From Union to Empire: Essays in the Jeffersonian Tradition~ is an anthology of essays and writings by historian Clyde Wilson. As Joseph Stromberg writes in the introduction, “Dr. Clyde Wilson is a Christian, a Southerner, an American, a historian and a conservative. For over three decades he has worked on the definitive edition of the Papers of John C. Calhoun, has written on Calhoun and published a collection of Calhoun’s most important writings.” Wilson is a luminary figure amongst southern conservatives in my humble opinion, and yet modest about his own accomplishments. He has also written a splendid biographical history … Continue reading

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It’s the way countless people around the world start their day. But did you know that when you drink your coffee has an impact on how you function? FEMAIL spoke to the Sydney-based dietitian and nutritionist, Lyndi Cohen, for her tips on when to drink your caffeine, when to avoid it and how much you should – in an ideal world – be consuming. According to Ms Cohen, while you might reach for a cup of coffee pretty much as soon as you wake up, it’s a better idea to save your coffee consumption for a bit later: ‘When you … Continue reading

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A man from Eureka, California, is facing multiple charges after he shot another man with a flare gun loaded with a Rice Krispies-filled shotgun shell. Timothy Glass Jr., 29, was arrested last week on probation violation and resisting arrest. The incident unfolded around 3:30 p.m. in Eureka on June 7. Police first responded to a call about shots fired, but before they arrived on the scene, Glass had already fled on a bicycle. The victim, who was shot in the hand, was transported to the hospital for medical treatment. His injuries were not considered life-threatening. Time to buy old US … Continue reading

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Hi! This is a blog post I threw together in response to the recent increase in refugee numbers by Trump’s State Department, in order to convey what it is like living in an Islamizing area. I gave a talk at a luncheon a few months ago that was basically relating my story of how my hometown has been Islamized by refugee resettlement. So it makes sense to do a blog post. I’m from the Utica, NY area. Utica is the city nicknamed by the UN “the city that loves refugees!” Soon every American city will be a city that loves refugees! Get ready! So I … Continue reading

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So many of us who are interested in health completely disregard our teeth and our mouths. We forget that our bodies are a holistic and interconnected system, one that can only function optimally if everything is running smoothly. If your liver wasn’t working properly, it would affect your entire body. Well, the same could be said about your mouth. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, which you use to either nourish it with healthy foods or destroy it with toxins. Whatever you put in your mouth ends up affecting your entire body drastically. A cleaner mouth isn’t just aesthetically pleasing, … Continue reading

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Don’t get down as the temperatures go up this summer. Whether you’re trying to beat the heat in your home or outside, these 11 tips will help you keep things as chill as possible. 1. CLOSE THE CURTAINS AND SHUT THE BLINDS. It’s tempting to let some of the summer sunshine in, but doing so will also make the numbers on your thermostat climb. By some estimates, as much as 30 percent of unwanted heat comes in through windows, so it pays to keep them covered. 2. CREATE A WIND TUNNEL. Got windows on opposite sides of your house or apartment? … Continue reading

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The state will exercise it monopoly of violence and terror. It’s the defining characteristic of the modern state. The endgame is an authoritarian police and surveillance state. The shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Virginia shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s the result of months of establishment agitprop. From Kathy Griffin posing with Trump’s severed head to a Trump-like Julius Caesar killed in Central Park play, the media has fixated on strife between the two establishment parties. This isn’t an accident. It’s designed to keep Americans distracted and at each other’s throats as the economy slowly implodes and the … Continue reading

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The state will exercise it monopoly of violence and terror. It’s the defining characteristic of the modern state. The endgame is an authoritarian police and surveillance state. The shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Virginia shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s the result of months of establishment agitprop. From Kathy Griffin posing with Trump’s severed head to a Trump-like Julius Caesar killed in Central Park play, the media has fixated on strife between the two establishment parties. This isn’t an accident. It’s designed to keep Americans distracted and at each other’s throats as the economy slowly implodes and the … Continue reading

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The annual Global Peace Index, recently released for June 2017, has found that while the world is more peaceful now than last year, violence has increased significantly overall in the past decade. Although the situation has improved in many countries, the ten lowest-ranking nations – known as the world’s “least peaceful” countries – have shown little change in recent years. However, nine of those ten countries share one commonality in the violence that they’ve experienced: U.S.-led destabilization efforts and regime change operations. Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan: Targets for regime change and manufactured sectarianism Syria, which ranked last in the June … Continue reading

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“Unacceptable” new anti-Russian sanctions approved by the US Senate violate international law, affect European companies and have a real aim of benefitting the US oil and gas sector, Berlin and Vienna said in an angry joint statement. The new anti-Russian sanctions are outlined in an amendment to a bill imposing sanctions against Iran. It was approved by the US Senate on Thursday by a majority of 98 to 2, but still needs to pass the House of Representatives and be signed by the US president to become law. The anti-Russian measures in the amendment involve imposing penalties on enterprises that … Continue reading

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The eight-hour workday is an outdated and ineffective approach to work. If you want to be as productive as possible, you need to let go of this relic and find a new approach. The eight-hour workday was created during the industrial revolution as an effort to cut down on the number of hours of manual labor that workers were forced to endure on the factory floor. This breakthrough was a more humane approach to work 200 years ago, yet it possesses little relevance for us today. Like our ancestors, we’re expected to put in eight-hour days, working in long, continuous … Continue reading

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The only thing better than ordering a takeaway pizza is eating the leftovers for lunch the next day. But reheating your slice in the microwave can result in a soggy piece of pizza. Now a viral image from a Brooklyn restaurant reveals a much better way to warm up a slice that will leave the bottom crispy, the crust moist and the cheese gooey – and you’ll need a frying pan. For the viral trick, the pizza is first put into a hot pan without any oil or water to crisp up the bottom. Then, a splash of water is … Continue reading

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Bologna November 4, 1866 . Sir, The very kind letter which Mrs. Lee wrote to my wife last winter encouraged me to hope that you will forgive my presuming to address you, and that you will not resent as an intrusion a letter from an earnest and passionate lover of the cause whose glory and whose strength you were. I have been requested to furnish private counsel in American affairs for the guidance of the editors of a weekly Review which is to begin at the New Year, and which will be conducted by men who are followers of Mr. … Continue reading

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