So what were we watching in ex-FBI Director James Comey’s testimony on Thursday: an upright public servant punished for resisting a power-mad President or a participant in a political scheme to use the law as a way to overturn a U.S. presidential election? There was a general consensus in the mainstream media that it was the first, that Comey was the noble victim and President Trump the conniving villain. And, surely, Trump could be criticized for his clumsy firing of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and ensuing expression of “hope” to then-FBI Director Comey that Flynn would not be punished … Continue reading

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We’re told from an early age to brush our teeth twice a day, but do we know how to do it properly? Brushing is just one of the many rituals we’ve been taught to observe to preserve our pearly whites, and while it might seem like a basic task, there is more to it than meets the eye—and getting it wrong could have serious consequences. From keeping your toothbrush safe from bacteria—hint: that neighboring toilet seat is not your friend— to why you should never rinse your toothpaste-coated mouth, Simon Enever, the founder of trendy electric toothbrush company Quip, and dentist … Continue reading

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We have reached a dangerous state of scientific tyranny. People are ridiculed and even vilified for questioning the prevailing narratives about the nature of our world, but this counters the true meaning of science. At its core, science is about questioning what we think we know. “A central lesson of science is that to understand complex issues (or even simple ones), we must try to free our minds of dogma and to guarantee the freedom to publish, to contradict, and to experiment. Arguments from authority are unacceptable.” — Carl Sagan Today, many scientific assumptions have transformed into scientific dogmas. In … Continue reading

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This book has changed my life but more importantly, it has changed the lives of some of the people I love the most as well. The secret ingredient is Vitamin C and plenty of it. I can only say get this book and read it and practice what it preaches. I was recently diagnosed with an infection in my lower intestine and prescribed two heavy duty antibiotics, which made me severely ill. I was told by the clinic I went to that if I didn’t stay the course and continue taking the prescribed antibiotics that I would die. I was … Continue reading

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The Office of Inspector General for the Pentagon’s findings from September 2016 were finally made available to the public on Wednesday as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the human rights group Amnesty International. The government audit revealed that the Department of Defense (DoD) “did not have accurate, up-to-date records on the quantity and location” of a significant amount of equipment coming into Kuwait and Iraq to provision the Iraqi Army. You may be wondering, how does the government, the organization we are expected to “trust,” lose track of such an extensive amount of arms? More importantly, where are they going to … Continue reading

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Natural disasters have changed the course of human history. Although not everyone agrees on their effects, the links between these events and the social and economic changes afterward are intriguing. Natural disasters have led to some of our greatest innovations, to periods of civil war and political unrest, to the destruction and creation of empires, to massive human migrations and clashes of cultures, and ultimately, to the world we know today. 10 The Toba Supervolcanic Eruption – Circa 75,000 Years Ago Lake Toba in Indonesia is home to a supervolcano that erupted some 75,000 years ago. It has been linked … Continue reading

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You’d think that after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant melted down, the US government would reassess the safety of our own power plants, and take the proper precautions so that we never face a disaster like that. After all, the Japanese government was pretty confident that their power plants were totally safe from natural disasters. No matter how confident we are about the safety of our power plants, we should take a second look at them. It turns out however, that our government is not interested in taking the proper precautions. According to scientists, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is woefully … Continue reading

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Whether it’s a perfect dream or an absolute nightmare, most of us would love to know what our dreams are trying to tell us. From bumble bees and angels to a lighthouse and trees, the different symbols and pictures we see in our slumber hold various meanings. Delphi Ellis, a qualified therapist and professional dream interpreter, spoke to Spirit and Destiny Australia magazine about the different symbols and signs to look our for in our dreams. BUMBLE BEES According to Delphi, bees and bumble bees bring the ‘sweetness’ into the world. They may be a signal to watch the company … Continue reading

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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has launched a new investigation into Hillary Clinton over whether the former secretary of state meddled in a Bangladeshi corruption probe to help a Clinton Foundation donor. ‘This new evidence of pay-to-play and special treatment reinforces the appearance that donations to the Clinton Foundation resulted in favorable treatment by Secretary Clinton’s State Department,’ Grassley said. The Daily Caller first reported Grassley’s move after the publication’s Investigative Group published a piece in May saying that Clinton had sent top U.S. diplomats to pressure Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheik Hasina, and her son Sajeeb Wazed, as the country … Continue reading

The post Crooked Hillary in Hot Water Again appeared first on LewRockwell.

A deck of playing cards may look simple, but hidden among the pips, suits, numbers and portraits are surprising secrets, some of which are hundreds of years old. That box of pasteboards in bold, primary colors is one of the most recognizable things in the world, but the more we look, the more it seems like those cards are filled with mystery. Cards are special things. Each deck is a marvel of engineering, design and history, loaded with secrets that have been whispered and distorted with each retelling. Here are 10 secrets about a standard deck of playing cards that … Continue reading

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Totem poles are a type of monumental structure carved from the trunks of huge trees, especially the Western Red Cedar. These monuments are found in North America, specifically along its north-western coast, and are traditionally created by a number of Native American groups. Whilst the oldest totem poles that we know are from the 19th century, it has been suggested that this tradition has existed long before then. Totem poles are rich in symbolism, and were used for a variety of purposes. The Growth of the Poles The carving of totem poles is a practice amongst certain Native American groups, … Continue reading

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Source: WalletHub In observation of National Safety Month, WalletHub released a report Tuesday showing the states with the best – and worst – safety ratings for 2017. Vermont ranked as the safest state in America, followed by Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota and New Hampshire. Mississippi was found to be the least safest state, only behind Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Missouri. Experts looked at five main factors: Personal and residential safety, financial safety, road safety, workplace safety and emergency preparedness. These five factors were composed of data sets made up of 37 key metrics, which included details such as assaults per … Continue reading

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PSYOP/MISOC targets foreign governments, groups, and individuals. The government program is similar to journalism, a mode of communication that spreads information, but often spins the narrative, according to Colonel Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff of the JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, who gave a lecture on “The MISTRY* of PSYOP: Putting MISO in Perspective” in 2011. The mission of the Military Information Support Operations Command (MISOC) is to influence enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces into holding favorable opinions and/or taking complementary actions regarding ongoing operations by the United States and its allies. We’re … Continue reading

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ReadyNutriton Guys and Gals, we have “gamed” a bunch of different scenarios for the S hitting the Fan, such as electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, a good nuclear war, or a natural ELE (Extinction-Level Event), such as a meteor impact or a solar flare Carrington event.  Loss of power in all of these is almost a foregone conclusion.  So, then what?  Do we run around akin to “Korg 70,000 B.C.” without the ability to use computers or send information via the phone or the Internet?  Yes and no.  Certainly, the electricity will not be there to spare to use computers (if … Continue reading

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Henry IV of Spain – known as “The Impotent” for his weakness, both on the throne and (allegedly) in the marriage chamber – died in 1474. A long and inconclusive war of succession ensued, pitting supporters of Henry’s 13-year-old heir, Juana de Trastámara, against a faction led by Princess Isabel of Castile and her husband, Ferdinand of Aragon. Portugal, Spain’s much smaller antagonist for centuries already, sided with the loyalists. Wedding portrait of King Ferdinand II of Aragón and Queen Isabella of Castile. (Public Domain) The civil war ended in 1480, with the Treaty of Alcáçovas/Toledo, whereby Portugal withdrew support … Continue reading

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