The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice. ~Martin Luther King Jr. In Part 1 of this two-part series, (, April 28, 2018), we examined how Time magazine, in two major articles in its January 26, 1976 edition, sought to reinforce a series of lies which were posited by the early author William Bradford Huie in his series of three articles in Look magazine (in November, 1968 and April, 1969) and again in his 1970 book, “He Slew the Dreamer.” The Time articles also portrayed the alleged assassin’s shot as an “easy hit” from a very … Continue reading

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“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”  “Truth crushed to earth will rise again.” —Martin Luther King Jr. Within my newest book, Who REALLY Killed Martin Luther King Jr.? The Case Against Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover, (Skyhorse Publications, May 1, 2018), I present what I refer to as the long-hidden “Rosetta Stone” of that case:  Proof that FBI leaders—in addition to what has long been known about how they surveilled and stalked Dr. King around the country as they conducted illegal wiretaps—had also gone to great lengths to plot his final … Continue reading

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For five decades, the circumstances of the sudden death of the famed pacifist monk Thomas Merton have remained cloaked in the confusion of assorted stories having very little commonality, except for the most basic facts of date and place.  The date, December 10, 1968, and place, in a cottage located at a Red Cross conference center near Bangkok, Thailand are about the only undisputed points of yet another death of a hero in that very violent year.  Even the time of death, approximately 2 P.M. local time was disputed by the police report, a fake witness statement and the biographer … Continue reading

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An interesting story about a purported “Hillary Double” is now bouncing around the internet, even though it has not yet broken through the “glass ceiling” that covers the Mainstream Media (MSM), except for a few places where it is mentioned in hushed tones, as yet another “conspiracy theory.” In the latest case of a politician with a  body double (there have been rumors of others, besides those of Hillary Clinton and Lyndon Johnson), the rumor suggests that Clinton has had a decades-long association with a lookalike named Teresa Barnwell.  The photos below were published at the website Viral Liberty today:[i] … Continue reading

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Roger Stone is a well-known Washington insider who has long been known as a behind-the-scenes political operator with numerous connections both on Capitol Hill as well as various White House personnel dating back to Richard Nixon’s administration.  His influence has recently blossomed in pace with his many television and internet radio appearances related to his authorship of four books, just as he quickly ascended up the barometer of successful authors, The New York Times Bestseller List.  His specialty, exposés of “real crime” political scandal—having put his past subjects (Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Bill and Hillary Clinton) under scrupulous examination, exposing … Continue reading

The post The Bush Crime Family appeared first on LewRockwell.

President Lyndon B. Johnson was famous for how he groomed certain subordinates for specially-created positions that enabled him to use them for his future advantage.  As an example, when he was a congressman, one of his assistants, Horace Busby, stated that Johnson had once sulked for days about something and finally his top aide, John Connally, asked him what was “eating on him.”  Johnson responded that he had observed that the most effective congressmen: ” . . . always have some little fellow in their office who sits back in a corner. He doesn’t have to have any personality, doesn’t … Continue reading

The post The Evil Genius of People Manipulation appeared first on LewRockwell.

In her review of David Talbot’s new book, The Devil’s Chessboard  (“Checkmate on The Devils Chessboard”, Consortium News October 27, 2015), Lisa Pease provides a succinct summary of Talbot’s impressive work.  With one notable exception, she has nothing but praise for his seminal research. That exception relates to his reference to E. Howard Hunt’s “final confession” identifying LBJ as the top of the chain of command that brought about the death of JFK, which is not congruent with the conventional wisdom she and her fellow “researchers” have been so anxious to avoid. Her review isolates that premise as follows: While … Continue reading

The post The Murder of JFK appeared first on LewRockwell.