“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.” – David Steele, the second-highest ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence and a former CIA clandestine services officer (source) It’s a term we hear so often these days, ‘false flag terrorism.’ What is it? Does it mean … Continue reading

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Ron Paul interviewed Edward Snowden, where the two men discussed government surveillance and the Deep State. Snowden highlighted the Deep State’s ability to hide from the public eye and influence US government across both parties. Snowden… “Generally, when we’re talking about the Deep State, what we’re talking about is a mass of government that survives beyond administrations, but that is not responding to the politics of the people. This belongs not to a particular political party, but it serves across parties. Across administrations.” “Everything we do at the NSA and CIA is typically classified by default, unless you actually work … Continue reading

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The State Department has opened a formal inquiry into the possible mishandling of classified information by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her aides. Clinton and her staffers still have security clearances which could be revoked depending on the outcome of the investigation. The inquiry will be looking into whether Clinton and her aides violated government rules with her use of a private email server while serving as the nation’s top diplomat. Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, confirmed the department’s formal inquiry to Fox News. Clinton’s spokesman, Nick Merrill, said: ‘Nothing’s been more thoroughly dissected. It’s over. Case … Continue reading

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Do you like going out into the cold? No, we’re not talking about a hot summer’s day when you walk into a perfectly air-conditioned office or take a plunge into the pleasant coolness of a swimming pool. By cold, we mean real cold—the kind that goes through your clothes and pinches your skin. If you are like most people, you probably aren’t a big fan of uncomfortably cold temperatures. And that’s absolutely normal. It’s in our nature to seek comfort, driven by the force of self-preservation. And thanks to modern-day technologies of all kinds, from central heating to thermal wear … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Ft Collins, CO – “The first five seconds are more important than the next five hours” Last weeks’ shooting incident in VA: I won’t comment on a motive of the single shooting suspect (now deceased), as these facts have been reported elsewhere. I will comment on tactics: Representative Mike Bishop (R-MI), who was there, said this in a radio interview: “The only reason any of us walked out of this thing, by the grace of God, one of the folks here had a weapon to fire back and gave us a moment to find cover. We were … Continue reading

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A Connecticut professor recently called white people “inhuman assholes” and shared an article about letting “bigots” die in a post on Facebook. Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams shared his thoughts publicly on social media, saying, “fed the fuck up with self-identified ‘white’s’ daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexual and racially oppressed people. the time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now,” Campus Reform reports. Williams also said, “It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors … Continue reading

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When in comes to all things solar, I am a novice.  I have a very basic set-up from Harbor Freight that is used for light duty power in my garage but other than that, I have a long way to go.  So when I was asked the question, “Will solar panels survive an EMP?” I was stumped. First of all, no one really knows what will or will not survive a massive EMP such as the type in the hugely popular book, One Second After.  Second, and more to the point, I am not well versed on the technical side … Continue reading

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What if you were deemed a fugitive 20 years from now, for doing something such as vocally speaking out against  the status quo, growing cannabis, or going against the grain of the system. Then one day, you’re walking in some rural area you escaped to in order to avoid capture by the state, and the environment recognizes your identity and becomes weaponized to you. The moss in the woods recognizes your biological footprint and creates a toxin to anesthetize you until authorities arrive to place you under arrest. The trees in this forest are not even equipped with cameras, but … Continue reading

The post Weaponized Vegetation appeared first on LewRockwell.

No country on earth would survive should the world’s most powerful nuclear states unleash their atomic weapons, Vladimir Putin has said. His remarks form part of a series of interviews with American film director Oliver Stone. The question of whether the human race would survive a potential global nuclear war has tormented the minds of generations, and indeed Stone, who wondered if the Russian president believes the US might emerge victorious if such a conflict were to break out. “In a hot war is the US dominant?” the American director asked the Russian president. “I don’t think anyone would survive … Continue reading

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The Conflicts Forum, directed by former British diplomat and MI6 ‘ranking figure’ Alastair Crooke, sent me another unpublished article by Alastair and asked if the Automatic Earth would publish it. But of course. Previous articles by Alastair published here are: ‘End of Growth’ Sparks Wide Discontent in October 2016, Obstacles to Trump’s ‘Growth’ Plans in November 2016 and What is this ‘Crisis’ of Modernity? in January 2017. Here’s Alastair again: Alastair Crooke: David Stockman routinely refers to President Trump as the ‘Great Disrupter’. But this is not a bad quality, he insists. Rather, it is a necessary one: Stockman argues … Continue reading

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We noted yesterday that the Washington Post is owned by one of the world’s richest guys, worth $72.8 billion  … and who may soon become THE world’s richest. And you probably won’t hear it from the New York Times, but the largest shareholder of the Times is the sixth wealthiest guy … worth $54.5 billion.   He used to be THE richest person, but he’s slipped a little in the rankings. It’s not just the Post and the Times … Forbes reported last year: Buy Silver at Discounted Prices Billionaires have long exerted influence on the news simply by owning U.S. media outlets. Some … Continue reading

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Following the attempted political assassination of several GOP members of Congress this week, calls for “unity” echoed through the halls of power. Democratic and Republican leaders alike offered up their ruminations on the matter — ”ruminating” not in the sense of offering profound thoughts on the latest tragedy, but rather, as cows “ruminate” on regurgitated cud. That an American citizen would take the ruling class’ dishonest and hyperbolic partisanship seriously enough to actually start shooting congressmen is tough for the political class to stomach, so for now, they chew on their hopes for national unity while promising to temper their … Continue reading

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In the latest ongoing WikiLeaks whistle-blowing scandal, the website has published documents from the CIA’s CherryBlossom project, exposing agency’s exploitation of Wi-Fi device security vulnerabilities. Released on Thursday, the new batch of CIA classified documents comes from the Vault 7 project. In a press release, WikiLeaks said: “Today, June 15th, 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the CherryBlossom project of the CIA that was developed and implemented with the help of the US nonprofit Stanford Research Institute (SRI International).” CherryBlossom monitors the Internet activity of, and performs software exploits on, targets of interest. According to the press release: In particular, CherryBlossom is focused on … Continue reading

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It’s another week in Washington and another horror show. This time it was Attorney General Jeff Sessions being grilled by Senators on whether, when, and how he might have met with certain Russians, or any Russian, or someone who might actually know a Russian. In addition to fishing for any inconsistency that could be used to support an accusation of obstruction of justice or perjury – the usual sleazy methodology of politically motivated investigations here – the transparent aim was to further poison the well on any possible initiative to improve ties with Moscow. The strategy appears to be working. … Continue reading

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