Donald Trump caused a stir this week by suggesting that Puerto Rico’s massive $73 billion public debt should be “wiped out.” Puerto Rico narrowly avoided default with an interest payment this summer but the debt is a huge long-term problem for the island. While the cost of this burden is plain, talk of default is considered beyond the pale. Indeed, the White House immediately “walked back” the President’s remark. “I wouldn’t take it word for word with that,” said OMB director Mick Mulvaney. What Trump meant, according to the summary in the New York Times, was that “the administration would be focusing its efforts on … Continue reading

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Comparing two recent cases reveals a lot about the current state of higher education. Case 1 is Melissa Click, untenured assistant professor in the Department of Communications at the University of Missouri and author of works such as “The Romanticization of Abstinence: Fan Response to Sexual Restraint in the Twilight Series” (2009) and “Fifty Shades of Postfeminism: Contextualizing Readers’ Reflections on the Erotic Romance Series” (forthcoming). In November 2015 Click was captured on video threatening physical violence against two University of Missouri students for filming a student protest in a public space. Click’s faculty colleagues issued a statement defending her actions, noting that … Continue reading

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