There’s a big difference between going to the range to shoot a few paper targets, and having to use a firearm to protect yourself. A gap exists between those two situations that can be measured in miles. So even if you’re a really good shot, you’re not necessarily proficient with a firearm. You have to be prepared to use a firearm in real world situations, and those situations can be unbelievably messy and chaotic. One thing you should prepare yourself for is the possibility that in an actual gunfight, you may only be able to aim and shoot with one … Continue reading

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Thanks in large part to the internet and social media, essential oils are becoming a household name. What many people don’t know, however, is that essential oils are able to treat high blood pressure. There is no doubt that a lot of people like the smell of essential oils. In addition, there are tons of reports of people experiencing health benefits as a result of the oils. Perhaps you have heard of people using peppermint oil for stomach aches, eucalyptus oil for a stuffy nose, or tea tree oil for scrapes and minor cuts. But have you heard of essential … Continue reading

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Legislation to treat concealed carry permits like drivers’ licenses nationwide is gaining steam in Congress while opponents dig in. Introduced by U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, R-NC, on the first day of session in the new House, the bill now enjoys the support of Hudson and 199 co-sponsors from 42 states. The bill is largely Republican, with three Democrats crossing the aisle, and is currently one of the top 10 most-viewed bills in Congress. “Your driver’s license works in every state, so why doesn’t your concealed carry permit?” says a backgrounder on the bill circulated by Hudson’s office. “Just like your … Continue reading

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New York  — “Any person who operates a motor vehicle in the state shall be deemed to have given consent to field testing of his or her mobile telephone and/or personal electronic device for the purpose of determining the use thereof while operating a motor vehicle, provided that such testing is conducted by or at the direction of a police officer.” That’s language from the text of a bill currently working its way through the New York state legislature. The legislation would allow cops to search through drivers’ cell phones following traffic incidents — even minor fender-benders — to determine … Continue reading

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We’ve all seen this meme around the interwebs, right? “Legal gun owners have over 200 million guns… and 12 trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, people… if we were a problem, you’d know it!” I’ve also seen one that claims we have over 400 million guns and 24 trillion rounds of ammunition. The fact is, while there is no definitive way to tally all the firearms in the United States, it is commonly accepted and reported that there are roughly 300 million firearms in the hands of law-abiding Americans. But has anyone else noticed that number hasn’t moved in years, even … Continue reading

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You’ve probably heard of superfoods that work to promote good health, but you may not be aware of what they are. There are numerous everyday food items that offer great health benefits that are affordable and you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet. If you want to start nourishing your body and improving your health, you’ll want to include the following superfoods into your everyday diet. Superfoods to add to your diet Spinach: Spinach is great as a muscle builder, and it can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. Furthermore, spinach is hailed as … Continue reading

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“I joined the Navy to see the world. I’ve seen it. Now how do I get out?” Readers will most likely be familiar with “Dear Abby,” the American advice column that has been popular since its inception in 1956. The above question was sent to her in 1981 but may be even more relevant today. It will be no secret to readers of this publication that some of the formally most-prominent, most-free jurisdictions in the world are now in a state of serious decline and face economic, social, and possibly political collapse. Although their level of influence is still close … Continue reading

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On this episode of The Geopolitical Report, we uncover Salman Abedi’s, the Manchester suicide bomber, link to British intelligence. MI5 explains that it missed warnings on Abedi despite one sent by the FBI. This is part of a larger pattern. Since the 1990s, the British government has given jihadi terrorists a free hand to preach hate and murder while they worked simultaneously with British secret services. Leading imams Anjem Choudary, Omar Bakri, Abu Hamza al-Masri, and others have cooperated with the government. Intelligence agencies from Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands have repeatedly warned British authorities about the terror … Continue reading

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Newly declassified CIA documents emphasize the agency’s significant role in the 1953 coup d’etat in Iran. While the CIA-led operation is still regarded by Washington as a “success,” it actually led to dire consequences for both Iran and America, RIA Novosti contributor Vladimir Ardayev wrote. Washington has a long record of regime change operations, RIA Novosti contributor Vladimir Ardayev writes; however, each time the US meddled in foreign state affairs, it then had to cope with the whirlwind it had sown. Last week the US State Department released declassified documents shedding light on the role Washington played in the 1953 coup against the Iranian government of Mohammad Mosaddegh. … Continue reading

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Future map of the United States by Gordon- Michael Scallion When I wrote my first article on billionaire bunkers years ago, I never would have imagined how quickly our world was changing. Our lives are in a constant state of flux, the political situation aside, our earth is rapidly changing. Between the increase of bizarre weather patterns hitting the earth, and recent major volcanic activity, now more than ever our focus is on our planet’s future. In the early 1980’s, spiritual visionaries and futurists provided clues to our changing planet. Often dismissed as crazy prophets, their thoughts for a new … Continue reading

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Another Florida sheriff is urging citizens to arm themselves and fight back if they should find themselves in an active shooter situation. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WFTS ABC News that while running and hiding can be a good option during some active shooter attacks, he hopes people will prepare if they should need to fight back themselves. “If you’re not afraid of a gun, get one,” Judd said. “Become proficient. Get a concealed firearms license and carry it. And if you need to shoot somebody, shoot ‘em a lot.” “The armed assailant doesn’t plan on you fighting back,” … Continue reading

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Jackie Krowen made a big mistake. It only took a couple clicks of the mouse…but she’ll be paying for it for the rest of her life. She racked up more than $150,000 in student loan debt to become a nurse. The average nurse in the U.S. earns $5,660 per month. After taxes and living expenses, Jackie barely scrapes by. Jackie is the security for her loan. She can’t get rid of it. She can’t hide from it. She also can’t ever pay it off. She says it ruined her life. Jackie isn’t alone…42 million people have student loan debt in … Continue reading

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Over the past week, I’ve been watching the History Channel’s America’s War on Drugs mini docu-series. To my surprise, the History Channel was shockingly honest about the CIA’s involvement in the war on drugs and the massive political propaganda campaigns that went along with it. The series criminalized the CIA and the government, and rightly so, discussing their involvement in drug trafficking, production, and testing — on both volunteers and unwilling patients — and even murder. Part of the first episode honed in on the CIA’s top-secret program that is now declassified, MK-Ultra, which involved sexual and physical abuse, drug testing, hypnosis, mind control, … Continue reading

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If you’re familiar with the American war on drugs, then it may not surprise you to learn that the CIA represents one of the largest drug dealing organizations in history. The CIA originally designed LSD with the help of a Swiss manufacturer as a “mind control drug” as part of their MK Ultra program, hoping that it would allow patients under the influence to commit unspeakable acts commanded by the government and then forget they ever happened. Of course, this plan backfired, and then the CIA introduced LSD to the American population. The CIA has played a crucial role in … Continue reading

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Palo Alto, CA — Scientists at Stanford University have figured out how to wirelessly transmit electricity between moving objects, overcoming previous limitations and possibly bringing Nikola Tesla’s vision of a global wireless power grid closer to reality. Using technology originally developed in 2007 at MIT to wirelessly transmit electricity between stationary objects, the research team was able to achieve a power transfer between moving objects based on magnetic resonance coupling. When electricity moves through wires, it creates an oscillating magnetic field, which in turn causes electrons in wire coils nearby to oscillate, thus transferring energy. However, if the oscillating coils … Continue reading

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