“We’re going to begin to produce ideas, what we’re going to begin to export are ideas, said Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera speaking April 23 at the Cochabamba International Fair.

An enthusiastic advocate of educating his nation’s youth in science and technology, Garcia stressed that Bolivia is now ready to enter a new era, the “society of knowledge.” And, he added, Cochabamba, one of the nation’s most important cities, with a vibrant and energetic young population, “is the ideal location in which to launch this new phase of development of the economy which must guide the destiny of Bolivia for the next 100 years… The success we’ve seen in a few private companies here in Cochabamba, which on a small scale have opted for science and knowledge, has led the President and me to say that we have to do this in all of Bolivia.” Both public and private universities must be involved in this process, he stated.

The country’s first “science city”—the City of Knowledge—should be built in Cochabamba, Garcia underscored. It should be organized so that specific areas of science and technology linked to both the internal and external market will be selected, to educate the “little brains” of the 21st Century. The best students will be selected and educated from high school through college, to use their knowledge later in service to the nation.

Nor is Garcia limiting his focus to Bolivia. Speaking April 27 in Santa Cruz at the First Conference of the Andean sector of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization (OCLAE), Garcia urged students to take up the challenge posed by science and technology, to fight for “scientific and technological emancipation,” so that nations don’t have to depend on Europe or the U.S. for the technology required for their industrialization. Without mentioning the BRICS, he noted that “the world economy is being redefined for the next 50 years,” right now, and urged students to engage in the political process to ensure that their nations move from economic sovereignty to “scientific and technological sovereignty.”

“We’re going to begin to produce ideas, what we’re going to begin to export are ideas, said Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera speaking April 23 at the Cochabamba International Fair.

An enthusiastic advocate of educating his nation’s youth in science and technology, Garcia stressed that Bolivia is now ready to enter a new era, the “society of knowledge.” And, he added, Cochabamba, one of the nation’s most important cities, with a vibrant and energetic young population, “is the ideal location in which to launch this new phase of development of the economy which must guide the destiny of Bolivia for the next 100 years… The success we’ve seen in a few private companies here in Cochabamba, which on a small scale have opted for science and knowledge, has led the President and me to say that we have to do this in all of Bolivia.” Both public and private universities must be involved in this process, he stated.

The country’s first “science city”—the City of Knowledge—should be built in Cochabamba, Garcia underscored. It should be organized so that specific areas of science and technology linked to both the internal and external market will be selected, to educate the “little brains” of the 21st Century. The best students will be selected and educated from high school through college, to use their knowledge later in service to the nation.

Nor is Garcia limiting his focus to Bolivia. Speaking April 27 in Santa Cruz at the First Conference of the Andean sector of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization (OCLAE), Garcia urged students to take up the challenge posed by science and technology, to fight for “scientific and technological emancipation,” so that nations don’t have to depend on Europe or the U.S. for the technology required for their industrialization. Without mentioning the BRICS, he noted that “the world economy is being redefined for the next 50 years,” right now, and urged students to engage in the political process to ensure that their nations move from economic sovereignty to “scientific and technological sovereignty.”

“We’re going to begin to produce ideas, what we’re going to begin to export are ideas, said Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera speaking April 23 at the Cochabamba International Fair.

An enthusiastic advocate of educating his nation’s youth in science and technology, Garcia stressed that Bolivia is now ready to enter a new era, the “society of knowledge.” And, he added, Cochabamba, one of the nation’s most important cities, with a vibrant and energetic young population, “is the ideal location in which to launch this new phase of development of the economy which must guide the destiny of Bolivia for the next 100 years… The success we’ve seen in a few private companies here in Cochabamba, which on a small scale have opted for science and knowledge, has led the President and me to say that we have to do this in all of Bolivia.” Both public and private universities must be involved in this process, he stated.

The country’s first “science city”—the City of Knowledge—should be built in Cochabamba, Garcia underscored. It should be organized so that specific areas of science and technology linked to both the internal and external market will be selected, to educate the “little brains” of the 21st Century. The best students will be selected and educated from high school through college, to use their knowledge later in service to the nation.

Nor is Garcia limiting his focus to Bolivia. Speaking April 27 in Santa Cruz at the First Conference of the Andean sector of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization (OCLAE), Garcia urged students to take up the challenge posed by science and technology, to fight for “scientific and technological emancipation,” so that nations don’t have to depend on Europe or the U.S. for the technology required for their industrialization. Without mentioning the BRICS, he noted that “the world economy is being redefined for the next 50 years,” right now, and urged students to engage in the political process to ensure that their nations move from economic sovereignty to “scientific and technological sovereignty.”

The revolt within Democratic elected officials and constituents against Obama on his “TPP” is growing, and becoming more pointed regarding the next Presidency, with the serious disturbances in Baltimore’s streets suddenly coming in focus.

With a New York City Council resolution against TPP now awaiting a vote to box in TPP supporter Rep. Gregory Meeks, LaRouchePAC activist Jessica White intervened forcefully in a Brooklyn Democratic Party meeting, that the issue of police violence, in Baltimore and other cities, was the economy, Glass-Steagall, and not allowing TPP to rob more jobs. She got strong support from the Democratic audience.

New York City Council Resolution Against TPP

The New York City City Council is presently considering the following resolution on TPP:

Whereas, The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the United States, Canada, Australia, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, New Zealand, and Japan.

Whereas, Together, these nations contribute 40% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product, and one third of the worlds trade; and Whereas, The Office of the United States Trade Representative, through the terms of the TPP, is seeking to eliminate both tariff and non-tariff barriers to goods and services trade and investment among the twelve participating nations; and

Whereas, It has been reported that the agreement would include provisions concerning financial regulations, environmental protection, prescription drug pricing and food sanitation standards, the adoption of which could negatively affect the publics health, safety and welfare, and require an overhaul of Americas domestic legal system; and Whereas, The exact terms of this proposed agreement have not been disclosed to the public, with most known details having been ascertained through unapproved leaks from stakeholders; and

Whereas, Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution empowers the President of the United States “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of Senators present concur”; and Whereas, While some members of Congress have been able to view certain sections of the negotiation text of the TPP, they have been prohibited from sharing what they saw with the public or with their staffers; and

Whereas, President Obama has pressed Congress to provide trade promotion authority, or fast track authority, which would allow Congress only an up-or-down vote on the agreement once it has been negotiated by the executive branch with the other nations; and

Whereas, If Congress were to grant President Obama fast track authority, then decisions surrounding the TPP agreement could be made with inadequate transparency and public review; and Whereas, Congress would be unable to enact substantive changes to the agreement if it only exercises its oversight powers after negotiations have been completed; and

Whereas, There are concerns that the TTPs investor-state dispute settlement clauses, which were leaked in 2012, could grant international corporations the right to sue the federal government for damages if environmental, worker protection, food safety, or other local, state or federal regulatory safeguards do not guarantee their ability to profit from their investments; and Whereas, Over 500 employees of these same corporations maintain positions on U.S. Trade Representative advisory panels, which allows them to act as advisors to the drafting of the TPP; and

Whereas, The corporate advisors apparent conflict of interest could ultimately result in a trade agreement that undermines the regulatory and legal systems that keep everyday residents of New York City safe and healthy; and

Whereas, As the negotiations currently stand, there are concerns that the passage of the TPP would ban Buy American and Buy Local efforts by U.S. industries, which could put goods and services created and based in New York City at a competitive disadvantage; and

Whereas, Neither the National League of Cities nor the U.S. Conference of Mayors has been included in TPP negotiations, making it difficult to know whether New York Citys quality of life or financial and legal interests are being considered; and Whereas, Some constituencies and public policy advocates, such as the Economic Policy Institute, have expressed concern that over the last twenty years, the domestic economy has been hurt and upwards of one million American jobs have been lost as a result of agreements such as the TPP, in part, because partnering nations have cheaper labor workforces and less rigorous environmental regulations, providing incentive for American companies to outsource and offshore American jobs; and Whereas, Several other American municipal governments, such as the Berkeley, California City Council and the Dane County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors, have expressed their opposition to the TPP by declaring themselves TPP-Free Zones, in which the TPPs regulations will not be respected, to the maximum extent allowable by federal and state law; and

Whereas, Resolutions from the City Council of Madison, Wisconsin and the City Council of Los Angeles, California have also declared their opposition to the TPP; and

Whereas, These local governments have recognized the harm that passage of the TPP can create and as a result have shown commendable leadership by opposing a treaty that would do a disservice to their citizens, as well as to New Yorkers; now therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares itself a TPP-Free Zone and urges Congress not to grant President Obama fast-track authority over, or permission to sign, the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

The Obama scheme is a “classified treaty,” and therefore a completely unconstitutional attack on Congressional responsibility. It is a “restraint of trade” in pharmaceuticals, digital software, etc., establishing and perpetuating monopolies. It gives banks and multinationals the ability to negate laws like Glass-Steagall without recourse to courts or Congress. And it robs wages and living standards even where it doesn’t rob jobs.

Baltimore Orioles vice president John Angelos issued a surprising statement via Twitter; although it did not name TPP or Obama by name, the point was made:

“My greater source of personal concern, outrage and sympathy beyond this particular case is focused neither upon one night’s property damage nor upon the acts, but is focused rather upon the past four-decade period during which an American political elite have shipped middle class and working class jobs away from Baltimore and cities and towns around the U.S. to third-world dictatorships like China and others, plunged tens of millions of good hard-working Americans into economic devastation, and then followed that action around the nation by diminishing every Americans civil rights protections in order to control an unfairly impoverished population living under an ever-declining standard of living and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state.

“The innocent working families of all backgrounds whose lives and dreams have been cut short by excessive violence, surveillance, and other abuses of the Bill of Rights by government pay the true price, an ultimate price…. We need to keep in mind people are suffering and dying around the U.S., and while we are thankful no one was injured at Camden Yards, there is a far bigger picture for poor Americans in Baltimore and everywhere who don’t have jobs and are losing economic civil and legal rights.”

Life expectancies in Baltimore neighborhoods differ by 20 years; infant mortality rates by 9:1 between Black and white residents. An African ambassador to the United States told Executive Intelligence Review:

“We have a common problem with the United States — look at the riots in Baltimore. These young people in Baltimore and other cities in America are faced with the same hopelessness and lack of a future that we see in Africa.”

While former Baltimore Mayor and Glass-Steagall campaigner Martin O’Malley walked the streets like Pennsylvania Avenue where rioting occurred, NBC-TV News’ Chuck Todd pointedly noted on April 28 that Obama has never personally gone to the Ferguson, Charleston, Staten Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc. sites of police violence and crowd reactions; “he doesn’t want to get involved.”

Opportunistically, Hillary Clinton made a “major speech” at Columbia University today on the safe issues of police body cameras and “an end to mass incarceration.” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, however, speaking in Washington, said the TPP is the AFL-CIO’s “red line” for 2016 Presidential candidates; and to Hillary, “No candidate can be silent on any issue that’s important to the people. She’ll have to respond like every other candidate.”

The revolt within Democratic elected officials and constituents against Obama on his “TPP” is growing, and becoming more pointed regarding the next Presidency, with the serious disturbances in Baltimore’s streets suddenly coming in focus.

With a New York City Council resolution against TPP now awaiting a vote to box in TPP supporter Rep. Gregory Meeks, LaRouchePAC activist Jessica White intervened forcefully in a Brooklyn Democratic Party meeting, that the issue of police violence, in Baltimore and other cities, was the economy, Glass-Steagall, and not allowing TPP to rob more jobs. She got strong support from the Democratic audience.

New York City Council Resolution Against TPP

The New York City City Council is presently considering the following resolution on TPP:

Whereas, The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the United States, Canada, Australia, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, New Zealand, and Japan.

Whereas, Together, these nations contribute 40% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product, and one third of the worlds trade; and Whereas, The Office of the United States Trade Representative, through the terms of the TPP, is seeking to eliminate both tariff and non-tariff barriers to goods and services trade and investment among the twelve participating nations; and

Whereas, It has been reported that the agreement would include provisions concerning financial regulations, environmental protection, prescription drug pricing and food sanitation standards, the adoption of which could negatively affect the publics health, safety and welfare, and require an overhaul of Americas domestic legal system; and Whereas, The exact terms of this proposed agreement have not been disclosed to the public, with most known details having been ascertained through unapproved leaks from stakeholders; and

Whereas, Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution empowers the President of the United States “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of Senators present concur”; and Whereas, While some members of Congress have been able to view certain sections of the negotiation text of the TPP, they have been prohibited from sharing what they saw with the public or with their staffers; and

Whereas, President Obama has pressed Congress to provide trade promotion authority, or fast track authority, which would allow Congress only an up-or-down vote on the agreement once it has been negotiated by the executive branch with the other nations; and

Whereas, If Congress were to grant President Obama fast track authority, then decisions surrounding the TPP agreement could be made with inadequate transparency and public review; and Whereas, Congress would be unable to enact substantive changes to the agreement if it only exercises its oversight powers after negotiations have been completed; and

Whereas, There are concerns that the TTPs investor-state dispute settlement clauses, which were leaked in 2012, could grant international corporations the right to sue the federal government for damages if environmental, worker protection, food safety, or other local, state or federal regulatory safeguards do not guarantee their ability to profit from their investments; and Whereas, Over 500 employees of these same corporations maintain positions on U.S. Trade Representative advisory panels, which allows them to act as advisors to the drafting of the TPP; and

Whereas, The corporate advisors apparent conflict of interest could ultimately result in a trade agreement that undermines the regulatory and legal systems that keep everyday residents of New York City safe and healthy; and

Whereas, As the negotiations currently stand, there are concerns that the passage of the TPP would ban Buy American and Buy Local efforts by U.S. industries, which could put goods and services created and based in New York City at a competitive disadvantage; and

Whereas, Neither the National League of Cities nor the U.S. Conference of Mayors has been included in TPP negotiations, making it difficult to know whether New York Citys quality of life or financial and legal interests are being considered; and Whereas, Some constituencies and public policy advocates, such as the Economic Policy Institute, have expressed concern that over the last twenty years, the domestic economy has been hurt and upwards of one million American jobs have been lost as a result of agreements such as the TPP, in part, because partnering nations have cheaper labor workforces and less rigorous environmental regulations, providing incentive for American companies to outsource and offshore American jobs; and Whereas, Several other American municipal governments, such as the Berkeley, California City Council and the Dane County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors, have expressed their opposition to the TPP by declaring themselves TPP-Free Zones, in which the TPPs regulations will not be respected, to the maximum extent allowable by federal and state law; and

Whereas, Resolutions from the City Council of Madison, Wisconsin and the City Council of Los Angeles, California have also declared their opposition to the TPP; and

Whereas, These local governments have recognized the harm that passage of the TPP can create and as a result have shown commendable leadership by opposing a treaty that would do a disservice to their citizens, as well as to New Yorkers; now therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares itself a TPP-Free Zone and urges Congress not to grant President Obama fast-track authority over, or permission to sign, the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

The Obama scheme is a “classified treaty,” and therefore a completely unconstitutional attack on Congressional responsibility. It is a “restraint of trade” in pharmaceuticals, digital software, etc., establishing and perpetuating monopolies. It gives banks and multinationals the ability to negate laws like Glass-Steagall without recourse to courts or Congress. And it robs wages and living standards even where it doesn’t rob jobs.

Baltimore Orioles vice president John Angelos issued a surprising statement via Twitter; although it did not name TPP or Obama by name, the point was made:

“My greater source of personal concern, outrage and sympathy beyond this particular case is focused neither upon one night’s property damage nor upon the acts, but is focused rather upon the past four-decade period during which an American political elite have shipped middle class and working class jobs away from Baltimore and cities and towns around the U.S. to third-world dictatorships like China and others, plunged tens of millions of good hard-working Americans into economic devastation, and then followed that action around the nation by diminishing every Americans civil rights protections in order to control an unfairly impoverished population living under an ever-declining standard of living and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state.

“The innocent working families of all backgrounds whose lives and dreams have been cut short by excessive violence, surveillance, and other abuses of the Bill of Rights by government pay the true price, an ultimate price…. We need to keep in mind people are suffering and dying around the U.S., and while we are thankful no one was injured at Camden Yards, there is a far bigger picture for poor Americans in Baltimore and everywhere who don’t have jobs and are losing economic civil and legal rights.”

Life expectancies in Baltimore neighborhoods differ by 20 years; infant mortality rates by 9:1 between Black and white residents. An African ambassador to the United States told Executive Intelligence Review:

“We have a common problem with the United States — look at the riots in Baltimore. These young people in Baltimore and other cities in America are faced with the same hopelessness and lack of a future that we see in Africa.”

While former Baltimore Mayor and Glass-Steagall campaigner Martin O’Malley walked the streets like Pennsylvania Avenue where rioting occurred, NBC-TV News’ Chuck Todd pointedly noted on April 28 that Obama has never personally gone to the Ferguson, Charleston, Staten Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc. sites of police violence and crowd reactions; “he doesn’t want to get involved.”

Opportunistically, Hillary Clinton made a “major speech” at Columbia University today on the safe issues of police body cameras and “an end to mass incarceration.” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, however, speaking in Washington, said the TPP is the AFL-CIO’s “red line” for 2016 Presidential candidates; and to Hillary, “No candidate can be silent on any issue that’s important to the people. She’ll have to respond like every other candidate.”

The revolt within Democratic elected officials and constituents against Obama on his “TPP” is growing, and becoming more pointed regarding the next Presidency, with the serious disturbances in Baltimore’s streets suddenly coming in focus.

With a New York City Council resolution against TPP now awaiting a vote to box in TPP supporter Rep. Gregory Meeks, LaRouchePAC activist Jessica White intervened forcefully in a Brooklyn Democratic Party meeting, that the issue of police violence, in Baltimore and other cities, was the economy, Glass-Steagall, and not allowing TPP to rob more jobs. She got strong support from the Democratic audience.

New York City Council Resolution Against TPP

The New York City City Council is presently considering the following resolution on TPP:

Whereas, The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated between the United States, Canada, Australia, Chile, Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei, New Zealand, and Japan.

Whereas, Together, these nations contribute 40% of the worlds Gross Domestic Product, and one third of the worlds trade; and Whereas, The Office of the United States Trade Representative, through the terms of the TPP, is seeking to eliminate both tariff and non-tariff barriers to goods and services trade and investment among the twelve participating nations; and

Whereas, It has been reported that the agreement would include provisions concerning financial regulations, environmental protection, prescription drug pricing and food sanitation standards, the adoption of which could negatively affect the publics health, safety and welfare, and require an overhaul of Americas domestic legal system; and Whereas, The exact terms of this proposed agreement have not been disclosed to the public, with most known details having been ascertained through unapproved leaks from stakeholders; and

Whereas, Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution empowers the President of the United States “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of Senators present concur”; and Whereas, While some members of Congress have been able to view certain sections of the negotiation text of the TPP, they have been prohibited from sharing what they saw with the public or with their staffers; and

Whereas, President Obama has pressed Congress to provide trade promotion authority, or fast track authority, which would allow Congress only an up-or-down vote on the agreement once it has been negotiated by the executive branch with the other nations; and

Whereas, If Congress were to grant President Obama fast track authority, then decisions surrounding the TPP agreement could be made with inadequate transparency and public review; and Whereas, Congress would be unable to enact substantive changes to the agreement if it only exercises its oversight powers after negotiations have been completed; and

Whereas, There are concerns that the TTPs investor-state dispute settlement clauses, which were leaked in 2012, could grant international corporations the right to sue the federal government for damages if environmental, worker protection, food safety, or other local, state or federal regulatory safeguards do not guarantee their ability to profit from their investments; and Whereas, Over 500 employees of these same corporations maintain positions on U.S. Trade Representative advisory panels, which allows them to act as advisors to the drafting of the TPP; and

Whereas, The corporate advisors apparent conflict of interest could ultimately result in a trade agreement that undermines the regulatory and legal systems that keep everyday residents of New York City safe and healthy; and

Whereas, As the negotiations currently stand, there are concerns that the passage of the TPP would ban Buy American and Buy Local efforts by U.S. industries, which could put goods and services created and based in New York City at a competitive disadvantage; and

Whereas, Neither the National League of Cities nor the U.S. Conference of Mayors has been included in TPP negotiations, making it difficult to know whether New York Citys quality of life or financial and legal interests are being considered; and Whereas, Some constituencies and public policy advocates, such as the Economic Policy Institute, have expressed concern that over the last twenty years, the domestic economy has been hurt and upwards of one million American jobs have been lost as a result of agreements such as the TPP, in part, because partnering nations have cheaper labor workforces and less rigorous environmental regulations, providing incentive for American companies to outsource and offshore American jobs; and Whereas, Several other American municipal governments, such as the Berkeley, California City Council and the Dane County, Wisconsin Board of Supervisors, have expressed their opposition to the TPP by declaring themselves TPP-Free Zones, in which the TPPs regulations will not be respected, to the maximum extent allowable by federal and state law; and

Whereas, Resolutions from the City Council of Madison, Wisconsin and the City Council of Los Angeles, California have also declared their opposition to the TPP; and

Whereas, These local governments have recognized the harm that passage of the TPP can create and as a result have shown commendable leadership by opposing a treaty that would do a disservice to their citizens, as well as to New Yorkers; now therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Council of the City of New York declares itself a TPP-Free Zone and urges Congress not to grant President Obama fast-track authority over, or permission to sign, the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.

The Obama scheme is a “classified treaty,” and therefore a completely unconstitutional attack on Congressional responsibility. It is a “restraint of trade” in pharmaceuticals, digital software, etc., establishing and perpetuating monopolies. It gives banks and multinationals the ability to negate laws like Glass-Steagall without recourse to courts or Congress. And it robs wages and living standards even where it doesn’t rob jobs.

Baltimore Orioles vice president John Angelos issued a surprising statement via Twitter; although it did not name TPP or Obama by name, the point was made:

“My greater source of personal concern, outrage and sympathy beyond this particular case is focused neither upon one night’s property damage nor upon the acts, but is focused rather upon the past four-decade period during which an American political elite have shipped middle class and working class jobs away from Baltimore and cities and towns around the U.S. to third-world dictatorships like China and others, plunged tens of millions of good hard-working Americans into economic devastation, and then followed that action around the nation by diminishing every Americans civil rights protections in order to control an unfairly impoverished population living under an ever-declining standard of living and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state.

“The innocent working families of all backgrounds whose lives and dreams have been cut short by excessive violence, surveillance, and other abuses of the Bill of Rights by government pay the true price, an ultimate price…. We need to keep in mind people are suffering and dying around the U.S., and while we are thankful no one was injured at Camden Yards, there is a far bigger picture for poor Americans in Baltimore and everywhere who don’t have jobs and are losing economic civil and legal rights.”

Life expectancies in Baltimore neighborhoods differ by 20 years; infant mortality rates by 9:1 between Black and white residents. An African ambassador to the United States told Executive Intelligence Review:

“We have a common problem with the United States — look at the riots in Baltimore. These young people in Baltimore and other cities in America are faced with the same hopelessness and lack of a future that we see in Africa.”

While former Baltimore Mayor and Glass-Steagall campaigner Martin O’Malley walked the streets like Pennsylvania Avenue where rioting occurred, NBC-TV News’ Chuck Todd pointedly noted on April 28 that Obama has never personally gone to the Ferguson, Charleston, Staten Island, Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc. sites of police violence and crowd reactions; “he doesn’t want to get involved.”

Opportunistically, Hillary Clinton made a “major speech” at Columbia University today on the safe issues of police body cameras and “an end to mass incarceration.” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, however, speaking in Washington, said the TPP is the AFL-CIO’s “red line” for 2016 Presidential candidates; and to Hillary, “No candidate can be silent on any issue that’s important to the people. She’ll have to respond like every other candidate.”

For the first time since its 2001 debt default, on April 21 Argentina successfully carried out a domestic bond issuance in the amount of $1.4 billion, defying its enemies in London and Wall Street, and the vulture funds they control, which had predicted the nation would never return to the capital market unless it gave in to the vultures’ extortion.

As Finance Minister Axel Kicillof announced from Moscow the same day, the vulture funds controlled by multibillionaire Paul Singer failed “to scare off investors” with the threat that they would block the issuance of the Bonar-2024 bonds. The $1.4 billion would be invested productively in infrastructure development, he said.

In an April 28 speech in Buenos Aires, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had more to say on this issue, ridiculing predictions made by the vultures and their local allies that unless Argentina agreed to pay these predators, it would collapse into economic chaos, lose reserves, suffer devaluation and capital flight, and remain entirely “isolated” internationally.

Argentina isn’t isolated, because it didn’t capitulate, she said. The government was able to return to the capital markets, she added:

“…Because we’ve honored the debt and will continue to honor it; but what we will never honor is international usury and international fraud. That you don’t honor; God forbids it, the Torah forbids it, the Koran forbids it. It is forbidden by all those who believe you can’t exploit the human being, sacrifice a people and a history to honor a handful [of vultures] who seized funds and resources for very little money and now expect to win exorbitant sums.”

Argentina, she said, has accomplished more than it set out to do, and proven “that for a country to function … you don’t have to let yourself be dragged down. You need a great deal of patriotism, dignity, much courage and a great deal of willpower.”

For the first time since its 2001 debt default, on April 21 Argentina successfully carried out a domestic bond issuance in the amount of $1.4 billion, defying its enemies in London and Wall Street, and the vulture funds they control, which had predicted the nation would never return to the capital market unless it gave in to the vultures’ extortion.

As Finance Minister Axel Kicillof announced from Moscow the same day, the vulture funds controlled by multibillionaire Paul Singer failed “to scare off investors” with the threat that they would block the issuance of the Bonar-2024 bonds. The $1.4 billion would be invested productively in infrastructure development, he said.

In an April 28 speech in Buenos Aires, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had more to say on this issue, ridiculing predictions made by the vultures and their local allies that unless Argentina agreed to pay these predators, it would collapse into economic chaos, lose reserves, suffer devaluation and capital flight, and remain entirely “isolated” internationally.

Argentina isn’t isolated, because it didn’t capitulate, she said. The government was able to return to the capital markets, she added:

“…Because we’ve honored the debt and will continue to honor it; but what we will never honor is international usury and international fraud. That you don’t honor; God forbids it, the Torah forbids it, the Koran forbids it. It is forbidden by all those who believe you can’t exploit the human being, sacrifice a people and a history to honor a handful [of vultures] who seized funds and resources for very little money and now expect to win exorbitant sums.”

Argentina, she said, has accomplished more than it set out to do, and proven “that for a country to function … you don’t have to let yourself be dragged down. You need a great deal of patriotism, dignity, much courage and a great deal of willpower.”

A seminar sponsored by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) on the New Silk Road/BRICS alternative to the trans-Atlantic drive for war, drew about 40 guests in Frankfurt Wednesday afternoon, some of whom traveled from cities as far as 2-3 hours away. In addition to the keynote by EIR Editorial Board member and Schiller Institute founder/chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, speakers included Prof. Shi Ze, Senior Research Fellow at the China Institute of International Studies; former Greek ambassador and diplomat Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos; the director of the Malaysian Investment Development Agency, S. Sundara Raja; and the Ethiopian Consul-General in Frankfurt. The audience included several more representatives of the diplomatic community in Frankfurt, notably the Vice-Consul of China, Mr. Fang.

Particularly the presentations by the speakers from China, Greece, Malaysia, and Ethiopia brought a lively message across to those attending that their four home countries have learned lessons from political and economic mistakes of the past: They no longer listen to the dubious and mostly catastrophic advice of the IMF experts and the Western monetarist bankers, but focus instead on policies that serve the development of the national real economy and the well-being of their citizens. No geopolitics, no spheres of influence. All four countries are making progress, and the development of the BRICS is viewed as a great potential that can and will be tapped—for the benefit of all nations. The BRICS and New Silk Road being the only real alternatives to the ailing globalized monetarist system which Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche spoke about in her keynote, became quite visible in those four detailed presentations from and about China, Greece, Malaysia, and Ethiopia.

A seminar sponsored by Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) on the New Silk Road/BRICS alternative to the trans-Atlantic drive for war, drew about 40 guests in Frankfurt Wednesday afternoon, some of whom traveled from cities as far as 2-3 hours away. In addition to the keynote by EIR Editorial Board member and Schiller Institute founder/chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche, speakers included Prof. Shi Ze, Senior Research Fellow at the China Institute of International Studies; former Greek ambassador and diplomat Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos; the director of the Malaysian Investment Development Agency, S. Sundara Raja; and the Ethiopian Consul-General in Frankfurt. The audience included several more representatives of the diplomatic community in Frankfurt, notably the Vice-Consul of China, Mr. Fang.

Particularly the presentations by the speakers from China, Greece, Malaysia, and Ethiopia brought a lively message across to those attending that their four home countries have learned lessons from political and economic mistakes of the past: They no longer listen to the dubious and mostly catastrophic advice of the IMF experts and the Western monetarist bankers, but focus instead on policies that serve the development of the national real economy and the well-being of their citizens. No geopolitics, no spheres of influence. All four countries are making progress, and the development of the BRICS is viewed as a great potential that can and will be tapped—for the benefit of all nations. The BRICS and New Silk Road being the only real alternatives to the ailing globalized monetarist system which Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche spoke about in her keynote, became quite visible in those four detailed presentations from and about China, Greece, Malaysia, and Ethiopia.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in the midst of an extraordinary week in which she addressed three major “New Silk Road” conferences in Europe, began her speech to the Cultural-Business Dialogue in Baden-Baden April 25 in this way:

“Strategically, we must consider two completely different systems.

“One system is based on geopolitical expansion, on monetarism, on maximization of the profits of a few. Should this system prevail, it may lead to the extinction of the human race.

“Fortunately,… a completely parallel economic and financial system has arisen since last July, one which certainly is not without its problems, but has an entirely different orientation; and indeed, is based on the future, and on human creativity.”

This the system of the BRICS-allied nations. The oligarchical system is dominated by the City of London financial imperialists and threatens global depopulation and thermonuclear war. Look at the situation in Yemen — the latest outbreak of genocidal wars backed by President Obama in the Mideast and North Africa — where the Red Cross reports that 12 million of the 20 million Yemenis, being bombed and completely blockaded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the U.S. Navy, are “food-insecure” or lack any food at all. Most also now lack water, which cannot even be pumped with no fuel or electricity. This while many thousands are being drowned in the Mediterranean trying to flee to Europe from terror operations set in motion by Obama’s and Cameron’s wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq.

Then look at the large-scale, nearly instantaneous and fully collaborative response by China and India — the BRICS — to the disastrous Nepal earthquake, with combined deployments of army groupings from both BRICS powers for reconstruction, and the extraordinary Indian pledge of $10 billion for infrastructure reconstruction in one small country.

Compare Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partner (TPP) — such a Wall Street swindle that opposing it has become a touchstone for the next Presidential candidate of his own party — to the last ten years’ series of actual trade agreements between China, ASEAN countries, and South Korea. These have resulted in extraordinary growth in intra-Asian trade in goods over that decade.

Or consider the Bolivian vice president’s extraordinary commitment of that nation to “produce ideas, export ideas, create a society of knowledge and science.” Bolivia has moved immediately to the BRICS alliance, and has enjoyed among the most rapid economic growth in the continent.

We are fighting two fascist puppets of the London-centered oligarchical system in the United States, President Barack Obama and California Governor Jerry Brown. “Brownshirt” is facing resistance from municipalities and companies throughout California to his 25% mandatory water cut; now he has asked for legislative power to fine residents or businesses $10,000/day for not giving up their use of water — when there is an ocean full of water at the state’s shores. When LaRouchePAC has bluntly organized residents to “jail this Nazi,” its organizers have gotten a dynamic response from Californians.

Obama has stepped into a trap with his “TPP” intended attack on China and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which has turned into an attack on his own party on behalf of Wall Street. There is an internal revolt against him and the resources on the planet as a whole to defeat him. The time has come to force this puppet of London out of office.