Senator Chuck Schumer (D, NY) says Tillerson’s firing indicates that the Trump administration is disintegrating. I understand why Senator Schumer sees it that way, expecially following all the other dismissals and resignations. I see it differently. The firing of Secretary of State Tillerson, the movement of CIA Director Pompeo to Secretary of State, and the promotion of Gina Haspel, who oversaw the secret CIA torture prisons in Thailand, indicate that the military/security complex has closed its grip on the Trump regime. There will be no more talk of normalizing relations with Russia. The combination of the Israel Lobby, the neoconservatives, … Continue reading

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Americans live a never-never-land existance. The politicians and presstitutes make sure of that. Consider something as simple as the unemployment rate. The US is said to have full employment with a January 2018 unemployment rate of 4.1 percent, down from 9.8 percent in January 2010. However, the low rate of unemployment is contradicted by the long-term decline in the labor force participation rate. After a long rise during the Reagan 1980s, the labor force participation rate peaked in January 1990 at 66.8 percent, more or less holding to that rate for another decade until 2001 when decline set in accelerating … Continue reading

The post Make-Believe America appeared first on LewRockwell.

This year could turn out to be a defining year for the United States. It is clear that the US military/security complex and the Democratic Party aided by their media vassals intend to purge Donald Trump from the presidency. One of the open conspirators declared the other day that we have to get rid of Trump now before he wins re-election in a landslide. It is now a known fact that Russiagate is a conspiracy of the military/security complex, Obama regime, Democratic National Committee, and presstitute media to destroy President Trump. However, the presstitutes never present this fact to the … Continue reading

The post A Stalinist Purge in America? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Putin has given a remarkable address to the Federal Assembly, the Russian People, and the peoples of the world. In his speech, Putin revealed the existence of new Russian nuclear weapons that make it indisputably clear that Russia has vast nuclear superiority over the United States and its pathetic NATO vassal states. In view of the Russian capabilities, it is not clear that the US any longer qualifies as a superpower. There is little doubt in my mind that if the crazed neoconservatives and military/security complex in Washington had these weapons and Russia did not, Washington would launch an attack … Continue reading

The post Putin’s State of the Union appeared first on LewRockwell.

There are many signs of American collapse. One of the most scary is the fact that the American Civil Liberties Union no longer knows what are the civil liberties it purports to defend. Identity Politics has transformed civil rights into privileges for victim groups. Yesterday (February 22, 2018) I received a 50-state survey from the ACLU. The envelop in which the questionnaire arrived said the survey was about how “to protect civil liberties during the Trump Presidency.” However, the survey (essentially a fundraiser) did not mention a single civil liberty contained in the Bill of Rights and added as amendments … Continue reading

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As has been made perfectly clear, Mueller’s “indictment” of 13 Russians and 3 companies is just another hoax. See here and here. All Mueller has found is a bait-click commercial marketing scheme that had nothing to do with election interference. Why is Mueller comfortable bringing a transparently false indictment? The answer is, as Glenn Greenwald makes clear that Mueller knows there are large numbers of warmongering politicians and media whores who will seize on the fake indictment as proof that Russia has “committed an act of war equivalent to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.” The fact that what Mueller has indicted is … Continue reading

The post Russiaphobia appeared first on LewRockwell.

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election. So what was Russiagate all about? It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump. Trump’s emphasis during his presidential campaign on normalizing relations with Russia, which the neocon Obama regime had turned into “America’s most dangerous enemy,” was a threat to … Continue reading

The post Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover appeared first on LewRockwell.

Defending the latest round of US/Israeli aggression against Syria, US State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert struck a Hitlerian note when she blamed Syria and Iran for an act of overt Israeli aggression, saying “The United States . . . strongly supports Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself,” and when she lied that “Iran’s malign activities” and “calculated escalation of threat and its ambition to project its power and dominance places all people in the region at risk.” Adolf Hiter covered his “projection of power and dominance” and his invasion of Poland with the same blatant lies that Washington and Israel … Continue reading

The post Russia Is in the Crosshairs appeared first on LewRockwell.

When I look at news reports from whichever country, I see no awareness of the two most ominous developments in US history. One is the conspiracy between US security agencies, the US Department of Justice, the Democratic Party and the American print and TV media to overthrow the democratically elected president of the United States. With “Russiagate” we have been experiencing a coup against President Trump and American democracy. Although the Democrats’ Identity Politics cannot conceive of it, it is possible to be opposed to President Trump without believing that a police state coup against him is desirable. The other … Continue reading

The post Washington Is the Threat appeared first on LewRockwell.

The government of the United States is clearly in demonic hands. We are overflowing with proof. Take today (2-2-18) for example. A report from the House Intelligence Committee was released that is proof that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Justice (sic), and the Democratic National Committee are engaged in a conspiracy against American democracy and the President of the United States with the full support of the presstitute media. As if that is not enough, also released today is the Pentagon’s new Nuclear Posture Review. A nuclear posture review specifies a country’s attitude toward nuclear weapons and … Continue reading

The post The Nuclear Posture Review appeared first on LewRockwell.

The House Intelligence Committee’s report on the FBI/DOJ deception of the FISA court has now been released. I have read the so-called “Nunes Memo.” As far as I can tell, the report from the House Intelligence Committee says exactly what the previously released Memorandum Opinion and Order from the FISA court itself says. I posted the court document and explanations of it here and here. The FISA court document, declassified and released, contains confessions from both the FBI and DOJ that the agencies misled the court and falsely acquired surveillance permission. The FBI and DOJ mischaracterize their deception of the … Continue reading

The post As Expected, the Press Lie Through Their Teeth appeared first on LewRockwell.

Update: CREDO is attempting to protect the orchestrated conspiracy of Russiagate, which is directed at President Trump and American democracy, from the evidence uncovered by the House Intelligence Committee. CREDO, which claims to be a social change network of over five million activists, is sponsoring a petition to have House Speaker Paul Ryan remove House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes from the chairmanship on the sole basis of CREDO’s false accusation that Nunes is “compromised.” This desperate attempt by CREDO to protect a treasonous conspiracy shows the utter and total corruption of the progressive movement in America. Here is the message … Continue reading

The post The Second Dossier appeared first on LewRockwell.

In an act of insane escalation of provocations against Russia, Washington has produced a list of 210 top Russian government officials and important business executives who are “gangsters,” “members of Putin’s gang,” “threats,” “people deserving to be sanctioned,” or however the Western presstitutes care to explain the list. The absurd list includes the Prime Minister of Russia, the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, and executives of Gazprom, Rosneft, and Bank Rossiya. In other words, the suggestion is that the entirety of Russian political and business leadership is corrupt. The Russians do not seem to understand the purpose of the list. … Continue reading

The post Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Republicans’ delay in releasing the summary of the House Intelligence Committee’s Russiagate investigation is giving weight to the presstitutes’ claim that the report is not being released, because it is a hack attempt at a Trump coverup that is not believable. Only Republicans are stupid enough to put themselves in such a situation. Readers ask me why the summary memo is not released if it is real. There must be some reasons besides the stupidity of Republicans. Yes, that is so. Among the many reasons that might be blocking release are: 1) Republicans are very national security conscious. They … Continue reading

The post Russiagate Stakes appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the 1970s neoconservative Irving Kristol aptly described the Republicans as “the stupid party.” We are seeing this today in the hesitation of the House Intelligence Committee to release to the American public the results of its investigation of Russiagate. The committee has released a description of its findings to members of the House, and most Republicans who have read it are demanding that it be released to the public as it clearly proves that Russiagate was an orchestrated conspiracy between the Democratic National Committee, the FBI, and the Obama Department of Justice against Donald Trump. Apparently, Republicans are not … Continue reading

The post Republicans Sitting on Evidence That Clears Trump? appeared first on LewRockwell.