I’ve written about The Big Lie many times over the years, and it’s more in evidence today than ever before in our nation’s capital.  Shock and disgust over sexual harassment in government, Hollywood, and the corporate world is a Big Lie.  Tax reform is a Big lie.  Social Security is a Big Lie.  Global warming is a Big Lie.  Braying over the plight of so-called Dreamers is a Big Lie.  And, of course, any government solution to the healthcare crisis is a Big Lie. The Big Lie is a tool used by high-level, professional liars, those who are so morally … Continue reading

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The Radical Left never tires of making bogus immigration arguments, all based on a major false premise and many false sub-premises as well.  The major false premise is that the purpose of immigration is to help those in other countries whom open-borders cheerleaders like to refer to as “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free.” Note to the open-borders crowd:  These words do not constitute a law — or even an official government policy.  They are nothing more than a couple of lines in a poem that appears on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty. … Continue reading

The post Bad Marxist Verse appeared first on LewRockwell.

I think it’s safe to say that nothing like the ugly verbal tirades aimed at President Trump by Senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker has ever happened before in a major political party.  Can you imagine a couple of rogue Democrats trying a stunt like that aimed at Barack Obama?  They would have been banished to Mogadishu. I’ve given a lot of thought to the Flake-Corker outbursts in an effort to try to understand their psyches, and I’ve concluded that it’s not so much a political issue but, rather, a psychological problem.  By psychological problem, I mean that I don’t believe either … Continue reading

The post Progressivism Is a Mental Disorder appeared first on LewRockwell.

Now that everyone realizes that Trumpism is not just a passing fad but a clear and present danger to the D.C. Criminal Cartel, it’s time to examine just who the rank and file Trumpsters are.  What’s the common bond that unites them?  Taxes?  Healthcare?  Financial regulation? I thought about this question as I was rereading Amity Shlaes’ landmark book, The Forgotten Man.  In it, she quotes Yale philosopher William Graham Sumner, who, in his essay by the same name clear back in 1883, explained the crux of the moral problem with progressivism as follows: “As soon as A observes something which seems … Continue reading

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Heroes are people who accomplish extraordinary feats under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, such as the firefighters who marched into the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 in an attempt to save lives while everyone else was scurrying to get out. But there’s another kind of hero — one who makes a living accomplishing extraordinary feats under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, day in and day out.  The hero I’m referring to is the individualist known as an “entrepreneur.” In our current age of envy, the entrepreneur is perhaps the most misunderstood, underappreciated, and reviled human being on earth.  He represents everything that thug-infested … Continue reading

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There’s been a lot of talk recently about California seceding from the union. It’s akin to Hollywood celebs vowing to move out of the country if a Republican wins the White House. Meaning that it’s all bluster. Those who extol the virtues of the People’s Republic of California love to make hollow threats, but they possess neither the courage nor the financial resources to back them up. If California were ever on its own, within six months of its “independence” it would be unable to function at even a survival level. Though it boasts the sixth largest economy in the … Continue reading

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The one bad thing that came out of this most historic of all elections is that, sadly, it looks like there will be no Trump TV after all. But at least the Face of Evil proved me right about her never becoming president of the United States, though I admit I never thought she would come as close as she did. (The fact is that, notwithstanding all the euphoria over Hillary’s embarrassing defeat, but for a few percentage points here and there, she very well could have won. Thus, it’s folly to believe that there’s a mandate for Donald Trump … Continue reading

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One of a handful issues I have with Donald Trump is his appetite for eminent domain. Whenever you watch a tear-jerking eminent-domain story on television, it serves as a grim reminder that we are not, by any stretch of the imagination, totally free. So now that an eminent domain practitioner is about to become president of the United States, it’s a good time for all of us to go back and review the fundamentals of liberty. When it comes to the question of eminent domain, we must always remind ourselves that there are only three possible ways to view property: … Continue reading

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As a matter of self-respect, I had not intended to watch any of the Democratic Criminal Convention. Nevertheless, as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I got sucked into tuning into it the first night because I couldn’t resist the prospect of Bernie Sanders’s supporters causing a riot on the convention floor. As it turned out, they did a little booing here and there, but, in the end, they were either silenced or thrown out by party henchmen. Worse, the once-revered Comrade Bernie ended up enthusiastically supporting the very person whose honesty and integrity he had been questioning for … Continue reading

The post What Joy appeared first on LewRockwell.

Do you remember when Pastor Rick Warren asked Barack Obama in a 2008 interview what his position was on same-sex marriage? Obama, with a straight face, answered, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. For me, as a Christian, it is also a sacred union — God is in the mix.” Today, of course, he says simply that he’s “evolved on the issue” — again, with a straight face. But his longtime aide David Axelrod explains it quite differently in his book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics, when he writes that Obama “misled … Continue reading

The post Stealth Marxism appeared first on LewRockwell.

You would think Hillary haters everywhere would be rejoicing the fact that the FBI found her guilty of committing multiple federal crimes. But a funny thing happened on the way to prison: FBI director James Comey inexplicably recommended that Hillary not be indicted and thus be allowed to continue her decades-long crime spree. That’s right — the Face of Evil once again proved that the Clinton Book of Laws for Elites overrides the laws of the United States of America. Of course, everyone — even those on the radical left — realizes that Hillary is guilty of multiple felonies and … Continue reading

The post She’s a Walking Crime Machine appeared first on LewRockwell.

As the clock winds down on what is supposed to be the end of Barack Obama’s valiant attempt to transform America from the world’s only superpower into a banana republic dictatorship, a couple of unforeseen events have occurred. The first is the totally unexpected appearance of a brash, anti-establishment billionaire who pays homage to no living person or political party and appears to be totally devoid of fear. Contrasted to the bootlicking cowardice of the vast majority of politicians, particularly in the Republican Party, his lack of fear is both astonishing and refreshing. The other unexpected event is the appearance … Continue reading

The post Is a Freedom Revolution Even Possible? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Since watching Donald Trump’s speech to the NRA, I have concluded that he might beat Hillary the Horrible much worse than I originally predicted. I have long believed that Trump would win about 55-45, but I now think the margin of victory will be much greater than that (assuming she is his opponent). Not only is Trump creating more excitement than any presidential candidate in my lifetime (far more than John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan), Hillary is on the wrong side of virtually every issue. I would say she’s a masochist, but the reality is that Obama probably has … Continue reading

The post Bye-Bye, Killery appeared first on LewRockwell.

Mario Puzo, who passed away in 1999, wrote a number of bestselling novels, including The Godfather, Fools Die, and The Last Don. What I especially liked about Puzo was his legendary tongue-in-cheek interviews. One of my favorite Puzo comments was when he warned aspiring scriptwriters that the only way to get a fair deal in Hollywood was to go into the studio with a mask and gun. I’ve always been amazed by how many of Puzo’s rules apply not only to writing but to life in general. In that vein, the following are five of my most favorite Puzo rules … Continue reading

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I have a feeling that most people don’t really understand what the transgender bathroom issue is all about. Obviously, it has nothing whatsoever to do with “civil rights.” In reality, it’s nothing more than part of an overall radical-left strategy to create civil unrest. (Yes, the Cloward-Piven strategy to collapse the welfare system and precipitate a crisis that would lead to a guaranteed national income for everyone is part of the same civil unrest plan.) But first, let’s first state the obvious: There is no such thing as a “transgender.” The whole notion that a man can arbitrarily decide he’s … Continue reading

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