John Kerry (a.k.a “Bold Neck” by the incomparable Chris Plante) upset quite a few folks with his open-borders comments in a commencement speech at Northeastern University last week. Allow me to shock you by saying that I, too, believe in open borders — in theory, that is. Human beings have an inalienable right to be free, and that includes the right to live anywhere they so desire, without the permission of any government. This is how the anarchist libertarian side of my brain sees the issue. But with age, I’ve come to realize that there are very few things in … Continue reading

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Just when you think you’ve heard and seen it all in the Republican campaign then, along comes prom king Paul Ryan displaying an arrogance that makes Donald Trump look like the Dalai Lama by comparison. Millions of American jaws must have dropped in unison when chameleon Ryan casually told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he’s “just not ready” to support Trump. Really? Where do I even begin to address such a remarkable display of unflinching arrogance? How about just stating the obvious — that the litmus-test conservative crowd still doesn’t get it. That’s right, hard as it is to believe, after ten … Continue reading

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Can a society without certitudes, without norms, without a generally accepted code of conduct survive? Yes, but survival is not the issue. A society that is fundamentally transformed may retain its name and geographic boundaries, but at its cultural core, it is different. Thus, the greatest danger the American Empire faces is not war with ISIS, or China, or Russia. And it certainly is not manmade global warming, which is nothing more than Glorified fiction. The real danger America faces is from the manmade secular-progressive war that is becoming increasingly bizarre and destructive. Transgender bathrooms … a fictitious war on … Continue reading

The post The Culture War Heats Up appeared first on LewRockwell.

In my previous article on reality therapy, I explained that the reality therapist does not believe it is necessary, or even helpful, to hash over the deep-rooted causes of one’s problems. Instead, he believes that fulfillment of an individual’s needs in the present, regardless of what traumas he may have suffered in the past, is all that matters. In other words, through the power of free will, we have the capacity to modify our behavior. I thought about this some years ago after watching a segment on 60 Minutes Wednesday about a remarkable man by the name of Thomas Quasthoff. … Continue reading

The post Free Will Makes Us Human appeared first on LewRockwell.

Okay, enough’s enough. Now I’m getting seriously concerned about Ted Cruz’s mental health. Ever since Trump won New York in a landslide and Cruz came away with zero delegates, he’s been talking as though he were the one who came out on top in the Empire State. Cruz keeps railing on and on about winning five states in a row, two (Colorado and Wyoming) of which were states where Republican voters were barred from voting! No problem — zero embarrassment. He brags about his “ground game” and his campaign team’s ability to persuade Republican party hacks … er, I mean, … Continue reading

The post Is Cruz Cracking Up? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Quite the comedian, that Barackus fellow. What a knee-slapper it was in Argentina when he told a group of young Argentinians (as always, with a straight face) that there was no great difference between communism and capitalism and that they should just “choose from what works.” He then went on to say, “So often in the past there has been a division between left and right, between capitalists and communists or socialists, and especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate.” Gosh, I didn’t know there was a division between capitalists and communists. Now why in the world would … Continue reading

The post Capitalism or Communism appeared first on LewRockwell.

Now that the Republican debates are mercifully behind us, the media has their work cut out for them. They’re going to have to work doubly hard at their specialty — creating news out of thin air. There’s no question that they are very good at their craft, but it’s going to be an increasingly difficult job for them. One of the things that dragged out the suspense and excitement of the debates so long was the fact that there were originally seventeen candidates in the Republicanfield. One wonders if it was arrogance or simply ignorance (Or perhaps arrogance of the … Continue reading

The post The Media’s Real Job Just Became Harder appeared first on LewRockwell.

Does the stupidity of establishment Republicans know no end? It appears not. “They still don’t get it” has become something of a cliché in this election cycle. But it’s true — they don’t. In their frantic efforts to stop the Trumpster, Republican power players continue to do one thing after another that only strengthens his support. I was in disbelief when weak-kneed Mitt Romney, who stands for everything the rebellious Republican base hates about the establishment, went on television and gave a long, rambling, lie-filled speech about Trump. It was not only breathtaking, it was classless. Trump supporters were ecstatic, … Continue reading

The post Still Not Getting It appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Republican Party appears to be thrashing about like a wild beast in the final stages of its death throes. For those of us who are repulsed by politicians, political parties, and the odious political process, it’s quite entertaining to watch. (Before proceeding, it’s important to point out that what people think of as the Republican Party is really just a wing of what I have been referring to since 1979 as the Demopublican Party — an oligarchy with two wings, the Democratic wing that sets the agenda and the Republican wing whose main function is to help implement that agenda.) … Continue reading

The post Watching the Death Throes of the Corrupt GOP appeared first on LewRockwell.

Last week, I posted on Facebook some of my thoughts about Mitt Romney’s vile attack on Donald Trump. Had the impeccably manicured Mitt been half as harsh with Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential campaign, he probably would be preparing for a second term right now. But, unfortunately, he lacked either the principle or courage or both, to do so. It’s more than just a bit ironic that even though Romney had no difficulty brutally attacking Trump, he was a perfect gentleman to Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race. He even went so far as to refer to him … Continue reading

The post Winning Through Failure appeared first on LewRockwell.

Overconfidence is a killer. Arrogance is worse. People love humility and hate arrogance, yet arrogance has been on the rise at Fox News for years. What’s really sad is that one gets the impression that neither Sir Roger nor King Rupert has a clue. When I first discovered Fox News back in the late nineties, it was like finding a long, lost friend. Fair and balanced — what a great motto. But I was led to believe that “fair and balanced” meant Fox would be a conservative counterbalance to the corrupt, left-wing media that shills for the Dirty Dems. I … Continue reading

The post Fox News Achieves Mainstream Status appeared first on LewRockwell.

Over the years, I can’t tell you how many emails and letters I’ve received from readers who have said things like, “I thought maybe I was crazy until I read your book.” They always seem to be genuinely relieved to discover that someone else has similar thoughts to theirs. This is really what the Trump revolution is all about. DT is a symbol of sanity, so much so that even people who don’t like him are going to vote for him. In fact, when you dissect it more closely, the Trump revolution really isn’t even about Trump. It’s about things … Continue reading

The post The Left Calls You Crazy appeared first on LewRockwell.

Interesting that the RNC has agreed to do another presidential debate on Fox News in January, considering what an embarrassing, unprofessional ruckus Megyn Kelly created during the first GOP debate on Fox. To everyone’s surprise, she tried to make herself part of the debate by attacking Donald Trump in the most amateurish way imaginable. But, then again, we shouldn’t be surprised, given that the RNC is desperately looking for ways to take down Trump. Psst, Priebus, let me give you some free advice: It won’t work. Even though Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, being the serious journalists they are, will … Continue reading

The post Expect the End of Megyn Kelly appeared first on LewRockwell.

Though I use Donald Trump as an example, this is not meant to be a political article. Rather, it’s about two important aspects of human nature. Many establishment Republicans dislike Trump because they believe he’s more of a liberal than a conservative. But, in truth, he’s neither. He’s really a classic example of a hard-nosed businessman who’s not hung up on politics or ideology. Like most big-business types, he’s more than willing to humor politicians of any stripe for the sake of making a deal, because he knows the system is not only B.S., but corrupt to the core. I’ve … Continue reading

The post To Be More Successful, Learn the Best Traits appeared first on LewRockwell.

The infantile behavior and entitlement mentality of rioting college students at the University of Missouri, Ithaca College, and Smith College, while something of a yawner in our age of lie-laced victimization protests, is part of a much broader problem. The broader problem I’m referring to is the complete disintegration of Western civilization — i.e., the disappearance of the longstanding certitudes, values, and self-responsibility that made America the strongest and most civilized nation in world history. While anarchy, in theory, is the only path to pure freedom, the reality is that it does not work for people who have no interest … Continue reading

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