A global warming research study in Canada has been canceled because of “unprecedented” thick summer ice. Naturally, the scientist in charge has blamed it on ‘climate change.’ According to Vice: The study, entitled BaySys, is a $17-million four-year-long program headed by the University of Manitoba. It was planning to conduct the third leg of its research by sending 40 scientists from five Canadian universities out into the Bay on the Canadian Research Icebreaker CCGS Amundsen to study “contributions of climate change and regulation on the Hudson Bay system.” But it had to be canceled because the scientists’ icebreaker was required … Continue reading

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For many years, I’ve described black markets not as the evil danger to economies that governments profess them to be, but as predictable and sensible reactions to the overregulation of official markets. Black markets appear whenever an official market has become overregulated or otherwise unworkable due to governmental interference. They then thrive in direct proportion to the failure of official markets to function freely. They are, in fact, both a barometer and a checks-and-balances system for official markets. Back in 2008, I commented on the growth of the black market in Zimbabwe, as that country slid from inflation to hyperinflation. … Continue reading

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A new video has surfaced of a man named “Mark Mueller”, who could be going by the alias “Scott Roberts”. Scott Roberts claimed to be Seth Rich’s neighbor…a neighbor who also identified Seth Rich moments after he was shot. The Gateway Pundit reports… Mueller says police walked Seth Rich past him after he was shot to identify him and said that Rich ‘didn’t even know he was shot’. He tried to comfort others at the vigil saying Seth Rich didn’t feel physical pain. A vigil was held for slain DNC staffer, Seth Rich where Debbie Wasserman Schultz was also in attendance. Buy Gold … Continue reading

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I just bought this book and almost done with it, and I absolutely love the advice Dr. Saul has to give us. I like it when he quotes all other authorities from both sides: M.D. that prescribe pharmaceutical medicine and N.D. quotes. His insight on such rich information is astonishing and really opens your eyes to what’s happening in the health care industry. Every one of us needs to take charge of your own healthcare and we need to educate our kids from a young age to do the same with their health care. Our next generation needs to know … Continue reading

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A mind-boggling quiz that asks users to spot the square in the centre of the puzzle apparently proves whether or not you’re ‘visually intellectual’. Makers of the test, created by Playbuzz, claim that if you can spot the square in the centre of most of the pictures, you have an incredible ability to analyse and calculate what you see. There are ten slides and each round gets harder and harder. The first question asks you to spot a yellow square in the middle of a picture and by question 10, the centre square is surrounded by seven others, making it much tougher. … Continue reading

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Many changes occur as we age. Our skin becomes less tight, our hearing may fade, and our vision could deteriorate. But growing older doesn’t mean you have to give up on your good health. When it comes to your eyes, for starters, there are several natural ways to improve them, no matter your age. Preserving your vision is important to you, there’s no doubt about that. Before you turn to costly drugs or surgery, you’ll definitely want to try these home remedies. Acupressure for eye health You may have heard of acupressure, which involves applying pressure to points in the … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that Big Pharma is fuelled by profit, often putting business interests ahead of patients’ lives and well-being. And North American culture practically worships the pharmaceutical industry, failing to recognize many of the issues within it. Many Americans are completely unaware that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions, even after being approved, or that Harvard University stated that prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death. We’re not talking overdosing or misprescribing; these are drugs that are deemed safe and properly prescribed to patients who simply have an adverse reaction to them. Despite these facts, people take the … Continue reading

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Emmanuel Macron very quickly made it official: He will introduce a bill which will transform extraordinary state of emergency powers into regular police practice. According to Le Monde, which saw a leaked copy of the bill: “…almost all the measures of the state of emergency will be found in common law.” What this means is that the post-Charlie Hebdo war hysteria has not only never stopped, but will have become the new, permanent normal: Anyone can be arrested, searched and detained with just a simple accusation. Judges simply need to be “informed”; police have carte blanche. So…when can I start … Continue reading

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Dear NBC News Team, Congratulations! You have graduated from fake news to falsified news, arriving at a journalistic level that is identical to that in the Soviet Union in its heyday. A couple of days ago, the political talk show moderated by Vladimir Soloviev on state television channel Rossiya 1 broadcast two versions of a segment from Megyn Kelly’s interview with Vladimir Putin last Friday in the St Petersburg on the sidelines of the International Economic Forum.  One was the complete, uncut version that was aired on RT. The other was the cut-to-shreds version that you put on air for … Continue reading

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According to the official story, Marilyn Monroe was found dead on August 5, 1962 at her 12305 Fifth Helena Drive home in Los Angeles of a barbiturate overdose. She was found naked in bed having taken up to 40 pills, her death was, of course, considered a suicide as a result. Many years later a declassified CIA document surfaces stating that Marilyn Monroe was a subject of powerful people’s attention due to her closeness with the Kennedy family and also because of what she knew about a number of fringe topics. In the new film Unacknowledged, Dr. Steven Greer displays an … Continue reading

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So, ReadyNutrition Readers, in another article we presented some everyday items normally carried that can be converted into defensive weapons.  Let’s elaborate with some others that you might not readily think of as being able to be utilized in your defense.  Let’s jump right into it, as this is a time of uncertainty with civil unrest and rioting being the norm and not the exception. These Everyday Items Can Quickly Become Improvised Self-Defense Weapons Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts The baseball bat.  For playing baseball, of course.  Throw a couple of gloves and a ball in … Continue reading

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The shotgun is perhaps the most universal and practical weapon in the history of mankind as we know it. No other handheld firearm can be so versatile. With one shotgun, a person can hunt all manner of small game, even big game, and if need be, use it handily for personal defense. It almost seems like firearms Utopia. But it can be even better. Cartridge adapters are nothing new; they have been around for decades. My first was years ago when I had a vintage Winchester Arms Company made version that allowed me to fire .32 S&W rounds out of … Continue reading

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A natural sugar found in honey could prevent heart attacks, new research suggests. The sugar, known as trehalose, activates a protein that causes immune cells to remove fatty plaque from arteries, the study found. Trehalose was found to reduce the size of plaque in mice by around 30 percent. Plaque builds up inside the arteries in a condition known as atherosclerosis. This causes the arteries to harden and become less elastic, putting people at risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and even heart attacks. Trehalose is also found in mushrooms, lobsters and prawns. How the study was carried out … Continue reading

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“If you do a worldwide survey of eclipse lore, the theme that constantly appears, with few exceptions, is it’s always a disruption of the established order,” said E. C. Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California. That’s true of both solar and lunar eclipses.  “People depend on the sun’s movement,” Krupp said. “[It’s] regular, dependable, you can’t tamper with it. And then, all of a sudden, Shakespearean tragedy arrives and time is out of joint. The sun and the moon do something that they shouldn’t be doing.” On August 21st of this year, the United States will … Continue reading

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Laci Green is an incredibly sexy social justice warrior who had dozens of feminist-ally suitors until some alt-right asshole rolled up in his Gran Torino and said, “Get in, bitch. We’re making sex great again,” and they disappeared into the sunset. The millennial blogosphere is stunned that this devout feminist has become red-pilled, but we’ve seen this happen again and again. Women demand men become cucked liberals, but it makes their vaginas drier than the Sahara Desert. They don’t really want what they’re asking for. They’re like spoiled brats having a temper tantrum. They don’t really want to trash the … Continue reading

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