Chinese Citizens Will Need to Pass Facial Recognition Test to Use the Internet
Social credit tyranny accelerates.
Social credit tyranny accelerates.
Speculation builds on rematch with Trump.
It holds up a mirror to the trashworld they’ve created.
“The performers enjoy backing of the media, the cultural elites, a significant section of the political establishment.”
Incident being treated as terrorist attack.
Criticizes rival KSI for having 5 abortions, is targeted by woke Twitter outrage mob.
Fear being assaulted or threatened.
“An insidious validation of the white-male resentment that helped bring President Donald Trump to power.”
It erodes social trust.
Mimicking how Chinese authorities routinely block web to stifle unrest.
Yes, this actually happened.
The biggest question of them all.
Nickelback-themed video showed Biden & son meeting with Ukraine gas exec.
Bizarre scene caught on camera.
“Emotions should not control this issue.”