Shortly after Friday’s ‘Not a single cent on migration’ statement, the Hungarian premier has vowed to dedicate his new term to the preservation of the nation’s historic Christian roots, instead of opting for political empires on Hungarian soil. In a recent radio interview, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that the ruling Fidesz party was set to put emphasis on developing a Christian democracy in the country. “We are working on building an old-school Christian democracy, rooted in European traditions. We believe in the importance of the nation and in Hungary, we do not want to yield ground to any supranational business or political empire,” he said. The European Union’s … Continue reading

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Philipp Bagus, of the Mises Institute, said some of the bloc’s leaders have been masquerading behind claims they want to see a “deepening of the European project” instead of openly branding their objective as a “European superstate”. German, Finnish, Dutch and Austrian leaders have demanded stricter limits on fiscal deficits and debt brakes, while some have gone even further. French President Emmanuel Macron has called for widescale Eurozone reforms – which include a European minister for finance, a separate eurozone budget and the harmonisation of tax rates. Mr Macron sought support from German Chancellor Angela Merkel for his reforms, however, … Continue reading

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As the developed world moves farther and farther away from coal-fired energy, one major economy is breaking the trend. Japan, in a move that few could have foreseen, has opened at least eight brand new coal-burning power plants in the last two years and has plans for at least 36 more in the next ten years. This ambitious return to coal far outstrips any other developed nation, and it’s only speeding up. Last month the Japanese government made major advancements to officially adopt a national energy plan that would see 26 percent of the country’s total electricity come from coal in 2030, … Continue reading

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Watching the news, I have been wondering, “How on Earth did we get into this shape?” I found the answer to that question in this book. While Dilorenzo goes well out of his way to tar Alexander Hamilton with a bad reputation, Hamilton did much to deserve such treatment. Every last annoying thing the Federal Government has done today can be traced back to Hamilton or one of Hamilton’s ideas. Our sick banking system and its rotten currency are chief among these problems. All of them stemmed from Hamilton’s efforts to establish and maintain a national debt along with a … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: An “Era of Peace” has begun. That’s the news coming out of the Korean Peninsula. Two weeks ago, North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in held a historic peace talk at the North Korea–South Korea border. It was the first such meeting in 11 years. And many people think it will bring an end to their longtime standoff. I recently called Doug Casey to figure out what this means for the region and the rest of the world… Justin: Doug, what do you make of all this? Doug: Well, it’s most unusual. Since the armistice in … Continue reading

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Leave it to Donald Trump, besieged by denunciations of his torturous behavior toward women, to have nominated a female torturer to head the Central Intelligence Agency. It was a move clearly designed to prove that a woman can be as crudely barbaric as this deeply misogynistic president. When it comes to bullying, Gina Haspel, whose confirmation hearing begins Wednesday, is the real deal, and The Donald is a pussycat by comparison. Whom has he ever waterboarded? Haspel has done that and a lot worse. Haspel is Trump’s ideal feminist, a point tweeted by White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: There is no … Continue reading

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Thousands of people have hit the streets of Glasgow to march in pro-independence rallies. It comes as Scotland, which opted to remain part of the UK in a 2014 referendum, sees the movement re-emerge in the wake of Brexit. Participants of the All Under One Banner (AUOB) march gathered in Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow before walking in the direction of George Square. The event is open to “everyone who desires an independent nation,” according to organizers. “Glasgow city center will be brought to a standstill as our independence march traverses through en route to George Square,” an AUOB member said on the event’s … Continue reading

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A popular game amongst young ne’er-do-wells in the US in the 1950s was “chicken,” in which two drivers drove their cars at rapid speed toward each other. Whichever one veered away first was deemed the “chicken.” Of course, any sane, mature individual would regard both drivers as not only potentially suicidal, but also extraordinarily stupid. (As can be imagined, the game sometimes ended disastrously.) At that same time, Adlai Stevenson, who was twice the democratic candidate for president, created the term “brinkmanship,” a term that was defined by John Foster Dulles as quoted in the above image. Brinkmanship is essentially … Continue reading

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Lawyers for the company accused of funding Russia’s election interference trolls are demanding that special counsel Robert Mueller turn over reams of information, including the identities of informants, details of any electronic surveillance, and a list of “each and every instance” since 1945 in which the U.S. “engaged in operations to interfere with elections and political processes in any foreign country.” The ambitious demand for legal discovery surfaced Friday in Mueller’s criminal case against 13 individuals and three Russian companies linked to the Internet Research Agency, the St. Petersburg troll farm that used fake accounts to organize demonstrations on U.S. soil and flood American … Continue reading

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 U.S.A. – Larry Vickers, retired US Army 1st SFOD- Delta combat veteran, and firearms community advisor for CCW Safe, talks about his thoughts on firearms for home defense. There are three different firearms he talks about, with one being split into two subsets. Shotguns Handguns Carbine- rifle caliber carbine and pistol caliber carbine Shotguns are easy to operate, and have a high lethal impact, but they are not as maneuverable as a pistol, and they have limited rounds. It is unrealistic to expect to be able to reload a shotgun quickly if needed for home application. Handguns are smaller, very maneuverable, and … Continue reading

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Like the disintegration of the formerly charmed stock market, the return of Carmageddon is right on schedule. I had stated early last year that one of the first cracks in our economy to become evident would be the crash of the car industry. That crack materialized as promised, but then Hurricanes Harvey and Irma showed up to flood a million automobiles. Before any statistics materialized to show the economic impacts of those storms, I wrote the following revision for the dates of Carmageddon: There is nothing like a wartime economy to bring recovery from economic recession…. Wars (and hurricanes) create a … Continue reading

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I use a computer and smart phone for more than 10 hours a day. So I wasn’t happy to learn that recent scientific studies show the blue light emitted by our computers, tablets and smart phones can cause cancer, ruin your eyes, and cause insomnia. Device makers use screens that pump out a lot of blue light.  Not for any evil purpose … but just because it’s cheap to make bright LEDs lights which pump out crazy amounts of blue light frequencies (light with a wavelength of between 450 and 495 nanometers). Cancer A new study by Spanish, British and Canadian scientists … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that Donald Trump wants to put 2,000–4,000 troops on the U.S.–Mexico border. And that’s because he believes that the “security of the United States is imperiled by a drastic surge of illegal activity on the southern border.” We love hearing Doug Casey’s take on these controversial issues, so we’re sharing Casey Daily Dispatch editor Justin Spittler’s conversation with him on the topic. Justin: What do you make of this, Doug? Will deploying thousands of troops to the border curb illegal immigration? Doug: Well, it looks like what could have been a crisis has been temporarily defused. What might have been thousands of migrants … Continue reading

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Hydroplaning is a terrifying situation for even the most experienced driver. It occurs when water is forced under your tires, causing them to leave the surface of the roadway and you to lose control of the car. In normal conditions, your tires are designed to shed water to the sides. But, in deeper pools of water, or when your tires are worn, the grooves on your tires may not be sufficient to force water out of the way. When water isn’t sent to the side, it goes underneath and hydroplaning occurs. At higher speeds, the problem is only exacerbated Read … Continue reading

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