Former US Secretary of Defense William Perry warns that the world is on the knife edge of nuclear catastrophe. Such catastrophe can result accidentally from electronic failures or glitches in warning systems and from the recklessly aggressive and unnecessary force buildup against Russia. Conn Hallinan discusses these issues. I doubt Hallinan is correct about Washington’s military predominance. This is Washington’s view, and this view makes Washington confident that it holds the aces. It is a mistake for Hallinan to encourage Washington in this view. Nevertheless, Hallinan makes it clear that we could all be vaporized at any minute. This extremely … Continue reading

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The Western public doesn’t know it, but Washington and its European vassals are convincing Russia that they are preparing to attack. Eric Zuesse reports on a German newspaper leak of a Bundeswehr decision to declare Russia to be an enemy nation of Germany. This is the interpretation that some Russian politicians themselves have put on the NATO military bases that Washington is establishing on Russia’s borders. Washington might intend the military buildup as pressure on President Putin to reduce Russian opposition to Washington’s unilateralism. However, it reminds some outspoken Russians such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky of Hitler’s troops on Russia’s border … Continue reading

The post Armageddon Approaches appeared first on LewRockwell.

Researchers who have investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy for 30 or more years have concluded that he was murdered by a conspiracy of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the Secret Service. See, for example, JFK And The Unspeakable by James W. Douglass. Shortly before he was murdered, President John F. Kennedy gave an extraordinary speech at American University. In the speech, he came out against the continuation of the Cold War that risked all life on earth for the benefit of the profits of the military-security complex and the budgets and power of the … Continue reading

The post JFK Turned to Peace appeared first on LewRockwell.

Washington and its Canadian vassal are trying to use a Western media-created Russian athletic doping scandal to ban Russian participation in the Olympic games in Brazil. Washington and Canada are pressuring other countries to get on board with Washington’s vendetta against Russia. The vendetta is conducted under the cover of “protecting clean athletics.” You can bet your life that Washington is not motivated by a respect for fairness in sports. Washington is busy at home destroying fairness to the poor, and Washington, which disregards the sovereignty of countries and international law against naked aggression, is busy abroad destroying millions of … Continue reading

The post Washington Is Politicizing the Olympics appeared first on LewRockwell.

Today is the second anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and we still do not know the explanation. Washington and its European vassal politicians and media instantly politicized the event: The Russians did it. End of story. After 15 months of heavy anti-Russian propaganda had imprinted the message on peoples’ minds, the Dutch Safety Board issued its inconclusive report. By then, it was irrelevant what the report said. Everyone already knew that “the Russians did it.” I remember when pre-trial media accusations resulted in dismissed cases. Anyone declared guilty prior to the presentation of evidence and conviction … Continue reading

The post Russia Convicted by Propaganda appeared first on LewRockwell.

FBI Director James Comey got Hillary off the hook but wants to put you on it. He is pushing hard for warrantless access to all of your Internet activity. Comey, who would have fit in perfectly with Hitler’s Gestapo, tells Congress that the United States is not safe unless the FBI knows when every American goes online, to whom they are sending emails and from whom they are receiving emails, and knows every website visited by every American. In other words, Comey wants to render null and void the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution and completely destroy your privacy … Continue reading

The post Gestapo America appeared first on LewRockwell.

From the Archive: Militarist Bunkum, May 19, 2014 Did you know that 85 to 90 percent of war’s casualties are non-combatant civilians? That is the conclusion reached by a nine-person research team in the June 2014 issue of the American Journal of Public Health. The deaths of soldiers who are fighting the war are a small part of the human and economic cost. Clearly, wars do not protect the lives of civilians. The notion that soldiers are dying for us is false. Non-combatants are the main victims of war. Keep that in mind for July 4th, which is arriving in … Continue reading

The post July 4th Militarism appeared first on LewRockwell.

Democracy no longer exists in the West. In the US powerful private interest groups, such as the military-security complex, Wall Street, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness and the extractive industries of energy, timber and mining, have long exercised more control over government than the people. But now even the semblance of democracy has been abandoned. In the US Donald Trump has won the Republican presidential nomination. However, Republican convention delegates are plotting to deny Trump the nomination that the people have voted him. The Republican political establishment is showing an unwillingness to accept democratic outcomes.The people chose, but their choice is … Continue reading

The post Ah, Yes, I Remember It Well appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Brexit vote shows that a majority of the British voters understand that the UK government represents interests other than the interests of the British people. As difficult as the British know it is to hold their own government to account, they understand they have no prospect whatsoever of holding the EU government to account. During their time in the EU, the British have been reminded of historical times when the law was the word of the sovereign. The propagandists who comprise the Western political and media establishments succeeded in keeping the real issues out of public discussion and presenting … Continue reading

The post Will Britain Really Leave the EU? appeared first on LewRockwell.

If you read the presstitute media, Brexit—the referendum tomorrow on the UK’s exit from theEU— is about racism. According to the story line, angry rightwing racists of violent inclinations want to leave the EU to avoid having to accept more dark-skinned immigrants into England. Despite the constant propaganda against exit, polls indicated that more favored leaving the EU than remaining until a female member of Parliament, Jo Cox, was killed by a man that a witness said shouted “Brexit.” Cox was an opponent of leaving the EU. The UK government and presstitute media used Cox’s murder to drive home the … Continue reading

The post Brexit; What It’s Really About appeared first on LewRockwell.

Do you remember how close we came to Armageddon in the early 1960s when Washington put nuclear missiles in Turkey on the Soviet Union’s border and the Soviets responded by putting nuclear missiles in Cuba? Fortunately, at that time, we had an intelligent president instead of a cipher. President John F. Kennedy pulled us back from the brink and was assassinated by his own government for his service to humanity. For a number of years, I have been warning that the recklessness of a half century ago has reappeared in spades. The crazed, insane, Nazified, neoconized government in Washington and … Continue reading

The post If You Value Your Life and Your Family’s Life appeared first on LewRockwell.

Some readers have asked for my take on the Orlando Shooting. I don’t have one. Let’s see if together we can form a reasonable view. Let’s start with the basic first question. Before there can be a murder declared, there must be a body. Has anyone seen on TV or in newspapers pictures of dead bodies? Bodies should be readily available if the reports are correct that fifty people were killed and 50 or more were wounded and in the hospital. I cannot bear the presstitute TV and print media. These are full-time propaganda organizations. Hopefully, some of you hold … Continue reading

The post I’m Skeptical About Orlando appeared first on LewRockwell.

On the eve of World War II, the United States was still mired in the Great Depression and found itself facing war on two fronts with Japan and Germany. However bleak the outlook, it was nothing compared to the outlook today. Has anyone in Washington, the presstitute Western media, the EU, or NATO ever considered the consequences of constant military and propaganda provocations against Russia? Is there anyone in any responsible position anywhere in the Western world who has enough sense to ask: “What if the Russians believe us? What if we convince Russia that we are going to attack … Continue reading

The post Planetary Doom? appeared first on LewRockwell.

“We have been watching for nearly a month a steady buildup of American and NATO forces along Russia’s borders – on land, on the sea and in the air. There has been nothing like this on Russia’s borders, such an amassing of hostile military force, since the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.” So concludes America’s leading Russian expert, Professor Stephen Cohen (Princeton and New York University). Professor Cohen asks if Washington is sleepwalking and needs to wake up or whether Washington has gone crazy and intends war. Pepe Escobar advises Washington to “beware what you wish for: Russia is ready for war.” Escobar reports that recently the Rand … Continue reading

The post The November US Presidential Election appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Saker reports that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the hubris and arrogance of the West, by the demonization of Russia, by provocative military actions by the West, by American interference in the Russian province of Chechnya and in former Russian provinces of Ukraine and Georgia, and by the absence of any restraint from Western Europe on Washington’s ability to foment war. Like Steven Starr, Stephen Cohen, myself, and a small number of others, the Saker understands the reckless irresponsibility of convincing Russia that the … Continue reading

The post Can We Expect the End of the World appeared first on LewRockwell.