New Zealanders Face 5 Years in Jail For Not Handing in Banned Firearms
Report shows gun owners giving up their guns.
Report shows gun owners giving up their guns.
They “don’t give a shit about you even in the slightest.”
“I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed.”
Clown world strikes again.
“Comedians need a place where they can be offensive without your bullshit, fake outrage.”
What could possibly go wrong?
Cautions that revenge attack on Iran could cause Middle East to “spiral out of control.”
“We still have 300,000 people in Germany of whose identities we cannot be sure.”
Now fully supports it with no strings attached following drone strike.
Entire spare capacity of the world taken out.
Says it could be part of the “acceptance of diverse sexual identities.”
Fact checking the fact checkers.
Modern rent serfs who will never own a home.
Modern art is dreadful.