There are times when I feel pathetically lost and lonely, adrift in a sea of bewildering confusion and unnamed dreads, here in the Mogambo Bunker Of Paranoia And Despair (MBOPAD).   Dispirited by the overwhelmingly bad economic outlook everywhere (and bad everything else, too) I languidly look out of the periscope, almost absent-mindedly scanning the perimeter for both real and imagined enemies. Which is not to mention, of course, watching for family members sneaking up on me, each variously wanting me to give them money, take them somewhere, or (shudder) do something useful. In such moments, I idly begin to wistfully … Continue reading

The post I Used To Be Blissfully Naive appeared first on LewRockwell.

Did you ever notice how dinnertime conversation always seems to get around to somebody asking you for money?  Or they want you to spend some of your Precious Mogambo Time (PMT) with them, “doing” something “together as a family” where you act like a “real father” for “a welcome change”? Me, too! Weird huh? And are you really, really getting tired of politely replying “Go to hell”, only to have them unexpectedly get all angry and anti-social, for absolutely no reason? Like some vicious bipolar demons from hell? Me, too! Again, weird huh? Anyway, the reason that I bring this … Continue reading

The post Like You? appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have been advised many, many times that I would suffer a lot less seething hostility from co-workers, neighbors and family members (including the one, not mentioning any names, that promised to love, honor, ‘til death, do us part with this ring I thee wed blah blah blah) if I would stop being so critical of people, to the point of cruelly belittling these, what is the word I am looking for? morons. Like the evil Federal Reserve and self-delusional Keynesian econometric lunatics, for example. As for the vast majority of people who do not, or ever did, deserve such … Continue reading

The post Don’t Call Morons Morons appeared first on LewRockwell.

Lately, I am getting, you know, really scared.  Oh, not the ordinary kind of day in, day out kind of scared, constantly dreading both the appearance of childish-yet-pointless alliteration and the coming calamitous collapse of a catastrophic cataclysm caused, pausing for breath, by the completely insane overproduction of cash and credit by the (you guessed it!) evil Federal Reserve, and then winding up, as we see, with both. At least back in those olden, golden days, a modicum of blessed comfort was once provided by having gold, silver, and sheer firepower at hand, backed up by 911 on the phone. … Continue reading

The post Lately, I Am Getting, You Know, Really Scared appeared first on LewRockwell.

In the old days, you would gradually provide for your retirement by saving money, either stashing cash under the floorboards or at a bank.   By the term “in old days”, I actually DO mean all the way back to dinosaurs, who did NOT save for their retirements (which you can easily prove for yourself by examining the fossil record), and they all died penniless. Let that be a lesson to you. Anyway, the bank at which you saved towards retirement would pay you a somepiddly rate of interest that at least offset the rate of inflation, and little by little … Continue reading

The post Who Ya Gonna Believe? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Having a little time on my hands lately, I had generously offered my Valuable Mogambo Time (VMT) to provide a little free economic education to neighbors and the media.  Alas, as it turned out, my sweet disposition again mislead me to mistake their natural stupidity for mere ignorance and sloth. In making the glorious announcement, I even took the time to happily go house to house, banging on doors and loudly proclaiming the glad tidings that “I’m back, you morons! Now, get out here! I want to tell you, right to your stupid faces, how stupid you are! Hup! Hup! … Continue reading

The post The Majority of Investors Are Wrong appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Federal Reserve, as have all the world’s central banks, has proven that it will happily create as astonishingly much cash and credit as is necessary to completely save the bond market, save the stock market, save the housing market, save the banks, save the government and save everything from everything.  How wonderful! Therefore, I have decided, after thinking about it all day, that it must be temporarily safe to venture out of the Top Secret Mogambo Bunker (TSMB) into a scary world where every economic metric is at an extreme overvaluation, and doom and destruction loom over every moment.  … Continue reading

The post It Must Be Safe appeared first on LewRockwell.

On a heretofore misplaced piece of paper that was quickly forgotten until a “Hmmm! Look what I found!” moment, some recent noteworthy news is that the federal government took in $3.2 trillion in taxes on 2015, but spent $3.6 trillion, for a paper deficit-spending balance of $400 billion. Wiping away the coffee stains and (sniff, sniff) what seems to be faint remnants of a chili dog, it appears, as calculated by someone who is more deft with a calculator than I, that this tax haul is more than $21,000 for every one of the country’s 148 million workers who either … Continue reading

The post Predatory Government appeared first on LewRockwell.

Lately, the world is understandably all nervously atwitter about many things, mostly whether things economic (i.e. the overvalued stock market, the overvalued bond market, the overvalued housing market, overextended banks, overextended governments, overextended government promises, overextended businesses, and overextended citizens all adding up to incomprehensibly enormous and ludicrously large debt loads, etc.) will come crashing down in a stinking, staggering, stupefyingly monstrous, huge, honking heap of utter, utter ruination. Perhaps, pausing for breath, due to something (shall we soothingly-yet-ominously say) untoward happening. “Untoward happening.”  It’s a nice, vaguely sinister phrase, and so handy when the kids whine something like “And … Continue reading

I am, I modestly admit, a modest man. A modest man who just happens to be a powerhouse economic genius, a towering, incandescent intellect whose every idle utterance is brilliant, unalloyed cosmic wisdom wrapped in pure gold. To back up my seemingly boastful claim, I present a piece of my immortal advice (as just one of many pearls of profound wisdom found in the classic book, Economica Mogambo), “If you’re not buying gold and silver bullion in times like these, then you’re a moron! Moron!” With impressive credentials like this, I am constantly puzzled as to why so few heads … Continue reading

I have always had my philosophic differences with The Economist magazine, starting with how they refuse (”Bah!”) to acknowledge that I, The Most Magnificent Mogambo (TMMM), am not just another run-of-the-mill conceited economic blowhard who is, alas, nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is. To the contrary, I am a genuine hero, using contempt, scorn and vague threats as weapons to bravely dissuade Earthlings from committing the economic follies of expanding the money supply via fiat currencies and fractional-reserve banking. Of course, it is possible that the editors of The Economist are ignoring me because people following my … Continue reading

I was feeling particularly low, having sunk into a sloppy, self-pitying, tequila-fueled, drunken introspection after (again) failing to achieve blissful Nirvana, this time per my wonderful new (“Why didn’t I think of it before?”) theory, which is to finally attain true transcendence through sheer, strict gluttony. Gloomily, as I sat, slumped, I burped, and, in a moment of blinding enlightenment, clearly saw that I was such a shocking, colossal failure at so, so many things. Including (paradoxically) any discernable skills on how to handle failure, for crying out loud, despite having had so, so much of it, which makes me … Continue reading

I was having a dream.  A wonderful dream, a magical dream where beautiful Hollywood starlets were pleading to seduce me, en masse, in return for giving them leading roles in my next blockbuster film, “The Federal Reserve Is Eating Topless Pole-Dancing Vixens Alive, And Horribly Destroying The Rest Of Us, Too.” It’s a sad tale of monetary insanity where the Federal Reserve created so incredibly much excess money and credit.  It’s perhaps even tragic, and which is why the film was initially titled “The Federal Reserve Is Slowly Eating You And Your Children Alive,” which could be more or less … Continue reading

I have a lot on my mind as I nervously sweep the nighttime perimeter with my periscope, thinking troubled thoughts and imagining monsters lurking in the dark, or government agents of one kind or another, hiding in the gloom behind Rick’s garbage cans, or perhaps zombies, or space creatures, or something where a .50 caliber, belt-fed, water-cooled machinegun at the ready would come in so, so, SO handy that nobody would ever again DARE say “Why do think you need to buy a machinegun, and why are you always buying gold and silver in fear of the Federal Reserve’s insane … Continue reading