Lately I’ve been looking at the nasty stuff that the neocon-Republican establishment has been throwing at the Donald to bring down his poll numbers. Some of it is so ridiculous that it points not to any failing in a controversial presidential candidate but to the narrow twilight world in which the establishment’s lackeys are comfortably nestled together. An utterly self-defeating attack has come from that decrepit “conservative” icon, George Will, who in his nonage has given up wearing his once accustomed bow-tie but continues to be an insufferable bore. George has warned ad infinitum that Trump is “no true conservative.” … Continue reading

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Bradley J. Birzer has published an encyclopedic biography of the paleoconservative icon Russell Kirk, which together with all its endnotes comes to almost 600 pages. The work includes just anything one might care to know about the late-great resident of Mecosta, Michigan, and since I’ve already reviewed Birzer’s impressive study elsewhere, it might be proper to focus here on a particular aspect of his book that would interest readers of this website.  Birzer includes short but fascinating comments on the relation between Kirk and Murray Rothbard, and at least some of the memos quoted about Murray’s early attitude toward Kirk … Continue reading

The post The Conservative-Libertarian Wars appeared first on LewRockwell.

Bradley J. Birzer has published an encyclopedic biography of the paleoconservative icon Russell Kirk, which together with all its endnotes comes to almost 600 pages. The work includes just anything one might care to know about the late-great resident of Mecosta, Michigan, and since I’ve already reviewed Birzer’s impressive study elsewhere, it might be proper to focus here on a particular aspect of his book that would interest readers of this website.  Birzer includes short but fascinating comments on the relation between Kirk and Murray Rothbard, and at least some of the memos quoted about Murray’s early attitude toward Kirk … Continue reading

The post The Conservative-Libertarian Wars appeared first on LewRockwell.

Having noticed that Bill Kristol has agreed with Billy Graham that Seventh Day Adventists are “great on New Testament doctrine,” I have to wonder how much canonical weight Bill’s judgment here would carry among Murdochites. (My friend Boyd Cathy has created this term for those whose minds are totally imprisoned in the synthetic world of the Murdoch media.) Now I can figure out why Kristol the Lesser has conferred his seal of approval on the Seventh Day Adventists. His least favorite Republican presidential contender, the Donald, has been lording it over Dr. Ben, a political competitor who, unlike the Presbyterian … Continue reading

The post The Gospel According to Kristol appeared first on LewRockwell.

In my recently posted comments on the renaming of Calhoun College at Yale University, I failed to mention a glaring impropriety that the custodians of Political Correctness at Yale have not even begun to address. The university’s original benefactor, who in 1718 paid for the first building of what became a world-famous institution of learning, Elihu Yale (1649-1721), was a person of monstrous insensitivity. In 2007, the university authorities felt compelled to remove from their premises a picture of Mr. Yale, who had been a corrupt and presumably racist governor of the East India Company. The picture in question, which … Continue reading

A few days ago, I posted on this website a commentary about how the Republican establishment and its financial backers were trying to repackage the usual GOP hacks as the true outsiders and political mavericks. This transmogrification seemed necessary for the party operators in order to head off the surging candidacy of Donald Trump. Although one can cite other indications of how this is happening, the most telling example of how Jeb Bush is being transformed, has come courtesy of the Koch Brothers. Billionaire supporters of the GOP establishment, Charles and David Koch have not only poured a king’s ransom … Continue reading

Watching and reading the MSM for the last few weeks, it’s become obvious that frustration is setting in among establishment talking heads who would love to be rid of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. Despite the Donald’s rudeness in ridiculing the media and establishment candidates in both official parties, this pesky contender just won’t go away. His poll numbers continue to rise in the face of venomous hatred. Every time GOP old guardists  George Will and Michael Gerson call for “marginalizing” the influence of Trump and his followers, his popularity surges even higher. Not even the snobbish insult that … Continue reading