeting between President Putin and President Trump. This is the 21st meeting between Presidents Xi and Putin since President Xi became China’s leader when he was elected General Secretary of China’s Communist Party in November 2012 and became China’s President in March 2013. I do not think … Continue reading

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If you didn’t already know, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was sued by Bernie Sanders supporters last year for fraud, negligent misrepresentation, deceptive conduct, unjust enrichment, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligence. Evidence in support of the class action suit included the leaked DNC documents and emails, in which former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz aimed to dismantle the Sanders campaign, and other DNC officials spread lies, often remarkably petty ones, about both his campaign and character. More recently, former U.S. Ambassador Christopher Steven’s fiancée, Lydie Denier, was interviewed by Rick Amato alongside Will Craddick, founder of, to discuss the lawsuit against the DNC, in which “one … Continue reading

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Chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumours, a new study suggests. Researchers in the US studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer and found medication increases the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body, where they are almost always lethal. Around 55,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Britain every year and 11,000 will die from their illness. Many are given chemotherapy before surgery, but the new research suggests that, although it shrinks tumours in the short term, it could trigger the spread of cancer cells around the body. Buy … Continue reading

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Over the past several decades, cars have become increasingly high tech allowing for computers to take larger roles in the routine functions of the car.  Computerized functions have been a boon to consumers, who advantage from greater reliability and efficiency, but also to criminal hackers who advantage from greater vulnerability. Starting around the turn of the last decade tech enthusiasts started toying around with the concept of hacking into cars.  So-called “white hat” hackers, who seek out exploits in technology so companies can fix them, successfully attempted to remotely disable a sedan’s breaks and allowed for companies to take hacking … Continue reading

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It’s not often that tourists get a close-up look at life inside a dictatorship. But on a balmy day in Dayton, Nevada, the first tour group of the season sets foot on Molossian soil. Their passports are examined at the border control desk, before being stamped and dated: ‘REPUBLIC OF MOLOSSIA. PASSPORT CONTROL’. They venture past a booth where a rather sallow, sickly looking creature sits in khaki uniform with white gloves under the legend: customs. Molossia is no average country: it is a micronation of 33 citizens (including a few dogs). There’s also a cat, but he hasn’t been … Continue reading

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As the Syrian and Russian governments accuse the United States of trying to invent reasons to launch an attack in the Middle East, an international group of former military and diplomatic leaders is warning of an “unacceptably high” risk of global nuclear war if cooler heads don’t prevail. In an 11-page report from the Nuclear Crisis Group (NCG) — a subcommittee of Global Zero, an organization that supports the total abolition of nuclear weapons — the former officials make recommendations to governments on ways to de-escalate tensions around the world. “The Nuclear Crisis Group assesses that the risk of nuclear weapons use, intended or otherwise, is unacceptably high and … Continue reading

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