Three high-level Russian officials delivered today the same message as that delivered most dramatically on the March 1 by the chief of the Russian Command Post for its Strategic Missile Forces, Gen.-Maj. Andrei Burbin the day before: Russia is prepared to respond with full, strategic force to any existential threat.

Yet the United States and the United Kingdom continue to plunge ahead on a policy of confronting Russia on its very border, by moving NATO forces into Ukraine. The Commander of the U.S. 173rd Airbourne Brigade, Col. Michael Foster, announced today at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, that “before this week is up,” the United States will deploy six United States companies to Ukraine, for a six month training program for Ukraine’s notoriously-Nazi riddled National Guard. Last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron had announced that the U.K. was sending its special forces in to train Ukrainian forces.

This, even as Russia’s Ambassador to NATO Alexander Grushko stated in an interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel:

“Moscow will take all ‘necessary measures,’ including military, technical and political to neutralize a possible threat from NATO presence in Eastern Europe.”

He specified that NATO’s actions “significantly impair regional and European security, and pose risks to our security,” citing intensified NATO military drills in Eastern Europe, with about 200 exercises in its eastern member states, mostly in the Baltic and Black seas, Poland and Baltic states. He said:

“Sending instructors and offering military technical assistance are playing in the hand of Kiev’s party of war and give grounds for certain figures in Kiev to believe the crisis can be settled by military means.”

At the same time, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Navy Chief Adm. Viktor Chirkov discussed the modernization of the Russian military, including its strategic forces, in public comments yesterday.

Shoigu reported that the Russian Navy will receive two Borei-class ballistic missile submarines, this year—the Vladimir Monomakh, which began sea trials in June 2014, and the Alexander Nevsky, awaiting its load of Bulava ballistic missiles before transfer to the Pacific Fleet—along with two general purpose submarines and five surface warships. He also said that the Air Force will receive 13 modernized strategic bombers, this year, and that by 2020, the strategic bomber fleet will be 70% modernized. He also said that bomber patrols will be expanded to new areas, stressing:

“It is important to note that such flights are regular, and we will not abandon this practice.”

The Russian Navy will receive 50 vessels of various sizes and classes this year, Admiral Chirkov said yesterday, according to Interfax news agency. Those boats are part of a rearmament program begun under President Vladimir Putin that aims to provide Russia with a navy capable of operating far away from home—a capability lost after the collapse of the Soviet Union—by 2050. Chirkov was quoted as saying:

“The period of stagnation in the development of our potential has long since passed.”

He also announced that research companies are already planning for the new aircraft carrier which will be built.

Interfax added:

“The expansion of naval power comes as Russia confronts the West over Ukraine.”

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke at a nuclear disarmament conference in Geneva yesterday, where he noted that the U.S. still maintains tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. Russia has reduced its stockpile of such weapons by a considerable amount by transferring many of them “to the category of non-deployed and placed them in central storages within the boundaries of the national territory,” despite the fact that “U.S. nuclear weapons’ capable of reaching Russia’s territory are still operationally deployed in Europe,” reports TASS.

Lavrov stated:

“Today, the strategic parity is affected by many factors. Those are the unilateral activities of the United States and their allies in organization of the global ABM, which have already affected destructively the strategic stability, realistically undermining progress towards the so-called Nuclear Zero — the objective, which, I believe, many participants are sharing.”

The British-dictated policies of the European Union towards Greece—the financial equivalent of tactical thermonuclear warfare—are going to backfire on the British and bring down their entire system, Lyndon LaRouche reiterated yesterday. If they try to drive Greece out of the EU because it is refusing to submit to further Troika genocide, the entire European system will go into a plunge immediately, LaRouche said. The European system cannot survive if Greece is pulled out, as some in Germany and elsewhere are advocating. That is because the entire Greek debt is a fraud, LaRouche explained, and that means that the United States, and Wall Street, will also go down in a chain reaction collapse.

Greece May ‘Play the Russian Card’ If It is Pushed Out of the Euro

In a lengthy article filed yesterday from Greece, based on his intelligence mission to that country on behalf of the British Empire, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard attempted to present a profile of the battle going on inside the country, and who stands where on the crucial issue of whether or not to break out of the euro, or to negotiate within it. His conclusion reveals the fear preoccupying his employers:

“If the EMU were to force Greece out of the euro by withdrawing bank liquidity and deliberately causing the collapse of the Greek financial system, they would create a martyr state for the whole European Left… The Western security system would then face turmoil in the Balkans. It would have to deal with an embittered state—hostile to NATO, and willing to play the Russian card—along an arc of instability stretching from Ukraine, through the Levant, to North Africa.”

Evans-Pritchard otherwise warns that the deals struck last week between the Greek government and the EU can’t last.

“Greece’s Syriza radicals have signed a fragile ceasefire with the eurozone’s creditor powers… They have bought time, but not much.”

He goes on to note that “the Greeks voted for defiance, and also to stay in the euro, two objectives that are hard to reconcile.” The EU threats to expel Greece are “double-edged.”

“Creditors have even more to lose if Greece spins out of control. A full repudiation of debt to the EMU institutions and states would cost over 300 billion euros. It would be the biggest default of all time, by an order of magnitude.”

It’s much worse than that, Lyndon LaRouche commented today. If the EU drives Greece out, the entire trans-Atlantic system will go under, immediately.

Worst of all, LaRouche noted, is that that would leave Obama out on the street without any clothes—and that would be a horrible sight to behold.

LaRouche has also explained that Greece—like Argentina, Egypt, and other developing sector nations with gumption—is already turning towards Russia and the BRICS, as the only viable economic system on the planet.

Such a turn has been openly advocated by members of the Greek cabinet, including Defense Minister Panos Kammenos. An additional indication of the public and private discussions underway, is the report that Greece’s Deputy Agricultural Minister, Panagiotis Sguridis, officially requested of the Russian government that it partially lift the food import embargo imposed on Greek (and European) exports, in response to the sanctions. Sguridis raised the matter at a late February meeting in Thessaloniki on international food exports, with Alexei Alekseenko, a representative of Russia’s Agriculture Ministry, who said he would send a letter to Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev. Sguridis said “there is a chance that two or three products will be excluded from the embargo list,” the Russian news agency Sputnik reported.

…Doomsday is rolling in on the transatlantic economy like a heavy British fog.Lyndon LaRouche, Feb 27, 2015

The following are a paraphrase of remarks made by Lyndon LaRouche during a discussion preceding the regular LaRouchePAC weekly webcast on February 27, 2015.

We have initiated a critical turning point this week with what I have said beginning Tuesday. The way in which things were being formulated prior was wrong and reflected a degree of stupidity which comes when people believe in myths. The myth is that this system can somehow survive. It can’t! The entire thing is doomed by its own hand, and anyone who believes in this system is an idiot.

Operation Zeus: Showdown

What was required was for me to take this issue out of the domain of broad generalities that appeal to popular opinion and to put it instead in very precise terms. This has now been circulating and we’ve begun to get people responding. If the Obama option is allowed to go forward, despite any pretenses he may have to limit this as a conflict on the Eurasian continent, we will be facing an extinction warfare in very short order. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will recognize the validity of what I’ve said, and they will not be willing to allow that consequence to occur. Therefore, Obama must be put under strict control as swiftly as possible.

At times like this, it’s not muscular power which moves history. It won’t come from overwhelming the enemy through numbers or force. It’s the very system itself which can no longer exist. It can’t continue to exist because of its own inability to exist. Therefore, its doom is inevitable. They are already doomed, they’re just pretending. It’s like the walking dead. It’s not just a matter of whether they make a mistake or not. There’s no way within this universe that they can exist. Merely by their own continued adherence to their own existence are they finishing themselves.

Video of La0bg9B51LI
Watch the February 27, 2015 webcast featuring Jeffrey Steinberg, Benjamin Deniston, and Dennis Small elaborating the discussion with Lyndon LaRouche.

It required my insight to see beyond popular opinion and the stupidity of the myths that people tend to believe in. People believe in myths, and the existence of this system is a myth. It cannot survive. The question is, who will finish them? Will they finish themselves, as well as the rest of us along with them? Or, will we finish them, and replace them with something that actually possesses viability to exist?

Tell the truth: they are doomed! One way or another, they’re doomed. The question is — will you continue to go along with them or not? That’s what I did this week. We must cause people to recognize this reality, and cause this system to be dumped. It cannot be saved, no matter what.

Take Greece for example. This is clear. Greece is going to be a real trigger. They have no option. They don’t have to honor in any way that which they do not owe. The advantage is theirs. They are in no way obliged to honor what they do not wish to. What they will do is to make a deal with Russia. Just look at the map! They’re going to leave the Euro, they have no choice. Germany, others are going to push them out. When they leave, however, the whole system will collapse. The entire Wall Street and related system will come tumbling down. It will be a sweeping financial collapse, it will come on like a torrent. An unstoppable torrent. Just because it hasn’t happened yet, people will tend to assume that it will not happen. But it will! And it will have a chain reaction effect on the entire Euro system. And the present management of that system will disintegrate. France is already turning its back on this.

EU Bravado Against Greece Will Bring Down Trans-Atlantic System

The lesson of Greece is: these guys are doomed! They cannot pay, and they won’t. That’s all there is to it. There is no way in this universe that this system can survive. Schauble is out of his mind to try to defend this thing. Anyone who is committing themselves to a system which is already doomed is clinically insane. There is no one who can win that game. No one! They must be stupid, or senile, to believe that they can. This whole system is hopelessly bankrupt, and has been for a very long time. We’ve known that to be the case. Now its in its death knell. Sound it!

And what is waiting out there to replace it? The BRICS system. This is actually viable. This has viability to exist. Compare the transatlantic system to what these nations are doing. What is happening in Asia has viability, it has the capability to actually work. The transatlantic system does not! And therefore, it will be replaced. This is already in motion! You’ve just got a little problem coming from this corner of the world, however. A nuisance. The walking dead.

International Petition: The U.S. Must Collaborate with the BRICS    
Digital Pamphlet: “Why the United States Must Join the BRICS”   

And anyone who believes in this system is an idiot. It’s already dead! The only thing you can do is replace the bankrupt system with a non-bankrupt system. And anyone who’s intelligent or sane knows that it’s time to move your economy out of the graveyard and find a new address. The Greeks are doing this. They’re establishing close ties with Russia, with China, with other viable nations, and as a result, a great rejuvenation will occur very soon. Greece will return to its legacy as a great maritime power!

Lavrov: BRICS Economic Partnership Preferable to Geopolitics & World War

Look at what’s happening in Ukraine. We’re looking at real genocide here. Putin’s use of this language was calculated and absolutely correct. Because we’re dealing with Nazis here! Victoria Nuland and her killer gang of Nazis. We know that Nazis have taken over Ukraine, seizing power through a coup, and carrying out atrocities against the people of Ukraine. Under the direction of whom? Victoria Nuland and her allies here in Washington!

LaRouche Says Murder of Boris Nemtsov “Smells Like Nuland”

Or take for example Netanyahu. He is brutish and insane. This has gone too far and it’s time that he is thrown out with the political garbage. Anyone with an ounce of sanity will recognize that this is not going to work. Working out a secret deal with the Saudis to launch strikes against Iran? That’s going too far. When he starts bargaining and making deals with the Saudis, then he’s gone too far. It’s time to dump this guy. And John Boehner too. Make it a package deal. You’ve already got a number of these members of congress announcing that they’re going to boycott, that they’re just going to not show up. I’d say it’s time for this guy to be dumped. And probably a lot of people in his own country would agree with me.

We must recognize the winds and tides of history. Don’t get stubborn and try to resist. Set your sails accordingly. Choose your voyage, chart your course, ensure you’ve picked the right mission and direction, and set sail! …Our job is to make history move! Don’t try to explain why history is moving. Be the cause of its movement, and create the future!— Lyndon LaRouche • Feb. 27, 2015

The point is, history is not a mechanical process. It’s not a muscle-game. There are higher processes, higher orders. You can’t bet on them. You have to recognize, that one way or another, this system is doomed. And it’s not because I said so. It’s because it’s true! And that’s what I did this week. I simply said what others weren’t saying. I pointed out what others were refusing to see. We’ve reached a turning point this week. I didn’t create it, I just pointed it out. And people responded. We shouldn’t react to what’s given to us; we should respond to what’s not given to us. That’s leadership. Tell the truth, don’t try to interpret other people’s nonsense. Only then are you qualified to make policy

Doomsday is rolling in on the transatlantic economy like a heavy British fog. And we need to be the winds that blow those clouds away. How do we do that? Just say the truth! Wall Street is inherently bankrupt, it’s claiming assets it does not have. Don’t try to negotiate with the dead. Just give the system its proper burial and replace it with a system which has viability to exist.

A sweeping change is needed. This whole system is falling apart. Everything is going wrong. The only thing it has to offer is dark age and war. What we need is a Nicholas of Cusa, who created the possibility of modern civilization. And his predecessor, Brunelleschi — the literal architect of the Renaissance! He cast the shadows of the human mind, and Cusa defined its actuality. And this laid the foundation then for Kepler, who in turn laid the basis for the work of Leibniz following him. That’s where we have to go today.

We must recognize the winds and tides of history. Don’t get stubborn and try to resist. Set your sails accordingly. Choose your voyage, chart your course, ensure you’ve picked the right mission and direction, and set sail! China’s doing this. Others are doing this. There are whole areas of the world who are doing this! We’ve got to realize that our job is to make history move! Don’t try to explain why history is moving. Be the cause of its movement, and create the future!

We are experiencing now the fall of Zeus. Our job is to cook his goose!

President Vladimir Putin said today that Kiev’s shutting off supplies of gas to the Donbas, on top of the food shortages, “bears the hallmark of genocide,” according to Sputnik.

“It has become known to us that Kiev suspended gas supplies, referring to alleged damage to gas pipelines. At the same time, Gazprom is fulfilling the contract signed back in 2009 and an addendum to it made in October last year. In full compliance with this contract, it supplies gas to Ukraine under advance payments made for the volumes, which Ukraine needs…. Gazprom is not breaching any provisions.”

He added:

“As for the damage to the gas pipeline, I don’t know for certain, but I know that these regions are home to about 4.5 million people. Just imagine that these people may be left without gas supply during the winter period. As if the hunger was not enough — the OSCE has already stated that the region is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe — they had their gas supplies cut off. What would you call it? I would say this bears the hallmark of genocide.”


President Vladimir Putin said today that Kiev’s shutting off supplies of gas to the Donbas, on top of the food shortages, “bears the hallmark of genocide,” according to Sputnik.

“It has become known to us that Kiev suspended gas supplies, referring to alleged damage to gas pipelines. At the same time, Gazprom is fulfilling the contract signed back in 2009 and an addendum to it made in October last year. In full compliance with this contract, it supplies gas to Ukraine under advance payments made for the volumes, which Ukraine needs…. Gazprom is not breaching any provisions.”

He added:

“As for the damage to the gas pipeline, I don’t know for certain, but I know that these regions are home to about 4.5 million people. Just imagine that these people may be left without gas supply during the winter period. As if the hunger was not enough — the OSCE has already stated that the region is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe — they had their gas supplies cut off. What would you call it? I would say this bears the hallmark of genocide.”


Andriy Parubiy, now first deputy speaker of the Supreme Rada as a leading member of the National Front political party of Victoria Nuland’s handpicked PM Arseni “Yats” Yatsenyuk, told Voice of America yesterday that he would be meeting in Washington, D.C. with Nuland, herself—Dick Cheney’s former advisor who now serves as Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. He will also meet with Sen. John McCain and Rep. John Boehner, and representatives of the Pentagon.

Parubiy, a key figure in Ukraine’s fascist Banderite movement, was Commandant of the Maidan for the coup a year ago, and subsequently organized the National Guard for the civil war in eastern Ukraine.

LaRouche: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland or Face World War

Top on his agenda: lining up military aid from the Obama administration for the Ukrainian military. “The position of the United States will be decisive. After the United States, I’m confident many leaders of the European countries, [and] Canada, will support this initiative and will more actively assist Ukraine,” Parubiy told the Ukrainian service of Voice of America, Ukrinform reported.

A conference on “Ukraine-U.S. Collaboration” held the same day by the U.S. government-funded National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Brookings Institution, made clear that Nuland’s war party in Washington orchestrated this Nazi’s visit, in an attempt to steamroll opposition from saner forces, such as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who have no interest in this project to draw the U.S. into a war with Russia. US Agency for International Development Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, Jonathan Katz, joined the campaign, as a speaker.

Parubiy’s lobbying began with a brief address to that conference, pushing his sell-us-weapons agenda. NDI Regional Director for Eurasia Laura Jewett, welcoming the “impressive delegation” of Ukrainian parliamentarians and Ukrainian specialists, said it was “fitting” that the first speaker was Parubiy. Parubiy swaggered that Ukraine, provided the right lethal and non-lethal weapons, could defeat Vladimir Putin and “the Russian occupiers.” Jewett enthusiastically thanked him, stating that he had done “an excellent job” in setting the agenda for the conference’s discussion.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer moderated the later panel discussion on defense issues. Pifer is a vociferous advocate of the U.S. arming of Ukraine, churning out articles one after the other promoting that policy, after co-authoring the February Atlantic Council report, “Preserving Ukraine’s Independence; Resisting Russian Aggression: What the United States and NATO Must Do.”

Pifer and another speaker on the defense panel typified the lunacy of these Nazi-sponsors. Ukrainian diplomat Vasyl Filipchuk, who worked on EU Integration in 2012-2013, insisted that if “Iranian-style” sanctions were thrown against Russia, especially hitting banking while keeping the oil price low at the same time, Russia would be in full-scale collapse by next September, and Ukraine won’t have to worry about Putin. He also stated proudly that he considers Nazi SS collaborator Stepan Bandera a “national hero.”

For his part, Pifer, when asked from the floor what he would say to those that warn that Russia’s economic collapse might not only be dangerous, but would bring an even-more nationalist leader into the Kremlin, assured the audience that he agreed such events could be dangerous, but Vladimir Putin will back down before allowing that to happen. The West just has to “change Putin’s calculus” by imposing greater sanctions and arming Ukraine.

SEE “Stop World War III”

Andriy Parubiy, now first deputy speaker of the Supreme Rada as a leading member of the National Front political party of Victoria Nuland’s handpicked PM Arseni “Yats” Yatsenyuk, told Voice of America yesterday that he would be meeting in Washington, D.C. with Nuland, herself—Dick Cheney’s former advisor who now serves as Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. He will also meet with Sen. John McCain and Rep. John Boehner, and representatives of the Pentagon.

Parubiy, a key figure in Ukraine’s fascist Banderite movement, was Commandant of the Maidan for the coup a year ago, and subsequently organized the National Guard for the civil war in eastern Ukraine.

LaRouche: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland or Face World War

Top on his agenda: lining up military aid from the Obama administration for the Ukrainian military. “The position of the United States will be decisive. After the United States, I’m confident many leaders of the European countries, [and] Canada, will support this initiative and will more actively assist Ukraine,” Parubiy told the Ukrainian service of Voice of America, Ukrinform reported.

A conference on “Ukraine-U.S. Collaboration” held the same day by the U.S. government-funded National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the Brookings Institution, made clear that Nuland’s war party in Washington orchestrated this Nazi’s visit, in an attempt to steamroll opposition from saner forces, such as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who have no interest in this project to draw the U.S. into a war with Russia. US Agency for International Development Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, Jonathan Katz, joined the campaign, as a speaker.

Parubiy’s lobbying began with a brief address to that conference, pushing his sell-us-weapons agenda. NDI Regional Director for Eurasia Laura Jewett, welcoming the “impressive delegation” of Ukrainian parliamentarians and Ukrainian specialists, said it was “fitting” that the first speaker was Parubiy. Parubiy swaggered that Ukraine, provided the right lethal and non-lethal weapons, could defeat Vladimir Putin and “the Russian occupiers.” Jewett enthusiastically thanked him, stating that he had done “an excellent job” in setting the agenda for the conference’s discussion.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer moderated the later panel discussion on defense issues. Pifer is a vociferous advocate of the U.S. arming of Ukraine, churning out articles one after the other promoting that policy, after co-authoring the February Atlantic Council report, “Preserving Ukraine’s Independence; Resisting Russian Aggression: What the United States and NATO Must Do.”

Pifer and another speaker on the defense panel typified the lunacy of these Nazi-sponsors. Ukrainian diplomat Vasyl Filipchuk, who worked on EU Integration in 2012-2013, insisted that if “Iranian-style” sanctions were thrown against Russia, especially hitting banking while keeping the oil price low at the same time, Russia would be in full-scale collapse by next September, and Ukraine won’t have to worry about Putin. He also stated proudly that he considers Nazi SS collaborator Stepan Bandera a “national hero.”

For his part, Pifer, when asked from the floor what he would say to those that warn that Russia’s economic collapse might not only be dangerous, but would bring an even-more nationalist leader into the Kremlin, assured the audience that he agreed such events could be dangerous, but Vladimir Putin will back down before allowing that to happen. The West just has to “change Putin’s calculus” by imposing greater sanctions and arming Ukraine.

SEE “Stop World War III”