In much of Western Europe, the churchmen of mainstream state-church denominations have long functioned as the moral rubber stamp machine for all that their paymasters of the state do. Very often they have also acted as spokesmen for the grand plans and utopian visions that advance the cause of government authority as it attempts to replace the freedom that comes with natural authority and order. In the old days, the Church of England was known as the “Conservative Party at prayer.” As the agenda of the British state expanded from merely subjugating foreign nations and colonies through military force, to … Continue reading

The post The State’s Mission Is Diabolical appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the well known “Parable of the Sower”, Jesus taught that while sowing the good seeds of God’s Kingdom, it is also necessary to beware the thorns, the weeds and the tares. These include the stumbling blocks and wrong concepts, often sown by people yielding to our spiritual enemy Satan, which can choke the seeds of truth. But they can do so only if we permit them to. Sadly today, just like the early Galatian church, believers seem to have been mesmerized or “bewitched” (Galatians 3:1) – blinded even to some of the most basic Christian principles. Charity, Duty and Social Welfare Instant Access to Current … Continue reading

The post Churches of the Gov’t appeared first on LewRockwell.

When the Roman governor Pontius Pilate asked the Pharisees if he should crucify their King (John 19:15), they cried out: “We have no king but Caesar!” And so the Roman state, at the behest of the local state empowered Pharisees and the Herodians, put Jesus to death by crucifiction. But was this Roman/Herodian system an aberration? Was it merely a rare, unusual and exceptionally evil form of government – rather than the norm? World history would strongly indicate otherwise – right up to the present day. Nevertheless, most Christians are taught by their church to believe that the kingdoms and governments of this world are intended to be a tool of God on … Continue reading

The post Are They Tools of God on Earth? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known There is no fear of God before their eyes. – Romans 3:15-18 Ever since a state/ church pact of blood first began – under Constantine in AD 325 – it has continued throughout the centuries and has been revived on many occasions. But whenever deluded Christian leaders attempt to justify this, their true mission from God – to “seek and save that which is lost” – must be completely reversed: Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion There are Biblical … Continue reading

The post Swift To Shed Blood appeared first on LewRockwell.

When the ongoing persecution of the early church by the Roman state had evidently failed, the new pragmatic emperor Constantine changed tactics: In AD 313 he stopped the persecution and instead tried to get the now powerful and influential churches aboard his ship of state. To this end, Constantine decided to kick-start the process by showing church leaders just what government force could do for them. He began in AD 316 by responding to the call of a regional church leader for help in dealing with some heretics called the “Donatists”. Since the government can exist only by violence (otherwise … Continue reading

The post Church Under State appeared first on LewRockwell.

Most Christian churches hold to a set of beliefs that incorporate what they call a “philosophy of government.” Some denominations go so far as to include human government in their confession of faith. One at least, the “FourSquare” denomination, actually incorporates government as one of the four “squares” or pillars of their existence. Other churches have been directly created by and remain under overall government control. Many supposedly independent churches exist under special state privilege, state funding or a tax exemption not enjoyed by their members – in return for reporting to the state, keeping quiet on sensitive subjects, and … Continue reading

The post The Greatest Enemy of the State appeared first on LewRockwell.

Many ascribe to government the unique and exalted right to overrule and therefore to undermine the independent authority of all individuals and of all secondary institutions; of creating and enforcing new law; even of decreeing life and death at the whim of the current leader. In summary, they teach a divine approval for actions of violence or actions backed by the threat of violence, which would otherwise be unthinkable for ordinary, moral human beings subject to the laws of God. In effect, government is given a “007” moral license to kill; a “24/7” license to steal; and a “666” licence … Continue reading

Let us continue our search for a divine origin of the state by asking:  Could government have been instituted at some time soon after the Creation and the subsequent “Fall” of Adam and Eve? Actually, the state was  indeed first instituted around that time… However, that first government was not created by God at all but, according to Genesis 10:8-10, by a tyrant called Nimrod, who: “began to be a mighty one in the earth. … the beginning of his kingdom was Babel” According to Genesis 11, the idea of his followers was to directly challenge God by first instituting … Continue reading

All around us formal, officially approved avenues of freedom seem to be closing down at an unprecedented rate. The Grand Pooh-Bahs of the system want you and I on their grid, numbered and registered like sheep on their animal farm, so we can be herded, fleeced and sheared at will with no way of escape. Unfortunately for the Pooh-Bahs with their puppet politicians, insiders and officials, they are in the minority. There’s just not much room at the top of a pagan pyramid. Even the brainwashed people below will go along only as long as they are not really annoyed, … Continue reading