Houston, TX—Like many people I believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is no question in my mind that Americans have the absolute right to keep and carry arms everywhere.  Politicians and some courts differ with this as they attempt to violate Americans rights under color of law. Saying that, mentioning the foolishness of civilians openly carrying firearms must be discussed and debated.  The debate about the law here is long over for me.  Open carry or any carry is the law of the land.  The debate about the wisdom of open carrying in an urban setting must … Continue reading

Los Angeles, CA—Nearly three decades ago the Gun Control zealots pulled a fast one on the public and media.  This was right out of Nazi propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels’playbook. Goebbels said that,  “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth.” We all know now that he was spot on in that observation! Certain military rifles were called assault rifles.  Perhaps it was a marketing gimmick to make them sound all-powerful and magical.  They were also all fully automatic as in, machine guns. Soon gun makers exploited the designs of some of these assault rifles for the legal civilian … Continue reading

Baltimore, MD—Sarah Brady had been the face of Gun Control in America for more than three decades.  However today at age 73 she has succumbed to a bout of phenomena. Brady became the convenient standard bearer for the forces that hate all guns and gun rights.  This after a armed madman wounded her husband James Brady who was President Ronald Reagan’s Press Secretary during a 1981assassination attempt. Brady led a very deceptive campaign that was intended to incrementally outlaw all firearms.  She cleverly began to change firearm adjectives and successfully demonized firearms based on simple cosmetics. Like Brady most Americans were … Continue reading

Phoenix, AZ—Prosecutors went to the Court of Last Resort to salvage their soiled reputations and that of a disgraced former cop. Finally Debra Milke is free even though she already paid a price far greater than that of most convicted murderers in America. It was not just Prosecutorial Misconduct that freed Milke but it was really about her innocence. Had there been a retrial there was not a scintilla of a chance they’d have re-convicted Milke.  This was just nothing more than an “Hail Mary” effort to limit corrupt official’s liability under the doctrine of Collateral Estoppel.  That’s legalese that would decree in a civil lawsuit that … Continue reading

Washington, DC—The United States Supreme Court reaffirmed and settled the primary Second Amendment rights issues of all Americans in two somewhat recent cases, Heller and McDonald. Despite this some arrogant politicians feel they and some of their supporters are above the law.  They still seek to use the full force of government and violence against anyone exercising their gun rights. It looks like it may take several more years of lower court battles before these determined and lawless political thugs are reigned in.  These cases move ever so slowly through the courts. The Second Amendment simply says we can possess and … Continue reading

Washington, DC—The documentary film is called, CITIZENFOUR and may be the most important documentary of our time.  It’s been nominated for an Academy Award. The German producers of this film were blessed with incredible access to American hero and NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden.  This was at the time when he was handing over data and documenting the massive criminal acts of our President and high intelligence officials to the Guardian Newspaper. The only person ever indicted for a crime was of course Edward Snowden. Frankly the sheep do not understand that our democracy will never be the same because of … Continue reading

Washington, DC—In the seat of American political power, gun rights have been unlawfully compromised away by our politicians for more than four decades. The anti-gun rights attacks have almost exclusively come from the far political Left.  I see dark and nefarious motives here since the political Left detests self-reliance, liberty and freedom except for of course, abortion. The Left insists the Constitution needs to change with the political wind without that difficult amendment process.  The idea of the founding fathers had was to prevent our Capitalist form of government from being hijacked by those who would corrupt and destroy the … Continue reading

Los Angeles, CA—Yesterday I got a gentle safety reminder as I began to pick up my Phantom 2.  The props suddenly began spinning on their own.  I thought I turned of the battery and then the radio controller.  I’m somewhat hearing impaired and did not hear those telltale sounds that the battery power was not actually shut off. As I reached for the drone the plastic propellers really spanked my fingers.  I felt pain but suffered no visible injury beyond a little redness that quickly disappeared.  Had I been using carbon fiber props I would have definitely needed stiches and … Continue reading