The European peoples whose governments were paid to sell out the sovereignty of their nations to the EU are experiencing great difficulties in being permitted to govern themselves. As the result of Italians’ frustration with the self-serving elite who have ruled Italy for decades, the recent democratic elections in Italy brought to power two anti-establishment political parties, Five-Star and Lega (League), that have solid majorities in both houses. However, the Italian president, an operative for the EU, attempted to appoint the prime minister independently of the election results, tried to himself appoint a “technocratic cabinet” that would ignore the democratic … Continue reading

The post Democracy Is Fighting To Survive appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Trump regime has sabotaged Putin’s peace efforts in Syria, Iran, Ukraine, and North Korea. In the interest of peace Putin has avoided responding to US and Israeli provocations in Syria. Putin went so far as to invite the war criminal and genocidal maniac Netanyahu to Russia for the celebration of Russia’s victory over Germany in World War II. Netanyahu accepted, but showed Putin who is boss by ordering illegal Israeli military attacks on Syrian army positions just prior to his departure for Russia. Washington rewarded Putin’s peace efforts by occupying with US and French troops the part of Syria … Continue reading

The post Putin’s Peace Efforts appeared first on LewRockwell.

How did a person who should be in the criminal dock both in the US and in the International Criminal Court for running a torture prison get appointed the Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency? What is all the Washington talk about defending human rights when a torturer is put in charge of covert operations? Milosovic, the Serbia leader who tried to defend his country from Washington’s aggression, was sent by Washington to the war crimes tribunal or some such place that only tries victims of Washington’s aggression. He died in prison, some say he was murdered by Washington. … Continue reading

The post Dems Confirm Torturer appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have explained Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Christian practice of turning the other cheek to Western provocations as a strategy to convey to Europe that Russia is reasonable but Washington is not and that Russia is not a threat to European interests and sovereignty but Washington is. By accommodating Israel and withdrawing from the multi-nation Iran nuclear-nonproliferation agreement, US President Donald Trump might have brought success to Putin’s strategy. Washington’s three main European vassal states, Britain, France, and Germany have objected to Trump’s unilateral action. Trump is of the opinion that the multi-nation agreement depends only on Washington. If Washington … Continue reading

The post Putin’s Strategy appeared first on LewRockwell.

We can now dismiss all hope that Trump’s campaign promises to pull out of Syria, normalize relations with Russia and stop the offshoring of American jobs will ever become US policies. By dishonoring the US government’s word and pulling out of the Iran nuclear non-proliferation agreement, an agreement signed by the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China, and Iran, President Trump has revealed that his regime is totally in the hands of the Zionist warmongers. It was already evident, but America’s renewal alone in the world of the fabricated conflict with Iran is proof that US foreign policy is in … Continue reading

The post America’s Word appeared first on LewRockwell.

Only a few days remain before Trump announces whether he is pulling the US out of the multi-nation agreement with Iran. Iran has kept the agreement. Even Washington’s vassals—UK, France, Germany—have announced that they are sticking with the agreement. So where is the pressure on Trump coming from to destroy the carefully negotiated agreement in which Iran agreed to forgo development of nuclear weapons? It comes from Israel and Israel’s American Fifth Column—the neoconservatives. Israel is the reason for Washington’s hostility toward Syria and Iran. Israel has twice tried to occupy southern Lebanon, which Israel covets for its water resources, … Continue reading

The post Do Americans Want To Die? appeared first on LewRockwell.

If you don’t think we live in a crazy world, here is Netanyahu, the genocidal zionist leader of Israel, an invader which has destroyed Palestine and seized Palestine for Jews, expelling Palestinians from their homes, villages and country, accusing Abbas, the front man chosen by Washington and Israel as Palestine’s leader, of being a Holocaust denier. A rival absurdity is the nomination of President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. In the account I read, Abbas says nothing about the Holocaust. He says that the European prejudice against Jews resulted from European’s experience with their sharp financial practices, not from … Continue reading

The post Morality, Truth, Facts appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is up to Europe whether or not the Earth dies in nuclear Armageddon. European governments do not realize their potential to save the world from Washington’s aggression, because the western Europeans are accustomed to being Washington’s vassal states since the end of World War 2, and the eastern and central Europeans have accepted Washington’s vassalage since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Vassalage pays well if all the costs are not counted. By joining NATO, the eastern and central Europeans permitted Washington to move US military presence to Russia’s borders. This military presence on Russia’s borders gave Washington undue … Continue reading

The post What Can Be Done? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Now that the Trump, May, and Macron regimes have proven beyond all doubt that they are lawless war criminal regimes, what is next? Will the Russian president and foreign minister continue to speak of “our Western partners” and seek common ground with proven lawless war criminals? What would that common ground be? How can other governments accept the US, UK, and French governments that intentionally lied about a Russian chemical attack on the Skripals and about a Syrian chemical attack on Douma, risking a third world war, and then themselves attacking Syria on the basis of a transparent lie unsupported … Continue reading

The post Where Is the Shame? appeared first on LewRockwell.

It speaks to the humanity and moral greatness of the Russian government led by Vladimir Putin that Russia consented to a pretend attack in order that Donald Trump could save face. Unfortunately for us all, the consequences of Russia’s generosity will not be the thanks that the Russians deserve. Russia and Putin will get no credit for saving Trump from having to back down or have his naval flotilla sunk and his bombers shot down. Russia is intent on avoiding a conflict, not because Russia is scared of the US military, but because Russia understands it is dealing with a … Continue reading

The post Russia’s Humanity and Moral Conscience appeared first on LewRockwell.

Many, including Russia’s President Putin, have asked why the US launched an illegal attack on Syria prior to the chemical weapons inspectors examining the site of the alleged chemical attack. This popular question completely misses the point. The US attack on Syria is a clear and indisputable war crime against a sovereign country regardless of whether Syria used a chemical weapon in driving Washington supported terrorists from Douma. No one acted to stop Washington’s war crime. Some of Washington’s vassals, such as Germany and Italy, refused to participate in Washington’s war crime, but no one attempted to block it. The … Continue reading

The post This Crisis appeared first on LewRockwell.

We often hear that we need a conversation on race. Considering that Americans are a brainwashed people living in a false history, such a conversation would resemble the one the Russians were expected to have with the British in regard to the Skripal poisoning: “Yes, we are guilty. We will pay reparations. Where would you like us to send Putin for trial?” In other words, the only acceptable race conversation in the US is one in which white people accept the accusation that they are racist and offer to make amends. Considering that the only slavery experienced by any living … Continue reading

The post A Conversation on Race appeared first on LewRockwell.

US officials and the presstitutes tell us that the illegal US missile attack on Syria destroyed chemical weapons sites where chlorine and sarin are stored/manufactured. If this were true, would not a lethal cloud have been released that would have taken the lives of far more people than claimed in the alleged Syrian chemical attack on Douma? Would not the US missile attack be identical to a chemical weapons attack and thus place the US and its vassals in the same category as Washington is attempting to place Assad and Putin? What about it, you chemical weapons experts? Do chemical … Continue reading

The post Why Do They Tell Us Transparent Lies? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I wonder how many people, not just Americans but those in other countries, have come to the conclusion that the United States today is a less free and less aware society than the societies in the dystopian novels of the 20th century or in movies such as The Matrix and V for Vendetta. Just as people in the dystopian novels had no idea of their real situation, few Americans do either. What are we to make of the extraordinary war crimes committed by the United States in the 21st century that have destroyed in whole or part seven countries, resulting … Continue reading

The post Once Upon a Time, Long Ago appeared first on LewRockwell.

Is it insane to push for war with Russia, a major nuclear power? Is it insane to threaten Russia and bring false charges against her? Is it insane to brag about killing “hundreds of Russians”? A normal person would answer “yes” to the three questions. So what does this tell us about Trump’s government as these insane actions are the principle practice of Trump’s government? Does anyone doubt that Nikki Haley is insane? Does anyone doubt that John Bolton is insane? Does anyone doubt that Mike Pompeo is insane? Does this mean that Trump is insane for appointing to the … Continue reading

The post The Trump Regime appeared first on LewRockwell.